Doom 3 looks horrible

this sucks

im not going to like this game anymore

i mean come on, how can you like a game where the polygons aren't PERFECTLY rounded off?
stupid polygons :mad:

Just funny to see people go up against ID so quickly after seeing polygon bumpz :) But would you rather play 15 fps with rounded heads instead of 30 fps without rounded heads?.. something like that?

I dont know why everyone is suprised. The doom 3 engine just uses low poly characters and uses the bump mapping technique with low res textures. THAT first screen posted is the pc version, and its not gonna look better than that. Kinda why im keeping my 9800p :D
Well, I'd definitely have to say I ahve noticed the monsters getting blockier and blockier as id released more screenshots. Which I was kind of dissapointed in.

However, that out of the way, you have to keep in mind the target max resolution for the game, according to carmack's interviews, is 1024x768. if you scale the 4000x3000 image to that, it isn't bad. The tecxtures are almost nice, bt nto quite. Scale it to 800x600 though, and the textures look a lot more acceptable, especially if you take into account it won't be standing still.

The potential upside, is that if they really did something to get this out of a video card (like some magic tweak to snatch a frame out of the buffer it occupise in the middle of a FSAA pass that has rendered a big ass picture at some crap ass frame rate), then likely they may not have been using the highest level quality textures. Or they might have sacrificced the pretty textures for less chunky higher res normal maps. I think one main problem with the technology as time has passed comes down to art direction. It's become less and less about things popping out of the dark, and more examples of things having something bright behind them, which really impairs the blocky model w/ slick ass normal map approach to things.

Whatever it is, I think it is pretty apparant that with all the hype, the game is going to dissapoint pretty much everyone on some level. Not that you won't like the game, but I don't think it is possible for it to live up to people's current expectations completely. I think for some it will be the 60fps cap, for others the limited target resolutions, for others the focus on single player, for others expecting too much of an id SP plotline, and so on.

But hey, I could be wrong, you'll see me playing to make sure, that's for certain.
GeForceX said:

Just funny to see people go up against ID so quickly after seeing polygon bumpz :) But would you rather play 15 fps with rounded heads instead of 30 fps without rounded heads?.. something like that?

True... I might be stuck without a card upgrade, but with an athlon64 3200+ and watercooling... PLUS A GEFOCE 3, cos I can't find a 6800u or x800xt-pe ANYWHERE, and if I don't get it before the 9th of august, i'm gone.
So, I would respect id even more (allthough I donno how much further I can respect them, Doom3 is just crazy) if they implemented an option on the geometry depth of every character. Wouldn't it be crazy if after like... 2 years, they released the Doom3 CRAZY edition and left all the models with their millions of polygons as they were before they were filtered through the bump mapper??? omg, then we wouldn't complain..
This sux0rz. I was playing pacman last night and noticed that my character and the opponents had much better curved surfaces than that creature. Can't believe that pacman > Doom ]|[ for curved surfaces.


yeah, and the lighting/ai in that game is simply astounding... follow the yellow ball.. must eat majikal pills in a darkened room while listening to repetitive electronic music... pacman...
I guess zombies don't do much more..
Forget about screenshots. Catch Icons on G4TechTV, the Doom3 footage is simply amazing.
krizzle said:
yeah, and the lighting/ai in that game is simply astounding... follow the yellow ball.. must eat majikal pills in a darkened room while listening to repetitive electronic music... pacman...
I guess zombies don't do much more..
Except the ghosts in pacman know to try and run away when you take the magic crack pill, errr, power pill, and start chasing them. The zombies in FPS games always try to kill you when you are clearly overpowered. So the AI in pacman is somewhat better, I'm guessing. ;)

WickedAngel said:
A few screenshots and you guys are ready to boycott iD...

