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  1. O

    What I think about [Hard]ocp!

    You're close, the K8 arch does have a few more pipelines, and different logic gates. They streamlined alot of operation into a more logical array, they have also made some arrangement changes for heat issues. About games favoring deep pipelines, I have a bone to pick there. It's about your...
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    What I think about [Hard]ocp!

    Then what do you care what he posts if you skip past it? Some of us love it. Jerry Springer didn't have good ratings for nothing.
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    What I think about [Hard]ocp!

    What fun would any of it be without the scandals? Take that away and it all becomes boring, I say bring it on. Drag out every skeleton, and clean the green pus from every little pusticle or gaping infection. Companies that don't want their scandals aired shouldn't be practicing in such...
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    What I think about [Hard]ocp!

    I'm really sorry to see some of the opinions here. From being a longtime [H] reader, I've sent feedback directly to Kyle Bennet from time to time. I've also seen how he responds to alot of feedback on similar issues. The current benchmarking/review format that the [H] lives by is...
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    ATI / Nvidia and Linux

    True, so true. I just look at ATI and I see stupidity in this. If nVidia is seeing %25 of their workstation chips going to Linux that's HUGE incentive to have and support fantastic drivers. Look at nVidia's revenues, and that size of their workstation market being Linux pays for probably...
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    ATI / Nvidia and Linux

    Well also look at their comment on the composite extension, never going to support it basically. nVidia had support for composite ages ago. Also look at nVidia's and ATI's remarks about "marketshare". nVidia ignores "marketshare" and refers to what they are selling. Their estimate is %25...
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    ATI / Nvidia and Linux

    Now, look at this chat w/ATI here Now look at the nVidia interview here OWNAGE, I really really feel sorry for users stuck with ATI cards atm. You...
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    lol, well I could still be diagnosed with versionitis though, I'm a geek and I get bored and want something todo once in a while. For practical usage I'm going to try to use BSD for a while longer. It is fun to tinker if in the least. Hemi you work on Unixes for a living?
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    You remind me alot of the veteran gentoo users, whom after the excitement of having portage wears off only run emerge -u world maybe once in a GREAT while if ever because updating world takes so long.
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    Oh but I see where he comes from. I mean, this isn't a Mac we're talking about here, it's Unix. You don't go get FreeBSD to have things easy. It's just something of an annoyance for me when I see what other projects are doing. It's too bad there isn't a BSD knoppix/like install routine like...
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    Dude I hear ya, gah, after having used Gentoo/BSD it's almost unfathomable to go back to those crappy rpm's. Debian does the best job and I still don't like it. BSD's pkg_add is better than apt anyway, but with the fast build times who cares??
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    Actually, that reminds me alot of how an upgrade of Fedora might work through Yum. The basic idea is to update your config files, update the database, and then let the pm system upgrade for you. I think for kicks I'll try it both ways though. I'll just backup the slice and do it via...
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    Hey thanks guys, and yeah I'll do a blurb about 5.3 when I update to it. I'll try doing it w/two venues, one with the sysinstall and via ports. I was really taken by how fast my builds go on it. It's great to tinker with and I plan on making the server a BSD box.
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    My shot at FreeBSD 5.2.1

    Did a small review of 5.2.1 and some stuff I noticed about it. I'm not like a real journalist or anything, but if anyone wants to try FreeBSD you might get something out of it. Here it is
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    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    I love it, let em have it Kyle!! To a defiant, prosperous, and VERY opinionated [H] I'm going to try to get as many people around my office to buy some ratzpads as I can.
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    ATI - Reality check

    Forget glxgears benchmarks, look at ut2k4 performance, or rtcw:et, or pretty much ANY OGL app and then look at how a GeForce4 runs it. You're missin out bud. How did Morpheus put it? "If all you've ever known is the dream world, then how would you tell what was real, and just a dream?"
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    ATI linux interview - shelved?

