How to get the most valid temps


Jul 2, 2003
I just a 80mm tornado for my cpu cooler, and i have 5 fans 2 intake and 3 exhaust, and my cpu reads about 42C' in bios and mbm5, but with sisoft sandra is says its at 21C' is 42C' pretty high for that tornado, system is at about 30C'. What is the best way to find out the actual temp of my cpu? :confused:
heatsink? a copper one that came with a delta fan i got...its pretty nice and was expensive dont know the name
Yea I would also like to know the best method. From what i've read (and i've read alot) it seems there is no perfect way. Alot of the onboard sensors are up to like 8C off all the time. I've heard of putting the sensor right up against edge of the core and drilling it into the heatsink. It seems these are the best methods but even with these the temperature will always be a few degrees off. What would you recommend?
The best way is to buy something like my orbital matrix and use a temp probe attachment and place it on the edge of the CPU or under the heatsink (not in the middle though!).

Just a suggestion :)
IM sure you could do that with a probe but what if you have the AMD XP's where the core is like the size of a finger nail. Unlike the P4's and the AMD 64's those can easily have the probe put there. ALso i wanted to know how do you attatch that to the core, i mean the probe do i use tape or just use the pressure the heatsink puts on it??...