Far Cry vs. Doom3


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
Well, after playing D3 for about 6 hours, I am quite confident in saying, I like Far Cry more. Better gameplay, better interactivity with the environment, better colors (flame suit ON), and much less scripted events. In FC you can actually take alternate paths and sneak around a big group of bad guys, or charge right in. In D3 you get no such options. I even kill the human survivors for fun, just to spice thing up a bit :p

*flashlight/shoot/flashlight/monster pops out from behind/find keys/repeat as neccesary*

Doom3, I like alot though, don't get me wrong, can't wait to see the mods hit, as well as new D3 engined games. It just gets repetitious, very much so. I am going to finish it though so I can get the full experience, in fact, I hope someone can get it set up so we can have MP on the actual SP maps. Talk about camping heheh. But THAT would RULE in my opinion...

Just my $1.53 worth....
Same here doom3 did not live up to the potential that i thought it was going to live up to. Farcry is much better.
ok, im not in the mood to read so this is my opinion of far cry vs d3 without reading ur post....lol :p

far cry is better, period.
theyre different games. completly. farcry is stealthy jungle not getting shot kill the mercs without getting reenforcements called, doom is walk around in the dark with a flashlight see a monster put away flashlight whip out chaingun ruin monsters shit more monsters teleport in run run run
Another vote for Far Cry. Not even close in my opinion.
Far Cry was a great game and I loved every second of it. Im getting Doom 3 later on tonight @ bestbuy so i'll come back to this thread later on and post which one i liked better.
I too enjoyed Far Cry better, even in the first few levels. Couldn't really stand Doom III. Bought my copy Monday, sold it yesterday.
TheRapture said:
Well, after playing D3 for about 6 hours, I am quite confident in saying, I like Far Cry more. Better gameplay, better interactivity with the environment, better colors (flame suit ON), and much less scripted events. In FC you can actually take alternate paths and sneak around a big group of bad guys, or charge right in.

well....that isn't completely true. In FarCry, drive off in the boat and see what that gets you. Walk too far off the path...same thing....explore the other islands...death.

All the enemies say the same 3 things...over and over and over.

FarCray might give you the "appearance" of being less scripted, but every single level has 3 roads that lead to the same place. The same terminator helicopter that will shoot you deader than hell if you veer off the path more that 25 ft. or of you take a boat ride (pretty much anywhere).

At best they are equally linear ...just in different ways.

*DISCLAIMER*: I am a big FarCry multiplayer fan and I haven't gotten a chance to sit down woth DOOM 3 (too damn busy) so I can't go forming opinions yet. :D
Farcry was more open and the whole idea of the island thing was something new for a FPS, there usually take place inside some place. The vehicles were also a nice touch

They should of had more outside interactivity in d3 like fix a broken satelite or something instead of just running from one air lock to another. Could of also added npcs that were fighting mobs and you could join in to help. The only time this happened was when the robots came alive and you followed them.

I'd have to say though d3 was first pc game other then resident evil that was I was kind of scared to play lol.
Farcry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :d
All in all, farcry was better. But D3 was still excellent. It was actually scary. I'd just have to say that overall I was more impressed with farcry's vast island landscapes, better multiplayer (by far), and a little more open ended. Although, D3 gets a big thumbs up for excellent use of surround sound. Its amazing what modern GPU's can do.
To me, Far Cry was a borefest. I would take Doom3's in your face action over Far Cry anyday.

Far Cry is better.

but that's subjective since they are fairly different games.
I just prefer huge sprawling landscapes and game paths that are varied.

Doom3 is a dark dark dungeon crawl, and the game path is VERY linear.

I will admit that crawling around in the dark with a flashlight has a good scare appeal.
The panels that lower and unleash monsters is TOO staged and doesnt fit the story line.

I can't fathom why they didnt contract Zoid to build them a CTF mod out of the box.
Or to get that TeamFortress group to set it up day one.
MP is replayability, and they seem to have ignored it. Sure focus on the SP, but you have to also support the MP. The community will come up with this, but it will take time.

also $59 is too much. What happened to $40? I was liking that trend.

I've got Far Cry and Doom 3...Call of Duty on multiplayer is still my favorite FPS experience.
Both games are essentially a key hunt. I was hoping for a bit more. Still, doom has a remarkable engine. Once again, Carmack is a god, and the rest.. I dunno..

I guess we'll have to wait for HL2 and/or STALKER before we can actually -do- something in a game besides hunt the key, kill the bad guy, hit the button to load the next level.

