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  1. W

    Quakecon 2005 announced! Whos going?

    Should be a good time had by all, then again, I might be a bit biased. ;)
  2. W

    The Official DOOM 3 [H]ardware Guide thread.

    As always, great job guys. Anyone that doesn't know what to expect after reading this, needs to get some better glasses. One note on the "Ultimate Enthusiast DOOM 3 System": If I recall correctly there are still a fair number of people reporting problems getting the AGP/PCI locks to work...
  3. W

    Enermax 420 Watt Issue with Aerogate 2

    I have this same problem, and was wondering if anyone else has had this and has found a solution?
  4. W

    Doom 3 Has Gone Gold

    Speaking of QuakeCon..... In case anyone had ANY doubts, Doom3 WILL be seriously represented on the official BYOC servers. :cool: Scott 'worm' Cray QuakeCon - BYOC Connectivity Lead
  5. W

    Your Ideas for QuakeCon Events

    Why not just have a couple of episodes of "[H]ard Makeover". Morelike the MTV show Pimp My Ride. Pick a couple of terrible rigs and work some [H]ard magic on them. ;) Scott 'worm' Cray QuakeCon BYOC Staff Disclaimer: I don't even speak for myself, much less for QuakeCon
  6. W

    Well, looks like Tuesday is the big shipment day for the x800s...

    Just returned from adventure to CompUSA in Mesquite. Getting from Downtown to Mesquite at 5PM is always "fun" ;) Walked in, went over to vid card section. They don't even have a shelf tag for it yet. A passing red-shirt asked if I needed help, and I got out "I heard you guys got some.." at...