    Guys chill Kyle doesn't sit on his ass, he works, for all we know ATI already responded he just hasn't posted yet because of time constraints.
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    I took the plunge, have a question (Gentoo)

    Here's what I have in my USE flags: X -qt -kde gtk gtk2 gnome alsa xmms sse 3dnow dvd sdl cups dga mmx opengl quicktime truetype offensive I want to have glsnake morph into obscene stuff and I want the porno windowmaker themes, so I use the offensive flag. I HAVE seen a pretty good...
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    ATI - Reality check

    Yeah, common problem. Although I think they fixed it for the most part in the 3.9's and the 3.11's. Their latest release though actually decreased performance in ut2k4.
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    ATI - Reality check

    This is from the rage3d chat: Q: I was wondering if ATI could describe their roadmap for improving the Linux drivers? Everyone can agree that they are woefully behind nvidia's offering. ATI: Everyone can agree with that? I fear I can't agree with that in the least bit. In fact I want to...
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    Doom3/3dmark 03 artifacts stock speeds

    hmm, never thought of oc'ing it... oh btw, yes it does happen on all their systems, they asked me about it actually.
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    Doom3/3dmark 03 artifacts stock speeds

    My PSU is good, Antec 430W truepower. I don't suspect it's airflow either, I'm going to try some RAMsinks on the 9700np, but I do have a fan directly adjacent to the CPU blowing out, and I have rounded IDE cables, ventilation holes in a diamond configuration measuring about 1 1/2 inches long...
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    Doom3/3dmark 03 artifacts stock speeds

    Now I am NOT overclocked. Now that I got that out of the way.... The types of artifacts are not white, they are in fact black. They show up on textures that mainly have a color variance, ie a white or lit texture with black nearby to it, or in any generally light colored or bright areas...
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    ATI Linux / FreeBSD Questions #2

    Hey I second that question BIGTIME. I also feel that is a VERY important and valid question. He/we aren't asking for a direct public avenue of communication, but for ATI to have a developer mailing list, or sourceforge account set aside for coders to cooperate with would be VERY useful. This...
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    64 bit support?

    Gentoo with AMD64 is 0wnage. You can't run a faster OS than that. Let alone Linux distro.
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    Easy question for you gurus and as stated above just find a theme close enough, install it following instructions and voila, good to go.
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    very new to linux. Noob questions inside!

    w0rd dude, virii, spyware...etc....
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    very new to linux. Noob questions inside!

    I LOVE n00b questions. In Linux on Suse Pro 8.2, there are two things against you, for one the 2.4 kernel does not have nearly as good of linux support. If you switch to the 2.6 kernel, or a distro based on 2.6 I think you will get MUCH better results. Some distros are Fedora Core2...
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    ATI Linux / FreeBSD Questions #2

    ATI - instead of asking if you plan to make tarballs available instead of rpm's, I'm going to ask you TO make tarballs instead of rpm's available. If we want rpm's, let someone else volunteer to do that, I hate unpacking files from an rpm. ATI - Would you please get in touch with the gentoo...
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    ATI Performance in X

    The 3.11.1 drivers are the first release this year that improves performance over the previous release. All releases since 3.2.8 have decreased performance over their last sets. Again, for now the best way to improve performance for your linux system is to find someone willing to trade an...
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    Improved ATI linux driver support petition

    Given how fast its grown, I think its the right time to snowball a huge petition together.
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    We've got the [H], and Kyle's done a huge amount of goodwill for the linux community. I'm just hoping that the Linux community remembers this and keeps this relationship mutual.
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    ATI Linux / FreeBSD Questions #2

    I would like to second spyke's question about Ryan Gordon (of I feel that's a very valid and important question, has ATI had any Linux developer outreach for requesting features of the OGL driver? @ odoe - thanks dude, it does read better, sorry for drifting OT.
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    ATI Linux / FreeBSD Questions #2

    Does ATI have any design method to offer a similar codebase as the windows driver so that there is not such a huge performance gap? If stability is a major concern, why not offer more compliant drivers so that games dependant on certain features such as vertex buffer objects don't have...
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support Please sign this
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    What Linux distro should I use to learn administration?

    slack all the way man, that'll break you in. The CLI experience you'll get from that you can take to any distro.
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    OpenGL 2.0 releaseed

    Wrong, good news for nVidia users, not for ATI users. All this means is that there will be more apps that ATI users can't run in Linux because ATI is not addressing the issues that their customers are practically screaming over.
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    You hit the nail right on the head with a sledgehammer. I couldn't agree more, in fact. A note to Kyle and crew, you'd be surprised at the number of people interested in some professional application of mainstream graphics cards. Also, Thetargos has a very valid point, in some cases the...
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    I do run lg3d-session as root btw. I look at my syslog and it's always related to the fglrx module. As for the rest of your statement, thanks man, it is gratifying to know I'm not the only one :D
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    best gaming distro

    Mobility 9700? You're screwed, and you can't do any real gaming in Linux other than 2d games or really really old non-3d accelerated software, or pretty much anything OGL related. [edit] After writing that post, it occurs to me that you should voice your opinion in the "calling for Kyle's...