Still, I'm only about 5 hours into the game and somebody said it picks up when you get to hell. I hope that's true..
I think Doom 3 is more realistic in the fact that it captures the essence of combat. You're never that eager to rush into the next room because you don't know what awaits you. You have to proceed somewhat slowly and carefully. Moreso in Doom 3 than in Far Cry or any other recent game I found myself really trying to avoid death as opposed to not worrying about it because I recently saved - this made it seem more real.
Mark305TBI said:
Call of Duty on multiplayer is still my favorite FPS experience.

heeelll damn yes.

far cry was neat as in island game. looked cool. but i wasn't ever very "in" to it.

well now doom 3 on the other hand, i'm freaking shittin my pants. AND it looks great.

ya know, i think why we don't see anybody defending doom 3, is the majority of us are too busy playing it to bother.
Yes, of course every game has to have SOME scripting, but in Far Cry, you have a few choices, even 3 paths to get to a checkpoint is better than ONE, as in D3. Yes, if you go too far out in the ocean on a boat you get heli-machine gunned very quickly, but that is as much a map limitation of size as anything and of course, it must be in place to keep you actually moving forward and palying the game. I have not found any place on the islands that I could climb to that did that though, unless you fall down a dropoff to a place that is not normal, as in, you would die from the fall anyways. As long as it has trees and bushes, you can go there if it is reachable by jumping or walking. I even have swam/driven a boat out to a small island and sniped away at the enemies on a different shore. Pretty cool. Yes, the mercs need some speech variety, I wonder if I could make my own sound files for them hehe, like "you SOB I am gonna stick this gun up your ass and make you eat bullets backwards!!!"

Another irritating thing about D3 is sometimes you just KNOW that the hole in the floor or the inset in the wall houses some kind of creature, so you stand a long ways back and toss a grenade into it. Which SHOULD kill whatever is in there. But of course as soon as you hit the trigger point or pass the hole, something pops up anyways. Not very realistic and way too scripted, it should have been there when you tossed the grenade in the first time and been killed. D3 does not allow you to pre-clean or strategize much, you just have to go face to face with many of the threats and blaze away with whatever you have. Also once you have been exposed to a threat you can't hide by running away and/or backing up. In Far Cry you can get back into the jungle and hide yourself from view, move a bit, and they lose you, they keep looking but at least they are not omniscient and know exactly where you are every second.

Also, the zombie marines must have instantly enrolled in gunshot accuracy school ;) as soon as they entered the base after leaving Hell, because they nail you damn near 100% of the time. I do love the two headed crawler things though and the spiders, they hit some primal nerve deep down and give me chills every time... :eek:

Overall, I give Doom3 a 65 rating out of 100, while Far Cry I would give an easy 85. Both fun, both worth the money, I just hope the mod community can give us more more more!!!
you guys have never been in any sort of complex have you? Theres usually ONE way to get someplace unless theres a service route. ONE. Theres NO reason for there to be any more than ONE. And besides ive seen places that have multiple doors to get to the same room. thats REALSITC. thats WHAT HAPPENS IN BUILDINGS.

thats why I say you CANT compare an inside-a-building game to an outside-in-the-open game.
kronchev said:
you guys have never been in any sort of complex have you? Theres usually ONE way to get someplace unless theres a service route. ONE. Theres NO reason for there to be any more than ONE. And besides ive seen places that have multiple doors to get to the same room. thats REALSITC. thats WHAT HAPPENS IN BUILDINGS.

thats why I say you CANT compare an inside-a-building game to an outside-in-the-open game.

Reading comprehension. They're saying Doom III should have added some out in the open elements instead of all indoor, one way killing. Thanks for stopping by.
Farcry and doom are completely different types of fps's they cant be compared. Doom takes the classic fps idea and does an incredible job at it. Farcry tries to develop the genre. Compared to doom3, farcry just seems rough and not well thought through.

AI was not nearly as smart (or scary), the vehicles didnt seem to belong and were at times burdonsome to control, the story in farcry sucked ass also, but those are only a few of the differences.

dont get me wrong farcry was an excellent game, but it cant even be compared to d3
It is Apples and Oranges but they're still both fruits!! Let's not forget that in 2 months we'll add HL2 to the mix. So what happens when we hit Janunary and the Game of the Year lists pop up?!?! IF HL2 is as good as HL then I'd say HL2 will win the bulk of the awards. I know I would like Far-Cry much more than D3, I've played Far-Cry I won't play D3. But I prefer a more realistic game, I much more prefer outdoor environments, and I don't really like dark/night enviroments. Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing.
PoW said:
Farcry and doom are completely different types of fps's they cant be compared. Doom takes the classic fps idea and does an incredible job at it. Farcry tries to develop the genre. Compared to doom3, farcry just seems rough and not well thought through.

