The Great Folding Shout Out


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - August 2007
Mar 30, 2001
Remember when we knew all the great folders from every team?
Remember the regular visits, friendly banter and the occasional smackdown?

There were a few rules, no recruiting on other team's forums and no trolling, and for the most part they were followed, because we all liked and respected each other.

For those new to f@h, you wouldn't remember, but the teams used to communicate quite a bit and we hand many visitors and friends from other teams.

Maybe it's time to bring back the heyday of F@H.
So here we go, the Great Folding Shout Out.
Well then! Here goes.

My name is Cdr Zero, I fold for your longtime friends Team 24, OCAU. I began folding around December last year and have witnessed the remarkable change from the single core client with 200 - 300 pointers to the all-powerful SMP client with it's devastating points bonus. It's also been interesting to witness the rise of the PS3 as a potent folding machine.

I really enjoy folding, I love how I can help scientists research disease simply by running a piece of software on my computer. I've also met a great bunch of mates and friendly competition.

Anyhow, it's nice to meet you all. :)

Welcome Cdr Zero and ChestR from OCAU!

ChestR, you old dog, it's great to see you. :)
...and yes pepperoni helps these new quad cores OC much better. ;)
Thanks for the invite Relic. :D

Another Team 24 folder and like Cdr_Zero a relative noobie to the fold.

I just might hang out here every so often in the hope that I can pick up some tips to improve my production so we can get the Duck back. ;)
I'm still up for a scrap. I think I lost the last time, so there's payback to be dealt. ;)
Well how are all you hardheads?:D I have been invited from one of your regulars to come say HELLO! So here it is. I am from the NCIX folding team and am currently using 2-P4, 1-X2 and 1-Quad to fold. If I could afford a PS3 iwould get one of those too! So what place is your team in?
Well how are all you hardheads?:D I have been invited from one of your regulars to come say HELLO! So here it is. I am from the NCIX folding team and am currently using 2-P4, 1-X2 and 1-Quad to fold. If I could afford a PS3 iwould get one of those too! So what place is your team in?

Welcome stoanee. Great to meet you.

Heh, we're in first ;)
I'm here from NCIX as well. I originally started DC with Seti@Home way back in January 2000, and switched to F@H in October 2004 when I realized that Seti wasn't very likely to have any tangible benefit, but that F@H is different in that way.
I originally started folding for a Mac team (because I felt the need to out-fold my friend's Mac that he argued was faster, as it turns out, they were) and then jumped ship for NCIX when it started up. I've gone from spot 7 to spot 28 as more people with access to more computers than me joined, but such is life.
Oh, and I lurk around here some, as well as post the odd time.
Welcome to the fellow NCIX teammates, it was me who invited them :D

Hi, I am koolkid1563 from team 4, DSL Reports Team Helix. I am a fairly new folder, I have only been folding since July 23rd so I haven't been around for too long, but I am in it for the long haul so to speak. I think it is great that we can donate our computers for such a great cause. My Grandma is starting to get Alzheimer's Disease, so I thought it would be a good thing to help out in finding a cure.

watch a close race..charlie_D vs DeFex he passed me but..wait and see what happens!

my guesss is at the end i will be saying "sorry Charlie"
Welcome fellow folders and DC'ers, Far and Wide! :D
Ello,all I am coming over and posting here as a request from another forums.(aka relic threatened me) Just wanted to drop in and say hi to every one else that has dropped in and to those who still haven't. I started out with SETI on the team back in the day. And then moved to F@H near the beginning. I then moved to G@H till it was finished and then onto F@H2 which is when F@H is now. Good to see all these guys from other teams posting in hear and meeting each other.
Spike09 here from a real newbie team, 46590 Micromart-UK sitting at 107th position at the moment top 100 within the month. team stats Ho and Pimp :D
Welcome guys, it's good to hear from you all. It makes me all giddy and warm on the inside :eek:

We might be enemies of ourselves but we all fold for the same purpose :D

Welcome Folders from other realms! Make yourself at home. :cool:

Been making Myself at home here for the last year or so, mind you mary/ZIM have left since then. the smack talk along with KING_Ns stats was the big draw:eek:

Looks like this idea is working well.
Great to see you all. Thanks for visiting.
I need some advice.

Is pepperoni still considered the best flavour for pizza boxen?

Actually pepperoni sliced very very thin is almost as good for TIM material as a small blob of Vegemite, especially with Quad cores.

Even better is that about every 6 months or so you can eat the old pepperoni slice and simply replace it. That time period is not carved in stone of course, it remains a personal taste issue as to how crispy you like it.:p
