FEAR Weapons


Jan 28, 2001
This is my review of the weapons in FEAR for the single player mission. Multi player applications of these weapons are probably different.

My favorite general purpose weapon is the G2A2 Assault Rifle. The reason being is that it does good damage, is fairly accurate, and ammo is not problem - you can always find ammo for this weapon.

The HP-14 Pistol is fairly useless - get something better.

The VK-12 Combat Shotgun - good at close range but why are you letting them get that close? Nail them at longer ranges with other weapons. I don't even carry a shotty.

RPL Sub-Machinegun - a better weapon is the G2A2 Assault Rifle. The G2A2 makes up in power what it lacks in rate of fire. Overall, the balance tips in favor of power. Again - i never carry this weapon accept at the start of the SP game.

ASP Rifle - now this is a sweat ass weapon. Decent accuracy and lethal with a scope. Ammo is a problem with this rifle - it's hard to find. A better weapon for long range hits is the Type-7 Particle Weapon. I'll explain below.

Type-7 Particle Weapon - this is a bad ass weapon. It does a huge amount of damage and typcially kills most lightly armored targets with one shot. It has a scope and is very accurate. This is my prefereed long distance weapon for sniping. This weapon is more accurate than the ASP Rifle.

10mm HV Penetrator - I really don't like this weapon for SP. I find the G2A2 assault rifle does better. Availability of ammo can be a problem for this weapon. I sometimes have to nail an enemy four times until they go down. Yes, I sometimes have to hit an enemy 5 or 6 times with the G2A2 but I can do that fairly quickly - the HV penetrator has a lower rate of fire.

MOD-3 MP Multi-Rocket - I tried killing one of those big armored dudes with 4 eyes and (you know what I mean) and it simply wouldn't die with the multi-rocket weapon. Thumbs down for me. May be it was a fluke. I dunno.

MP-50 Repeating Cannon - I've used it to kill some clustered soldiers and it did fairly well. I don't know how well it'll do on those mechs though.
LordBritish said:
This is my review of the weapons in FEAR for the single player mission. Multi player applications of these weapons are probably different.

My favorite general purpose weapon is the G2A2 Assault Rifle. The reason being is that it does good damage, is fairly accurate, and ammo is not problem - you can always find ammo for this weapon.

The HP-14 Pistol is fairly useless - get something better.

The VK-12 Combat Shotgun - good at close range but why are you letting them get that close? Nail them at longer ranges with other weapons. I don't even carry a shotty.

RPL Sub-Machinegun - a better weapon is the G2A2 Assault Rifle. The G2A2 makes up in power what it lacks in rate of fire. Overall, the balance tips in favor of power. Again - i never carry this weapon accept at the start of the SP game.

ASP Rifle - now this is a sweat ass weapon. Decent accuracy and lethal with a scope. Ammo is a problem with this rifle - it's hard to find. A better weapon for long range hits is the Type-7 Particle Weapon. I'll explain below.

Type-7 Particle Weapon - this is a bad ass weapon. It does a huge amount of damage and typcially kills most lightly armored targets with one shot. It has a scope and is very accurate. This is my prefereed long distance weapon for sniping. This weapon is more accurate than the ASP Rifle.

10mm HV Penetrator - I really don't like this weapon for SP. I find the G2A2 assault rifle does better. Availability of ammo can be a problem for this weapon. I sometimes have to nail an enemy four times until they go down. Yes, I sometimes have to hit an enemy 5 or 6 times with the G2A2 but I can do that fairly quickly - the HV penetrator has a lower rate of fire.

MOD-3 MP Multi-Rocket - I tried killing one of those big armored dudes with 4 eyes and (you know what I mean) and it simply wouldn't die with the multi-rocket weapon. Thumbs down for me. May be it was a fluke. I dunno.

MP-50 Repeating Cannon - I've used it to kill some clustered soldiers and it did fairly well. I don't know how well it'll do on those mechs though.

I liked the pistol, especially when i got two. They do a surprising amount of damage and are pretty accurate.

The shotgun is good for taking down the armored soldiers when you get close. And even from farther away. Throw a grenade or two, then circle with the shotgun and keep behind cover.

The submachine gun i like more than the assault rifle. The assault rifle does more damage, but in a purely subjective kind of way, the submachine gun just makes me happier.

Didn't like the ASP rifle's slow rate of fire. Only tried it once.

Particle weapon is the best weapon. I had trouble with it at first because it's so accurate. I was used to the other weapons just spraying in the general direction i wanted.

Penetrator is one i only pick up when there's nothing else. It fires too slow and does too little damage. Tho i will admit it is accurate.

