PNY 6800 GT Any out there???


Aug 13, 2004
Any one out there got one, mine is oc'd to about 402/1.11 and thats as far as i can get it, with cool bits and riva tuner, anyone else having luck with the over clocking??? post your overclocking and prices you paid thanks..
paid $330 from, OCs to 420/1150 stable, but i run 400/1100 24/7. fantastic card. temps get up to about 80c when running intensive RTHDRIBL demos, and gets up to about 70c-73c when regular gaming.
395/1100 on my PNY GT. Any higher on the GPU clock and I get occasional screen freezes, but no artifacts. Not sure if it's my PS, the GT or the fact that it's f'ing hot around here. $399+ free Doom3 :D
NICE guyz im glad im not the only one, anyone got benchmarks on their cards, mine is stable @ 402/1.11 and higher i got artifacts like crazy on certain parts of bench mark :-P oh well great card anyways, i work @ compusa so i got it for 316 :-D with a replacement warranty, i love working @ a computer store.
man, i was hopin to go ati when i upgrade but with numbers like that coming outta the gt, anyone wanna trade cards? :D
I just did the AutoDetect... it detected 395/1.09 So I left it at that.

see sig for benchies
I selected Detect Optimal Frequencies and it came back at 600:1.4

I thought that it might be a mistake so I hit it again...

Now it always comes back at 379:1.05

One question though - it always reverts back to stock after a reboot. Any ideas?
if i am just tryin to see what the highest it will let me go, it lets me goto 460/1190, but i have it clocked at 435/1100 for every day usage of it :)
Nomad said:
I selected Detect Optimal Frequencies and it came back at 600:1.4

I thought that it might be a mistake so I hit it again...

Now it always comes back at 379:1.05

One question though - it always reverts back to stock after a reboot. Any ideas?
Did you disable nvCpl on startup?
when i detect optimal freq it just either leaves it at stock or raisies it like 5 lol
420/1.150 stable. I can't wait for my new case and a NVSilencer, Gonna be nice and cool!
Sakai20 said:
anyone else having luck with the over clocking???

now what kind of question is that?

asking has anyone had any luck with O/Cing their 6800 GT is like asking if Jennifer Lopez has had any serious engagements.

well DUH! :D


yeah, my PNY GT can do 420/1100 all day but I have the BIOS set to 400/1100 just because.

I paid $399 plus local sales tax for my GT which also came with a free copy of Doom 3.
FingerSlut said:
Has any other card had such a high o/c success rate?

all the GTs tend to O/C well in general because they're all basically the same cards packaged in different boxes.

'cept for the newer BFG GTs which have a blue PCB unlike the green ones that most of us have.
After AS5 I run it at 420/1.12 just to be safe... auto detect will set it at 430/1.14.
Shorty said:
After AS5 I run it at 420/1.12 just to be safe... auto detect will set it at 430/1.14.

Ah I was think of trying AS5 myself. Do you have to use any cleaner/solvent to take of the existing thermal grease? Never had to replace grease before, only applied new stuff on a clean surface.
CraftyOtter said:
Ah I was think of trying AS5 myself. Do you have to use any cleaner/solvent to take of the existing thermal grease? Never had to replace grease before, only applied new stuff on a clean surface.

I use >90% Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
When i first got my pny 6800gt would only do 385/1200....edited the bios to put 1.4v on the gpu....and now it will do 410/1200 np and only a 2c increase at idle and load a nv silencer 5 on the way...can't wait to see the diffrence...even if i dont get anymore speed out of it i should get a ncie temp drop.
the only one i had/used turned out to be a crappy. and fry's didn't have anymore in stock.
Altima said:
When i first got my pny 6800gt would only do 385/1200....edited the bios to put 1.4v on the gpu....and now it will do 410/1200 np and only a 2c increase at idle and load a nv silencer 5 on the way...can't wait to see the diffrence...even if i dont get anymore speed out of it i should get a ncie temp drop.
Got a source for more info there?
Well here is a big thread on bios flashing info...


And you can google 6800GT bios flash and get a lot of results oh ppl flashing to ultras and so on, i decided to edit mine with a program omni extreme edit fx
WTF does my card suck or what i have an enermax psw like 350 watt cost me 80 bucks, but i do have two hd's two cd'roms im over clocking and all that shit might need a more powerful powersupply what you think??? im at 390/1.10 everyday use, benchmarking @ 400/1.11 no artifacts. 401/1.11 artifacts ????
Altima said:
When i first got my pny 6800gt would only do 385/1200....edited the bios to put 1.4v on the gpu....and now it will do 410/1200 np and only a 2c increase at idle and load a nv silencer 5 on the way...can't wait to see the diffrence...even if i dont get anymore speed out of it i should get a ncie temp drop.

What did you do the bios mod with???
Here is a good resource for bioses, editing and flashing software...


This is where i got omniextreme to edit the bios and the nvflash software
CraftyOtter said:
395/1100 on my PNY GT. Any higher on the GPU clock and I get occasional screen freezes, but no artifacts. Not sure if it's my PS, the GT or the fact that it's f'ing hot around here. $399+ free Doom3 :D

i'd say a combination of the second and third things you mentioned.