Chronicles of Riddick (Resolution?)


Dec 13, 2005
Can anyone else not make the game go above 800x600 resolution? Thats as high as the in-game menu allows me to go up to.
Yep.....I patched it already to 1.1.

This is annoying. I mean....I've got it full detail, 16AF and 8xAA (SS also)......but 800x600???

Its a thorn in my side. All my video card drivers and such are updated. All of my other games run fine. This is there an other "configuration menu" I can access other than within the game that might let me change it? I could reinstall, but that wouldnt make too much sense since the actual game runs fine.
I'm using nvidia's 81.94's with my XFX 6600GT.
Shader set to 2.0 [not ++]
Refresh rate?
On my old 19", with some games, I have to use certain rates like the dreaded 60 like I am for Riddick.
Vietcong, for example, wouldn't let me use 10x7 or 1280x1024 unless I was using 85 refresh rate.
Just throwing something out here for you cause the game is really good looking at 1280x
I have an old Micron moniter that doesnt have drivers for Windows XP.

In the game I have it set to 2.0++. Refresh rate it at 60. I'll try playing around with those.
I read on the TCoR forums that they advise against setting the Shaders to 2.0++. Running that forces Soft Shadows on, and most people/places say its not worth the insane performance drop.