I had hoped the rocket launcher would do more damage against the mechs and ceiling turrets. It doesn't even do that much damage if you get hit with it.

Haven't gotten to the repeating cannon yet.

Overall i'm not too crazy about the weapons in this game. None of them really stand out, except for the particle cannon.
They really do need to nerf the spray of the G2A2 or something in multiplayer. The gun really does piss me off.

Headshots from the penetrator need to actually kill in one shot too, often times I shoot someone in the head and expect them to become wall art, but instead they fire back and kill me with a metal stake in their head?
The Penetartor is better than the Assault rifle if you know what your doing and actually aim it and not just spray. It does more damage and is more accurate but with a slower rate of fire. My favorite weapon is the type-7 particle cannon, and the M-50 repeating cannon is super bad ass too.

Shotgun for close quarters and just for the gore effect

The RPL SMG does to little damage, and the pistols i think are ok

The Mod - 3 deals a huge amount of damage but fires too slow for my liking...
Shit, i used the shotty for 90% of the game, i love that weapon, instakill on everyone, even replica elite from the back if you're close enough
jbrukardt said:
Shit, i used the shotty for 90% of the game, i love that weapon, instakill on everyone, even replica elite from the back if you're close enough
Yeah, same here. I kept the shotgun through ~80% of the game.
I used the shotty as well, it kept baddies suppressed when on the run. I'd spray shot all over the place staggering them back for up close melee, or cutting them in half with close range shotty blasts. Tons and tons of ammo to spray, only really running out of ammo when fighting the heavy armor guys and unloading on them upclose.

Would have really liked a melee tackle move to quickly cover distance, but I suppose it'd be too unbalancing though fun.
i just used the shotgun through most of the SP game because you can run at a decent rate of speed and the fact that it kills the soldiers pretty quickly. One shot at times
I'm suprised you claim the pistol as useless. When dual weilding, the pistol has a pretty decent rate of fire, and if you can hit nothing but head, allows you to take guys down very quickly and cleanly.

As the other guys above said, I stuck with the shotty and bicycle kicks for most of the game. Any time there was a good distance between myself and the enemy I used either the dual pistols or the penetrator quite a bit actually.

There's something very cool about the penetrator and its hl2 esque bolts. Nothing like tossing a grenade in a crowded room, switching on slow-mo right before it blows, then pulling off 3-4 clean headshot kills amidst the nade carnage. The only thing left moving after the smoke clears being the swinging legs of your pin-up victims.

On the downside, it's somewhat frustrating that on hard difficulty some of the more armored guys wouldn't fall until they had a good 5-6 bolts sticking out of their head. Oh well, think of it as target practice.
mrgulabull said:
There's something very cool about the penetrator and its hl2 esque bolts. Nothing like tossing a grenade in a crowded room, switching on slow-mo right before it blows, then pulling off 3-4 clean headshot kills amidst the nade carnage. The only thing left moving after the smoke clears being the swinging legs of your pin-up victims.

Doing that in multiplayer is even more fun! :D
I also like the shotgun and the pistol.[Two is neat]
For some reason I always carry the rpl too.
I just reached Interval 6
I'm not letting go of the shotgun.
I find all the weapons have a great deal of stopping power. All the weapons I've got are fairly effective. I also like how on most guns you don't need to unload multiple magazines on an enemy before he goes down like most games.

The pistols are pretty fun. I've always been able to take guys down with 2-5 shots with it. I mainly try to aim for the head.

The rail gun (sorry, don't know thier names) is a neat weapon. Not my favorite because of it's slow rate of fire.

I haven't gotten the particle cannon. I'm on Interval 7 or 8 now and still haven't seen it.
Shotgun.....no doubt. Run faster jump higher knock them out of their socks.
Penetrator for the head shot
Particle gun....crispy and delicious, nice zoom effect
ASP too bad it has limited ammo
Assult rifle is my #2 weapon next to the shotty
remote control grenades....stick one to the back of a guy and let him take out a couple of his friends.

How do you take out the mechs???? The rocket launcher is patehetic!
magoo said:
Shotgun.....no doubt. Run faster jump higher knock them out of their socks.
Penetrator for the head shot
Particle gun....crispy and delicious, nice zoom effect
ASP too bad it has limited ammo
Assult rifle is my #2 weapon next to the shotty
remote control grenades....stick one to the back of a guy and let him take out a couple of his friends.

How do you take out the mechs???? The rocket launcher is patehetic!

Drop Kick him, gets em every time.
magoo said:
How do you take out the mechs???? The rocket launcher is patehetic!

Their rockets are the ultimate defence.
They can fill the air with them and there is a great chance you'll hit a rocket instead of the mech itself.
Your rockets probably crash on its rockets , and it has a lot more than you do.

