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  1. D

    Favorite video game ending?

    Starflight 1, when you found out the true nature of endurium.
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    Half Life 2 Ending... warning spoilers...

    I agree, Half-Life was a far superior game. -driller
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    Half Life 2 Ending... warning spoilers...

    Same difference. -driller
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    Half Life 2 Ending... warning spoilers...

    I have said this before, big plot hole, if the G-Man can stop time, then he doesn't even need Freeman. Stop time, plant a bomb, resume time, boom goes the Combine. No need for Freeman. -driller
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    Half Life 2 = Meh, WT M8s

    I guess comming up with a premise that made sense was boring to :) -driller
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    Half Life 2 = Meh, WT M8s

    The thing about the ending is, if the G-Man is that powerful, then why does he need Gordon? I found it to be absurd. -driller
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    Which Geforce 6800 128 to buy?

    It wasn't a refresh problem, it was the card, most likely caused by a cheap RFI filter. I have read of a few others having that same problem. Some people might not be bothered by it, or it could just be bad cards. Thats why I suggest a try before buy. -driller
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    Which Geforce 6800 128 to buy?

    I had a EVGA 6800 and returned it, the 2d text was extemely blurry. You might want to try before you buy if possible. -driller
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    Far Cry vs. Doom3

    To me, Far Cry was a borefest. I would take Doom3's in your face action over Far Cry anyday. -driller
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    The Official Doom 3 Sticky Thread

    Tell me your not serious? -driller
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    The Official DOOM 3 [H]ardware Guide thread.

    I was wondering about that myself. Maybe it will be a server side setting in MP? But I am sure a hack will be out soon after Doom3 is released to get around it. :mad: -driller
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    The Official DOOM 3 [H]ardware Guide thread.

    This was what I was waiting for, to see what the best bang for the buck was. Geforce 6800NU ordered. -driller
  13. D

    Doom 3 looks horrible

    Forget about screenshots. Catch Icons on G4TechTV, the Doom3 footage is simply amazing.