Which Geforce 6800 128 to buy?


Aug 17, 2004
After reading reviews and awards, I was wondering which company sells the best quality Geforce 6800 normals. I have been edging more toward the BFG version so far, especially since it comes with a free far cry. But the evga does too, so which one of the two is better?

Any thoughts would be great!
ive got the evga coming tomorrow. i picked evga for their step-up program. if i decide the 6800nu isnt enough for me (though im pretty confident it will be), i can trade in the 6800nu for the 6800gt, through evga, for just the difference in price.

as far as one being better, i think they would both perform about the same. you may get a higher overclock out of one than the other, but i dont think it would be enough to make a big difference in real world play. the bfg does come with a lifetime warranty, as opposed to the 1yr. with evga.
damn there are like 6-7 "which 6800 to buy" threads a day, please use the search button.

anyway, get the leadtek because it has 2.2ns or 2.5ns ram over the 2.8ns that most 6800's use. u may also go for the chaintech 6800, which comes oc'ed out of the box and comes with 2.5/2.2ns ram.

or u may go evga for free farcry and its cheap, but with 2.8ns ram. MSI has a huge bundle but also with 2.8ns ram.

for the best oc i say go gainward for 2.2ns or 2.5ns ram and factory oc'ed to 350/800. there are 2 versions single and dual slots, u figure out which one ull need.:)

hope this helps
gainward uses 2.2ns ram too, on both of their single slot and double slot 6800NU cards, i have the double slot
MSI or leadtek because there is a chance that the new rivatuner will unlock the extra pipelines making it a lowre clocked gt
I had a EVGA 6800 and returned it, the 2d text was extemely blurry.
You might want to try before you buy if possible.


Nerkanistic said:
After reading reviews and awards, I was wondering which company sells the best quality Geforce 6800 normals. I have been edging more toward the BFG version so far, especially since it comes with a free far cry. But the evga does too, so which one of the two is better?

Any thoughts would be great!
Dillusion, AFAIK the gainward golden sample 1 SLOT version uses 2.5ns ram, not 2.2.

the 2 slot version uses 2.2ns if uv seen it by removing the heatsink, have u?

Super strokey said:
MSI or leadtek because there is a chance that the new rivatuner will unlock the extra pipelines making it a lowre clocked gt

that is the dumbest statement ever. there is NO PROOF ANYWHERE that the MSI or leadtek will unlock better than an EVGA or GAINWARD ...so shut it. just because the reviewers used an MSI does not mean MSI=TEHLEETBOMB4US4LIFE.

and yes, i took my ramsinks off and its 2.2NS DDR1 .... my fault on the 1 slot being 2.5NS, whered you hear that?
Double Slot

Double slot is listed at 2.5ns

Single slot

So is the single?

So how do some people have 2.2?

Either way, the golden sample cards are sweet. factory warrantied overclock and all. Im going with the single slot golden sample myself this week. only 310$
Yeah guys, there are about 5 of these every day.

Anyway, I ordered the MSI 6800nu and it was DOA when it arrived last week - I'd go with the eVGA, Leadtek, Albatron, Gainward, or Prolink - all available at newegg. The Chaintech isn't bad either, coming OCed at 358/770 with the full warranty and everything.
donno, maybe i had an early revision. the gainward cards are down to 299$ from 310$ on the 'egg BTW :eek:
haha, redundancy at it's finest, im hearing good things about the bfg one, that would be my choice
driller said:
I had a EVGA 6800 and returned it, the 2d text was extemely blurry.
You might want to try before you buy if possible.


Anyone else have this problem? I was about to order one of these :confused:
i saw the 1 slot having 2.5ns, and since u said u have the 2slot one with 2.2ns, i assumed the 1slot having 2.5ns and the 2slot one having 2.2ns.

i still think that way. anyway, im looking to buy the 2slot gainward 6800 and they come in stock and are finished the same day. they are already out of stock.

looks like ill hafta wait more.:(
wow the price goes down to 299$ and its gone in one day. sheesh, i must have been lucky to snag one early. I actually do like the single slot one, its kinda cool. Im gonna buy an nv silencer 5 for this 2-slot i have now, and keep the copper ramsinks on, should be sweet ;)

btw unless i have super dooper binned 2.5ns, this ram does 910 stable ... i doubt thats 2.5ns
i posted this the other day, but why would you chose the dual slot over the single?

i.e. are there any performance benefits? cooler? better overclocking?
Flak Pyro said:
Anyone else have this problem? I was about to order one of these :confused:

never heard of that problem...

and dillusion why the nv silencer? is it out? u sure it'll give better cooling than ur current 2slot cooler? that gainward stock cooler looks quite good.
I've got the XFX 6800 128 on the way. I chose it because of the cards at NewEgg it was almost the cheapest and it had 2 DVI outputs. I never intend to buy another CRT again so why not!
I have an evga 6800... the 2d/text is very clear.