[H]ard indeed :rolleyes:

No kidding. These people are too stupid to figure out there are different texture/geometry settings. There is an ultra high quality setting that cant even be run playable with current hardware. Id is going to sell a game with 1 setting that only works on the top 1% of computers :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
ruhk said:
No kidding. These people are too stupid to figure out there are different texture/geometry settings. There is an ultra high quality setting that cant even be run playable with current hardware. Id is going to sell a game with 1 setting that only works on the top 1% of computers :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Not to mention the fact that, unless your idea of playing a game is staring at the wall or taking hundereds of screenshots and scrutinizing them, you won't be able to tell those little details when the game is in action.
OTL said:
It could've been upconverted in photoshop. Developers do it all time time for their promotional and back of the box screenshots.
You can tell that that huge pic is not photoshopped from the aliasing on the edges. They are truly Pixel-per-pixel, which cannot be done in photoshop (well, without some really really stupid cause to spend days trying to make a blown-up hoax of doomIII). That pic was an actual rendering.
And as said, it most definitley NOT on full quality, texture-wise.
And also as said, once you're playing it in real-time, you won't notice the texture unclearness unless you are looking through a magnifier...

I bet the zombies run in Doom3 when they see you with a BFG... HAHA
bobsaget said:
Haha... :p It sure does.
Or maybe that guy's had someone shit on his face.... it's not too bad. Render any game at 4000x3000 and show me that it looks better.
driller said:
Forget about screenshots. Catch Icons on G4TechTV, the Doom3 footage is simply amazing.

saw it and you are correct sir!!

people dont realize an image at 4000x3000 is stretched enormously... hence the pixelation... morons.
You can get it from Fileshack.

What I think it really funny is all the people saying "This game sucks." "I'm not going to like it anymore." and such, all because of a few pointed triangles. I mean, WOW, why should they even bother creating a story or plot or anything? They should just make it a slideshow or something. Geez...
ah, it's a movie... well, I can't dl so much. thanks though...
could you tell me what they say, briefly?
the game looks amazing.. its funny when they compare the original with 3.. amazing how much gaming has changed in such a short amount of time... great show.
You nooobs

It's pc version screenshot from gamspy ..they got it after interviewing some of the game programmers this

So stop saying it's Xbox version ...

It's true that doom3 isn't that much good as we saw it on early e3 that's because there is no graphics card can handle it with that much polygons...
If you resize the image down to something manageable, you won't be disappointed in the quality. Basically, ignore what this thread is trying to imply, the game looks terrific. Just ask Kyle. ;)
it's still gonna rattle your senses with it's awesomeness.

and you know that when you're running away from that monster that scared the crap out of you in the dark and you yelled at the computer screen, you know you'll be going 'AHHHH! AHHHH! DIE DIE DIE" not "omgz look at that crappy polygon count.
Yeah, I consider the polygon thing a very very small issue of the entire Doom 3 game. It's not even worth discussing about. Reason why is because as you begin playing, you will aim to shoot. You won't aim at the guy's pointy corners. ;-)

GeForceX said:
Yeah, I consider the polygon thing a very very small issue of the entire Doom 3 game. It's not even worth discussing about. Reason why is because as you begin playing, you will aim to shoot. You won't aim at the guy's pointy corners. ;-)


well, unless you're gay

I dont see anything wrong with that picture? I thought it looked great? The burned skin looks really cool, and trust me, when the game is running fast, you're not gonna notice some pointy polys :rolleyes:
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I dont see anything wrong with that picture? I thought it looked great? The burned skin looks really cool, and trust me, when the game is running fast, you're not gonna notice some pointy polys :rolleyes:
It's not a matter of pointy polys. I'm by no means an IQ-whore, but the 4000X3000 pixel image in the original post is absolutely terrible.

When you shrink it down to 1600X1200 it looks okay, but if you can't see anything wrong with it in the rawest form, you need your eyes tested. :D
I gotta put my rear speaker shelves up on the wall before this comes out. I hear it's supposed to kickass in surround sound...
mjz_5 said:
shit, any game will look like shit at that size... fuck, DVD movies look like shit too on a 65" TV when compared to a 32"..

Not really since I don't think there are any TV's that aren't HD, and we people who actually own a 65" tv usually fork over the extra $200 for a nice dvd/vcr combo with Progressive scan and the Monster cable component hookup....
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
Not really since I don't think there are any TV's that aren't HD, and we people who actually own a 65" tv usually fork over the extra $200 for a nice dvd/vcr combo with Progressive scan and the Monster cable component hookup....

monster cables are a rip off.
You can definately see polygon construction here. That being said at any resolution
that the normal gamer will play this game at, I'm sure noticing it will be more difficult