AI was not nearly as smart (or scary), the vehicles didnt seem to belong and were at times burdonsome to control, the story in farcry sucked ass also, but those are only a few of the differences.

dont get me wrong farcry was an excellent game, but it cant even be compared to d3

You can still compare and contrast two things even when they are different. I beg do differ on the AI. The monsters in Doom never snuck up on me, they just pop in front of or behind me. The enemy in Far Cry woudl search for me after being alerted to my presence. I know it's mostly a matter of opinion when choosing Far Cry or Doom III but there are basic things you can't argue about. The Doom AI SUCKS.
Kong said:
It is Apples and Oranges but they're still both fruits!! Let's not forget that in 2 months we'll add HL2 to the mix. So what happens when we hit Janunary and the Game of the Year lists pop up?!?! IF HL2 is as good as HL then I'd say HL2 will win the bulk of the awards. I know I would like Far-Cry much more than D3, I've played Far-Cry I won't play D3. But I prefer a more realistic game, I much more prefer outdoor environments, and I don't really like dark/night enviroments. Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing.
Valve was unknown when they developed HL. Just because they lack the big name doesn't mean they lack the talent or potential.
kick@ss said:
Valve was unknown when they developed HL. Just because they lack the big name doesn't mean they lack the talent or potential.

And your point?!?! Obviously Crytek has the talent. There is one significant difference between HL and Far-Cry. HL was built using id's Quake 2 engine, albeit heavily modified, Far-Cry was built on a in-house developed engine. It is interesting that the 3 Game of Year nominees will all be based on brand new engines.
They are both GAMES meant to be played for ENJOYMENT, hence, you CAN compare them.

The AI in Far Cry makes the AI in Doom3 look like retards...
Glad we stopped talking of multiplayer. Doesnt really matter if Farcry's Multiplayer is better than Doom's when they cant hold a ball of earwax compared to UT2004. They're both SP games frst and foremost.

Farcry SP was indeed awesome and I can see people favoring it. I can see Doom getting repetitive but I want to give it a fair shake tonight. Had to play last night with the speakers turned way down due to sleeping people when I could finally make it home. A friend coming over also kind of killed the horror effect. Didnt want to wear headphones with my bud around either. Kudos to Farcry for coming out of nowhere. I also fear I let a bit of hype get to me and when I go back into Doom fresh tonight, with the right atmosphere... Ill be back in the game.
Kong said:
It is Apples and Oranges but they're still both fruits!! Let's not forget that in 2 months we'll add HL2 to the mix. So what happens when we hit Janunary and the Game of the Year lists pop up?!?! IF HL2 is as good as HL then I'd say HL2 will win the bulk of the awards. I know I would like Far-Cry much more than D3, I've played Far-Cry I won't play D3. But I prefer a more realistic game, I much more prefer outdoor environments, and I don't really like dark/night enviroments. Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing.

Don't be suprised if Far Cry ends up getting Game of the Year. It's already ahead of Doom 3 as far as a lot of people I've talked to feel that have already played both and from a lot of posts here on the forum a lot of people here feel the same way that have tried both. The replay value on Doom 3 is going to be next to nothing for most but the Die hard Doom fans. Wait until the initial fever dies down in the next few weeks and see what people say then about it compared to Far Cry. I didn't even like Doom 3 enough, after a few hours of playing it, to even want to finish it and that's VERY rare for me. I've already played Far Cry completely through on the first 3 [H]ardness levels. Time to max it out and start a new game on the hardest level. ;)
TheRapture said:
They are both GAMES meant to be played for ENJOYMENT, hence, you CAN compare them.

The AI in Far Cry makes the AI in Doom3 look like retards...

yeh, no. the monsters in doom3 actually try to hide and move out of the way when i shoot them, while in farcry ive hit guys and theyve just stood there shooting at me
I like eating apples and oranges. Sometime both in one day, if I'm feeling saucy.
How about we all just enjoy both games for what they are. Too much scrutiny can ruin things;)
CRXican said:
Reading comprehension. They're saying Doom III should have added some out in the open elements instead of all indoor, one way killing. Thanks for stopping by.

reading comprehension seems to be YOUR weak point. the point isnt "doom3 should have outdoor elements" (oops, it does, youre on MARS so you obviously dont get too far), its "far cry is better than doom3", im saying theyre FPS with different aims, even though they are similar.

* guns
* shoot stuff
* shader model
* predetermined path
* find x to open a to get y to open b and so on and so on

are pretty much the only similarities.

thanks for being a dick though.
kronchev said:
yeh, no. the monsters in doom3 actually try to hide and move out of the way when i shoot them, while in farcry ive hit guys and theyve just stood there shooting at me

Just like you were doing to them - LOL. I did see the Mercs try to flank me while I was "occupied" with some other Mercs. I didn't notice the AI in Doom 3 being that good. ;)
Kong said:
Frankly I still can't believe a game came out before Doom3 and HL2 from an unknown company that would be considered their equals... amazing.

Since when is UbiSoft an unknown company? Crytek was a spin off from Ubi wasnt it?