Enermax 420 Watt Issue with Aerogate 2


Mar 5, 2004
Hi all,

I have a strange problem that I can't figure out. The other day I decided to replace my Aerogate 2 fan controller as I toasted my other one. I shorted some of the pins to it. It had two dead fan connections anyway so wasn't a big loss. I got a new one for cheap and went to put it in. Here is the strange thing. When I hooked it up and booted the PC the aerogate lit up for a second then the PC shut off. I thought it was defective so I took it back. Got new one and "bam" same problem. Hooked it up to another PC and it worked fine. So this would lead me to think the problem was with my power supply. Thing is it powers all my components rock solid but will shut off if I connect the aerogate 2. I tried disconnecting almost everything and it still couldn't handle the aerogeate. I used several different connectors from every wire branch and that failed to solve the problem. I have another (different) fan controller and that works fine. I guess after toasting one aerogate my PSU refuses to power another. I measured the voltage ouput and compared it to that of another cheap PSU and they were similer, except the cheap PSU powered the aerogate. I tried putting a load on it and some other things but still no go. I did find that I could get it to light up if I only connected the 5 volt connections, but the fan and temp sensor wasn't working (assuming this would power any fan hooked to it). This said I would like to keep the aerogate as I have a custom panel that I cut for the old one out of copper plate. I am tempted to go out and get a cheap 600 watt junker for like 30 bucks and run that. Any suggestions, I supose the problem could be a bad connection to the mobo or something of that nature. I haven't treated my PSU all that well (I short things out on occasion), but I never had a problem with my many a old and cheap PSU's in the past.
I have this same problem, and was wondering if anyone else has had this and has found a solution?
I don't know the answer to your question, but getting a cheapo 30 dollar 600W PSU may not be your answer. Chances are that that 600W PSU can only give you max power momentarily and there is far less sustainable power available. I wouldn't be suprised if your Enermax also had better amperage ratings than a cheap 600W. Basically, if you do buy a more powerful PSU, buy quality because chanses are excellent that you'll have the same problems with your aerogate 2 if you get a cheesy PSU.

No, the problem is only present with my enermax power supply and the Aerogate 2. The A2 works fine in 2 other (different) cheap PSU's. The problem as far as I can see is that the enermax and some other (higher end) PSU's treat the A2 like it is a piece of shorted hardware. It instantly kills the power. I think the problem is with the A2 itself, as it may lack adequate internal resistance. I even added 3 fans to it, but that still didn't work.

I took the A2 back and got an Enermax fan controller. It's not as nice looking but works fine. I figured if that one didn't work someone would have some explaining to do.