I used the particle gun on the mechs , the RL is only semi-useful if you have to fight it at medium-close range.

In general , I think the heavy hitters are underwhelming , apart from the particle gun.
The rocket launcher and repeating cannon seem useless in defeating anything apart from grunts.

I LOVE the shotgun , it's extremely powerful in this game even at medium distance.
At close range it's better at killing armored foes than the RL will ever be.
The penetrator is the only really accurate gun for most of the game , so it was an easy pick , even if it is underpowered.
I only used the RPL/ASP when I couldn't find penetrator ammo (shotgun ammo was never a problem).
I used the dual pistols early in the game, then dumped them. Fun ala John Woo but never seemed to get the job done for me.

I had the shotgun for almost 90% of the game. Many of the gunbattles are close quarters types of things, where range isn't an issue. Besides, it makes lots of gibs!!! I would slo-mo, jump into a room and blast someone at point blank. Splat! Very fun.

My second fav was the 10mm Penetrator. Very accurate. My most used mid-range weapon. It did seem to be down on power, but I never had issues with its firing rate.

Particle gun, awesome. One shot rail-gun kill type of weapon. My favorite long range weapon.

Rocket launcher? - This was useless. The repeating cannon was better. I only used it short term, it pick one up, fire all the rockets at enemies, and then go back to get whatever I dropped to get it.

The repeater was ok for short to mid range stuff, was very innacurate. I dont even remember the ASP, so I guess I wasn't impressed.

The other weapons were just "filler" weapons to me. Something I used so I wouldn't run out of ammo for the other guns.
I pretty much only used the shotty and melee.

So much fun to run up and kick someone in the face, slowmo, shotgun his friend in the face while you are still in the air.
Moose777 said:
I haven't gotten the particle cannon. I'm on Interval 7 or 8 now and still haven't seen it.

I'm in interval 6 and i found it tucked away in an air duct next to a dead scientist. I try to make a point of searching all the nooks and crannies because there's usually a spare health pack, health or reflex booster, or weapon laying around.
Akuma said:
I pretty much only used the shotty and melee.

So much fun to run up and kick someone in the face, slowmo, shotgun his friend in the face while you are still in the air.

exactly. I used the shotty almost the whole way through, so very very satisfying.
beanman101283 said:
I'm in interval 6 and i found it tucked away in an air duct next to a dead scientist. I try to make a point of searching all the nooks and crannies because there's usually a spare health pack, health or reflex booster, or weapon laying around.

yeah FEAR is not meant to rush through as quickly as possible.

Take your time and look around.
I didn't use the shotgun that much, I guess I went for the snipey approach instead. Definitely, definitely, don't rush through it. Not just for the boosters or ammo packs, but you'll see some creepy stuff if you pay attention.
I was personally a pistol fan. Single or Dual, you could drop people with a single shot to the throat from a long distance.

The reason the HV is not as powerful, is because people complained on the VU games forums about how the demo's HV was way tooo powerful, saying it was borderline 1 shot kill for everything, so they dropped the power quite a bit.
hmz said:
I used shotgun 90% of the game.

Same here. Shotgun plus reflexes made everything incredibly easy. The pistol is very useful at the end of the game, dropped the enemies you fight with one hit.
My first play through I didn't even pick up the shotty or any of the other more exotic weapons. I used the pistols, submachinegun, and G2A2 the whole way through. They served me well.
I thought the balance of weapons was good. I generally carried shotty, particle/rocket/etc, assualt rifle. I like the shotty up close, a heavy hitter for big bad guys, and rifle for medium range fighting.

Penetrator was decent for distance kills, I did find it overpowered. I liked it's accuracy. The ASP climbs to much but has awesome power.

The pistols are usefull and powerfull enough if you can shoot worth a crap. Head shots are easy, and its much more accurat than the automatic rifles. The shotgun is badass. I used it alot, but typically only at close range, when I knew it was going to get up close and personal.

The rocket launcher I found best for clusters of people. Not the mech dudes. For those, either the Particle Cannon or the Repeater, cannon thingy. That thing was F'in AWESOME.

I'd go around and damn near one shot kill everyone with it. The shock pattern was cool, and it left chunky parts and goop all over the walls and floor. That is my weapon of choice, but until Interval 8 or 9 you can't find it. So it's a late commer to the game. Ammo is somewhat scarce for it.

At the end, I carried the Penetrator, the Rocket Launcher, and the Repeater thing. Nothing else. Earlier, it was the Shotgun, which ever auto rifle had more ammo available to me at the time, and the Particle gun. Which actually can be found in Interval 2 or 3. At least I found it early.