nForce2 and Double Sided Ram.

Jul 2, 2003
heard that the NF2 doesnt like double sided ram, and disabling CPC helps oc'ing. is this true?

iv got a nf7, and ill flash to a modded bios which disables CPC if it is true.


Anyway, I have had no issues with doublesided RAM on my A7N8X Deluxe, which is also nForce2.

And I haven't heard of issues with doublesided RAM either, ever since the chipset (and associated boards) came out.
on the DFI motherboards, disabling CPC does help. I have gone from 185 to 225 FSB with my KHX3000 2 x 512
the only NF2 board that has trouble w/ double sided ram, are certain Gigabyte mobo's with a 4th DIMM socket (ie 7NNXP, 7N400-Pro2).. The 4th Dimm from what ive heard only takes single sided memory.