Quake 4 or F.E.A.R

Quake or FEAR

  • Quake 4

    Votes: 100 53.8%
  • FEAR

    Votes: 86 46.2%

  • Total voters
Moose777 said:
Prey is like DNF. I've been hearing about Prey for years and haven't ever seen anything about it.

I'm waiting on both Q4 and FEAR.

Check out the latest trailer for Prey, you'll be amazed.
While I think I may like FEAR...I am going to buy Quake4 and Prey. Those to just appeal to me greater than FEAR, which to me is a play it once in singleplayer and then all you have is multi-player. With the FEAR single player being like Doom3...play it once and it is great....but the second go-around is meh.
Got to go with F.E.A.R cause that is the only one I have played so far.
Pictures and video of Quake 4 are not enough for me.
I have mixed feelings about Fear multiplayer, it is pretty fun but also challenging since you can get mowed down really damn quick. I'd probably spend more time with Q4 MP though.
I'd have to see a demo (or play the full version) of Q4 before deciding which to get.
Prey is going to own both of these... I have been following Prey's progress for a while now... It's an old idea, but they re-vamped it and now it's really going to happen. Uses a modified/tweaked doom3 engine (like Quake4). The story is great (PC Gamer had a good review of it a couple of months back) and the screenies are off the hook. Check the new trailer (as stated above). it's sick!!!

EDIT: http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7172&type=wmv
I'm looking forward to all 3.

Quake4 most though.

Because it's Quake.
Genocidal[v2] said:
Check out the latest trailer for Prey, you'll be amazed.
Looks good. But like it was said, pics and video don't really do it for me. Gimme a demo.

And a Bow and Arrow?
Moose777 said:
And a Bow and Arrow?

You shoot things with it. It takes muscle instead of machine. They have been around for a long time. Pretty neat things if you think about it. :)
Tiny said:
You shoot things with it. It takes muscle instead of machine. They have been around for a long time. Pretty neat things if you think about it. :)
I know what a bow and arrow is, and have even used a few. But I prefer the gun. lol
quake 4 looks like crap, fear all the way.. quake 2 was really good and probably will be the best out of the quake series. nuff said. enjoy the played out game.
You know what, I just saw the Q4 MP video. I take what I said about Q4 back. I don't care about the graphics. Game play and the physics resemble Quake3 which I hated. Somehow Quake3 lost it's soul. Quake4 doesn't seem to have re-discovered that "soul" Q2 had.

Why don't they fucking understand? Quake series has become like the band "Metallica". It turned into the steaming pile of shit.
hopefully this game supports widescreen.. i hated doom 3 because it was a bitch to get widescreen to work.. had to change config file to support my 1280x720 res
Definately quake 4, but i will buy fear as well. Me and quake go back a long way and i am totally excited to see it come back.
Gibzilla said:
You know what, I just saw the Q4 MP video. I take what I said about Q4 back. I don't care about the graphics. Game play and the physics resemble Quake3 which I hated. Somehow Quake3 lost it's soul. Quake4 doesn't seem to have re-discovered that "soul" Q2 had.

Why don't they fucking understand? Quake series has become like the band "Metallica". It turned into the steaming pile of shit.
I agree with that Quake 2 Multiplayer was better then Quake 3's, but the SP in Q4 is more Q2 like. Thing is more people liked Quake 3 Multiplayer if more people liked Q2 Multi it would've been a Q2 multiplayer style.
I think it's the speed at which character move around. It's too fast for hand aiming. Aimbot sure but not manual aiming.

They need to slow it down a smidgeon.
The FEAR demo has me all riled up. I really dont care about it's MP side, the SP campaign is what I'm hungry for.

I'll be buying both, Call of Duty 2 as well, but FEAR is at the top of my list.