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  1. S

    How to get the most valid temps

    IM sure you could do that with a probe but what if you have the AMD XP's where the core is like the size of a finger nail. Unlike the P4's and the AMD 64's those can easily have the probe put there. ALso i wanted to know how do you attatch that to the core, i mean the probe do i use tape or...
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    How to get the most valid temps

    what kind of cpu cooler do you have??? :confused:
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    PNY nvidia 6800 gt bios flashing

    thanx for the help guyz... :D
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    Whats your 3.0c overclocked to...

    damn thats some nice scores, yea i have heard of the 3.0c family going to 3.74 stable but i just have to play with my processor a little and my memory timings, im able to over clock to 440 on the ram and 3.3 on the processor and thats stable so i'm gonna play a little more and maybe thinking of...
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    Ultra 500w modular PSU $99 zipzoomfly free 2nd day

    how do they make your case look, i mainly want it because i wanna make my cabling a little bit cleaner, damn windows lol, but yea i already have an enermax that cost me like $95 but i dunno if it really is an upgrade you know...
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    PNY nvidia 6800 gt bios flashing

    Where is a good place to get a bios flash for my video card??
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    Whats your 3.0c overclocked to...

    Mine is overclocked to 3.28 hehe hecka low cuz my memory is @ 438 post it up..
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    How many watts does it take to get to the center of a....

    the antec 430 is a good psw built many computers with that psw and it works fine, but if you really wanna spend money get the quiet enermax 460watt psw, but its takes about 90 bucks from your wallet :-\
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    Which psw???

    whats better the enermax eg465p-ve or the new ultra 500watt psw, the one on zipzoomfly on sale, cuz im having some overclocking issues with my card may be the power supply now sure what to do....
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    3 gmail invites - first 3 NON noobs

    there already was one of those and it failed miserably
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    Ultra 500w modular PSU $99 zipzoomfly free 2nd day

    100$ for a psu though? damn thats steep
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    PNY 6800 GT Any out there???

    What did you do the bios mod with???
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    PNY 6800 GT Any out there???

    WTF does my card suck or what i have an enermax psw like 350 watt cost me 80 bucks, but i do have two hd's two cd'roms im over clocking and all that shit might need a more powerful powersupply what you think??? im at 390/1.10 everyday use, benchmarking @ 400/1.11 no artifacts. 401/1.11...
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    PNY 6800 GT Any out there???

    NICE guyz im glad im not the only one, anyone got benchmarks on their cards, mine is stable @ 402/1.11 and higher i got artifacts like crazy on certain parts of bench mark :-P oh well great card anyways, i work @ compusa so i got it for 316 :-D with a replacement warranty, i love working @ a...
  15. S

    PNY 6800 GT Any out there???

    Any one out there got one, mine is oc'd to about 402/1.11 and thats as far as i can get it, with cool bits and riva tuner, anyone else having luck with the over clocking??? post your overclocking and prices you paid thanks..
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    What are your benchmark numbers?

    3dmark01 - 19,471 3dmark03 - 12,581 Aquamark - 65,584
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    Windows 2000 or XP pro

    i'd rather have the pc fast part but hehe, well anyways i went with win xp, i work at compusa had a friend help me out, things are running smoother than ever hehe love
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    Windows 2000 or XP pro

    cool thanks for the good advice guyz, im still deciding which os to stay with, but i know that xp will run my hardware a lot better, so we'll see what happens i'll post the outcome..
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    Windows 2000 or XP pro

    I've already tried uninstalling service pack 2 but it says tha certain ones of my programs will have problems running if i uninstalled. I mean my comp isn't really running that slow but i can't access certain sites that i used to before, like my serials sites, stuff like that. I mean my comp...
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    X800 pro or 6800GT (specifically for my purposes, see inside)

    GT is pro, got it about 3 weeks ago oc'd @ 401/1.11 running smooth, all of my games are running at max graphics, gt over x800pro any day..
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    OCing a p4 2.8E

    Im pretty sure you can do that, i have a friend with water cooling, and he overclocked his 2.4 to 3.4, not sure about the 2.8 but with the right board and memory im sure you can push the processor to pretty high. Also another friends 3.0 was over clocked to 3.73, and that was stable but he had...
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    Windows 2000 or XP pro

    Im stuck here, im not sure if i should stay with windows xp, cuz SP2 have mega slowed my comp, so i was thinking to go back to win 2000 with sp4, and i was also wondering if that will work better with my 2x 160gig sata raid 0, cuz its running awfully slow with xp SP2... any advice or tips...