Search results

  1. D

    3ware 9750 horrible multi user

    Sorry for bumping this thread, but I thought I had something useful to add to it. With the write caching turned off, I was getting write speeds on the order of 4MB/s to an 8 disk RAID6 array (Seagate Barracuda XTs). With it enabled, speeds jumped up 600+MB/s. (I've got a 9750-4i connected to...
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    Intel 5100 Chipset Crossfire Support

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone here knows if the 5100 (San Clemente) chipset supports Crossfire. I've got my eye on a particular dual processor motherboard, and I'd like to do dual graphics with it (4870X2s when they're around). I do know the Skulltrail (5400/Seaburg) does, but can't find...
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    The Great Folding Shout Out

    I'm here from NCIX as well. I originally started DC with Seti@Home way back in January 2000, and switched to F@H in October 2004 when I realized that Seti wasn't very likely to have any tangible benefit, but that F@H is different in that way. I originally started folding for a Mac team (because...
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    Killer Bling... K on a chain.

    What, I didn't get one? Or would that be considered bribery?
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    7900GTO Failure Rate Poll

    I have a pair. Which option do I choose if they never worked right but it apparently isn't a hardware problem so EVGA won't help me out?
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    Using Credit Cards For Age Verification Online?

    Agreed, except here in Canada it's NCIX (:
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    Let's Benchmark Our SMP Systems

    Are those scores reasonably good?
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    Let's Benchmark Our SMP Systems

    this other relative computer computer performance Dhrystone 2.1 13677 11682 kDhryst. 117 percent Whetstone 2662 2522 MFLOPS 105 percent Eight queens problem 17499...
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    Sisters Dell Mod project.

    Good job. That's the best looking Dell I've seen.
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    15C with air cooling?

    If it's -15C in there, I could see a temp like that. Otherwise I'd suspect the temp sensor. I have a MSI 865PE based motherboard in one of my computers and programs always read the temp as being in the 3C to -4C range depending on air temp.
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    Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core CPU - Photoshop Test

    35s with CS2. I had quite a bit of stuff running in the background though. I will try again later when I'm not working on stuff. EDIT: After a reboot my time is 31s.
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    HDR on an ATI card? i didn't think that they could....

    Gabe Newell stated that HL2's upcoming implementation on HDR will allow AA so be used with HDR. | Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
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    Quake 4 or F.E.A.R

    I'd have to see a demo (or play the full version) of Q4 before deciding which to get.