It was probably an issue with refresh rates or the monitor.
wow i just got back from work, didn think this would go over 10 replies. Anyway thx for all the input guys/girls/parents/grandparents/dead.
Can anyone tell me the difference between the 2 slot gainward card and the single slot version? Is the only difference in the ram speed and the bigger cooler? http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-128-193&depa=1

Also, what do you think of the Chaintech model? It seems to come overclocked as well. I've never heard of them, and was wondering about their quality.
It wasn't a refresh problem, it was the card, most likely caused by a cheap RFI filter.
I have read of a few others having that same problem. Some people might not be bothered by it, or it could just be bad cards. Thats why I suggest a try before buy.


CSx-2011 said:
I have an evga 6800... the 2d/text is very clear.

It was porbably an issue with refresh rates or the monitor.
So does anyone know FOR SURE is the dual-slot Gainward has 2.2ns DDR1?! Can someone confirm this?
BakedGoods said:
So does anyone know FOR SURE is the dual-slot Gainward has 2.2ns DDR1?! Can someone confirm this?

I dont believe it unless someone peels off their ramsinks and post a picture.

I might believe it on the damn Asus 9999 thats selling for over $400 (plus it has 256MB) but whats the point of buying that 6800 vanilla, when you can get a GT for the same price!!
So i just ordered my 6800 single slot gainward golden sample from newegg for under 300$. Ill keep you guys posted, let ya know how it runs.
i think it has a somewhat lower clock speed at around 325 compared to some that start stock at 350...but not sure, mabey its OC able way more
NO such thing as a 6800NU coming stock at 400 core, half of them cant hit that. they come 325 stock and SOME like bfg and gainward are stock OCable to 350/370 eithe rout of the box or with their utils
newegg has them wrong. really.

the gainward comes 350/800, the chaintech 358/770 and the bfg i think 350/700.

the others are mostly stock 325/700 speeds.

and no we cant be sure the gainward GS 2 slot 6800 has 2.2 ns ram even if someone posts a pic because im hearing that the newer ones come with 2.5ns. still good if u ask me.

the btw the chaintech is good(someone asked this) but it has a crappy cooler. i think they also come with 2.5 ns ram. but atleast get a better cooler is u get the chaintech, like a nv silencer.

The XFX Geforce 6800 I bought runs at 325/750. Also before installing some heatsinks on the memory (I'm also watercooling it) I had the presence of mind to examine the memory chips. They were marked with the following:
F-28 408A
Does anyone here know how to decode any of that? :) I'm just curious.

Haven't tried overclocking this card yet. My A64 motherboard went Tango Uniform when I tried to install this card. (Video would not initialize - for this or any other video card) But once I get that replaced I'll try bumping this thing up a bit. Oh and for the record I bought this card because it had Dual DVI. So if I don't get stellar overclocking results I won't be disappointed.
Cannydog said:
The XFX Geforce 6800 I bought runs at 325/750. Also before installing some heatsinks on the memory (I'm also watercooling it) I had the presence of mind to examine the memory chips. They were marked with the following:
F-28 408A
Does anyone here know how to decode any of that? :) I'm just curious.

Haven't tried overclocking this card yet. My A64 motherboard went Tango Uniform when I tried to install this card. (Video would not initialize - for this or any other video card) But once I get that replaced I'll try bumping this thing up a bit. Oh and for the record I bought this card because it had Dual DVI. So if I don't get stellar overclocking results I won't be disappointed.

Hynix 2.8NS DDR1 BGA RAM
i have my evga at 400/800 stable in all games and 3dmark03(dont care about that, basically use it as really long artifact test). it will run 400/890 stable also, but the gains i see in games are only ~1-3fps between 890 and 800, so i just leave it at 800. havent tried more on the core. the greatest gains for my system came from ocing the core, by far. 2.8, 2.5, 2.2 memory just seems like a pissing contest with these cards, as it has little gain in real games. 2d is just as clear as my 9800 was.

my rig:

a7v8x dx2.0*wrong its a7n8x dx2.0
1gig pc 3500 2-3-3-6
evga 6800nu
The latest nvidia drivers with coolbits 2.0 recommended the optimal settings at 850 memory, and 400 core. I have tested it as far 825, and 375 in counter strike source, and it ran just fine.

This is my gainward 6800 golden sample.

I will test 850 memory, and 400 core in source, and let you guys know how it runs.

I definately need a new cpu mobo combo soon though, as cs:source is very CPU intensive, and my 2100xp, Abit kr7a combo isnt gonna cut it much longer.