ATI linux interview - shelved?

Aug 24, 2004
It's been almost three weeks. The last question was submitted over a week ago. Have you guys forgotten about this? Is it shelved?

I'd really really like to hear how ATI responds to some of the questions in that thread.
^^^^ they already answered, but to me all their answers were BS, suposedly Linux support is very important but I have yet to see any proof of that. I'll just stick with my Nvidia cards in Linux.
linux support is kinda shitty right now.

But I have sucessfully installed working drivers, so I'm happy for now.
It took quite a while to get part 1 answered. A month and a half or so IIRC.

^^^^ they already answered, but to me all their answers were BS, suposedly Linux support is very important but I have yet to see any proof of that. I'll just stick with my Nvidia cards in Linux.

In total agreement here except I only have an ATI card :(. But I am looking at a new machine and Nvidia is the route I am going.
Guys chill

Kyle doesn't sit on his ass, he works, for all we know ATI already responded he just hasn't posted yet because of time constraints.