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    CS Graphical Issues

    After reformatting to run a dualboot system, and not actually changing anything hardware wise (or driver wise, for the most part), I fire up CS (Actually The Specialists mod on CS), and set up my graphic options. I have always been able to use 1024x768. I dont really force any kind of AA or AF...
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    Chronicles of Riddick (Resolution?)

    I read on the TCoR forums that they advise against setting the Shaders to 2.0++. Running that forces Soft Shadows on, and most people/places say its not worth the insane performance drop.
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    FEAR Multiplayer Questions

    Well, after playing the FEAR MP demo, and now the retail game, I've yet to figure out how to kick people from games. I'll admit I still must rtfm, but if anyone has some insight towards this, would be 100% appreciated. Ohh, and Im speaking of simple listen servers, not a Dedicated or anything...
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    FEAR Weapons

    I was personally a pistol fan. Single or Dual, you could drop people with a single shot to the throat from a long distance. The reason the HV is not as powerful, is because people complained on the VU games forums about how the demo's HV was way tooo powerful, saying it was borderline 1 shot...
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    What games would you like to see a sequal for?

    I 2nd the Rise Of The Triad sequel. My fav, prolly not so much a sequel, but a modern remake of the original Wolfenstein 3D. The whole 10 floor fortress, secret floors/rooms. All indoors. and cannot forget the crazy 4 mini-gunning Hitler robot.
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    FEAR and vid cards...

    I would imagine a 9600XT could run it 800x600 everything medium.. Not the greatest, but still nothing to complain about. I myself use a Leadtek 6800 - AthlonXP 3200 - 1gb DDR400 combo, and have no probs running it at 1024x768, 2xAA, everything medium. Smooth for the most part.. Ive also...
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    Post your pc screen shots!

    my desktop? here More can be seen Here
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    Completed: Project Nighthawk: Skunkworks F-117A

    Crimson, definately loving the work you've done, between this mod, and the Doom3 mod, but it almost seems, with all this attention to this one, that you're getting bored of the Doom3 mod? No offense, just wondering is all.
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    finally, my x800pro-xtpe gave up.

    Im not gonna try and say this like Im a know it all, but, again, here's my 2 cents about the whole thing. The ultra has 2 power connectors, where as the GT only has one. Now, when you hit Ultra speeds, thats putting more demand on the power circuitry, which is trying to make sure the GPU is...
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    finally, my x800pro-xtpe gave up.

    A lot of yahz have some very good points, but one thing i think is being overlooked. You'ze were mentioning that, why would they lock pipelines and sell cards as a slower speed card if they could run faster to begin with? If they are spitting out so many of the same core, they have to use any...
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    nForce2 and Double Sided Ram.

    the only NF2 board that has trouble w/ double sided ram, are certain Gigabyte mobo's with a 4th DIMM socket (ie 7NNXP, 7N400-Pro2).. The 4th Dimm from what ive heard only takes single sided memory.
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    K7N2 Delta not booting! Pweeeeze help!

    myself owning that same board have run into no-boot problems some times.. under the cpu socket, between the AGP slot, and power MOSFET small aluminum heatsinks are 2 jumpers (the left having 3 pins, top 2 shorted, the right having 2 pins shorted).. unplug power, flush power supply (power...