X800 pro or 6800GT (specifically for my purposes, see inside)


Mar 24, 2004
Okay, first let me say that I dont' OC cards, I'm afraid enough to do it to my proc but I got over that one. So the first rule is that Ill be running whichever card at stock speeds. Next, I dont' have Pci-e support on my motherboard, if that's relevant (I've read alot about that format in reviews of these two cards)

so, which card is better for me? For one thing, I've heard that 4 of the 16 pipelines on the x800 pro are disabled and that you have to mod the card to unlock them (a risky operation I wouldn't risk). So if the ATI x800 pros are still only 12-pipe enabled, that's the way it would stay in my comp, and the 6800GT has 16 enabled by default. From looking at the benchmarks done around the internet, it seems the 6800GT outperforms the x800 pro in all non-AA enabled tests, and it either beats or falls just short of that card in AA-enabled tests. Which card is gonna serve me better, not just in terms of FPS but also of overall image quality?
GT baby. Easily faster at stock and if you ever get the urge to it can be overclocked without a problem (it're really not that hard or scay:p ). Right now i see no reason to buy a x800pro.
You have to honest to god be something of a panzy not to OC your GT. It's just SO EASY to do it. And I say this as a person who is too much of a panze to risk OCing his CPU.
:::scratches head::: what do I need to OC a video card, a program for it right?
Dcamel said:
:::scratches head::: what do I need to OC a video card, a program for it right?

The Nvidia drivers come with overclocking built it. All you have to do is hit the 'detect optimal frequancies' button and the drivers will more or less tell you your cards Max OC.
erm, if that's the case I definitly don't know how to use it. The system utility just has a slider that says AGP BUS and MEMORY BUS, along with some other RAM controls...I dont see anything about oc'ing it (unless of course that bus is what I'm looking for...) but also, I thought the core/memory speeds of cards were raised separately?
They are rasied seperately if you do it manually. If you hit the detect button it'll do it for you.

But liek the guy said you need to 'install' coolbits or coolbit2. They're not actually programs...they're registry edits. The forceware's natively support overclocking...they're just hidden so the average joe doesn't kill his card. 'Installing' coolbits allows you see the overclocking tab in your drivers.
Get the GT and you will love it. It smokes man it smokes big puffs out the back of my case...... along with the smell of burning plastic....... is that normal? :confused:
Question about OC'ing the GT. I just ordered one and I've been thinking about not OC'ing it even though I've Oc'ed all the cards I've every had, my processor, etc. The reason is money is extremely tight right now and that miniscule chance that the card will blow out scares me. Is that fear unfounded...? I've never really felt this way before but I really cannot afford a new card.
From what I've seen, even OC'ing as far as Ultra speeds is considered somewhat conservative.
GT is pro, got it about 3 weeks ago oc'd @ 401/1.11 running smooth, all of my games are running at max graphics, gt over x800pro any day..
once I add it to the registry, how do I OC...I looked in the nvidia system utility again but of course didn't find it there. Where do I go to change clock settings?
now for a harder to answer question, in the case of cards that I'm not OC'ing to standards set by others (as is with OC'ing 6800GT to ultra specs) how do I know what's stable/safe for my card?
Well, if you don't get artifacts (weird graphical glitches) on the screen, you should be ok
Get ATi x800 Pro Vivo you can unlock the 4pips and OC it to XT PE !!!! :eek:

Which owns even the 6800UE
SoLiD_MasteR said:
Get ATi x800 Pro Vivo you can unlock the 4pips and OC it to XT PE !!!! :eek:

Which owns even the 6800UE

Agreed but is there any guarantee with this unlocking business?
Dcamel said:
once I add it to the registry, how do I OC...I looked in the nvidia system utility again but of course didn't find it there. Where do I go to change clock settings?

Download po9wer strip its alot easier and more robust. You can do alot more with it.
I had a x800 pro for 10 days until I returned it to Best Buy and got myself a Leadtek 6800 GT from newegg. I am MUCH happier with my 6800 GT. It is simply a faster, more feature rich card.
Risiko said:
Question about OC'ing the GT. I just ordered one and I've been thinking about not OC'ing it even though I've Oc'ed all the cards I've every had, my processor, etc. The reason is money is extremely tight right now and that miniscule chance that the card will blow out scares me. Is that fear unfounded...? I've never really felt this way before but I really cannot afford a new card.
Then don't worry about it...I don't think anyone oc's their GT because they really need to.
SoLiD_MasteR said:
Get ATi x800 Pro Vivo you can unlock the 4pips and OC it to XT PE !!!! :eek:

Which owns even the 6800UE

God I hate how people say owns. 3 - 6 fps is not owning. Actually some people have gained that 3 -6 fps with the 65.62 driver which means the U and the XT PE are about even.