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  1. W

    Thoughts on OS X 10.4.4 being cracked?

    Couldn't Apple maybe a release or two down the road include a "Press F6 to include x hardware drivers" like Microsoft does with XP. It could maybe help with hardware incompatibilities becuase the companies that make the non-apple hardware could make drivers for OSX. It's just a thought but it...
  2. W

    Apple should have called the new iIrony

    It'd be damn sweet if OSX could run on every other x86 machine. But considering OSX costs about $130 for a single copy they wouldn't make as much per copy as Microsoft does with windows. It's a shame though. I'd switch to Apple if only I could use OSX without shelling out $1000 or more for a mac...
  3. W

    WinXP x64 - your thoughts?

    It was good until I installed video drivers. It'd crash before the driver setup even finished and then it wouldn't boot afterwards. Maybe it's just the trial edition I'm using.
  4. W

    Is it just me, or is vista's GUI ugly?

    The black theme isn't that bad. It's just something different. My only gripe is the start menu. It just feels wierd. I'm probably just not used to it so for now it's wierd. Now if they can get some basic sound drivers in there i'd be happy with vista. BTW, longhorn sounds like a much better name...
  5. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Yeah I know I should have just edited the previous posts but I was angry at the time so I didn't much care if it looked like I was posting to myself. But I am still not pleased that XP64 would be so buggy. I thought it was finished or finished enough to work properly.
  6. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Well that was odd. I ran chkdsk from XPpro and now XP64 boots. This is good. Assuming everything goes well I'll be looking for 64bit virus scanners and other apps.
  7. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Ok I was a bit angry there. It is just very frustrating a computer simply refuses to cooperate. I know it is the nature of the beast but still. I kinda expected more from a finished OS. Maybe I just need to install the chipset drivers frist before anything else. What order does everyone else...
  8. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Ya know what? To hell with Xp64. It seems that no matter what I try to do it somehow breaks itself. If and when it does go through the setup it usually boots fine. But when I try to install the ATI drivers it restarts and gets stuck i during boot. It can't seem to get past acpitabl.dat. Maybe...
  9. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    So when is Vista/Longhorn coming out? I only have the trial cd of xp64 as I bought my system last week and didn't get XP with it(no money left over for it).
  10. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Never mind I got it to work now. I used the disc I tried to install XP64 the first time and it worked. Why it worked now and not then is wierd but whatever.
  11. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Even with new bios it still freezes at "Setup is starting Windows". I will definately need a new disc now.
  12. W

    Vista beta dual boot problem

    Well sure. More time goes into making sure the code doesn't crash the whole program than it does coding the basic app. But maybe MS is just slow.
  13. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Is it at all possible to run XP64 setup without a cd? The partition is already formatted. So could it be done?
  14. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Yeah but doesn't XP64 have sata drivers. I'm not running a raid setup. Just got the one harddrive.
  15. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Maybe I just need a bios update. The current bios is dated sometime in January so I think it'd be a good idea to flash it to something more recent.
  16. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    I dropped it back to stock settings and it still freezes. I tried installing it when I first built the system but it wouldn't work so the 32bit XP went in instead. I've tried it this morning now that I have a new disc.
  17. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    I'm probably going to try to get another disc. I did leave it running since this morning just in case it was really slow. And I have searched on for anything that could help. The only thing of any relevance was dual-booting XP64.
  18. W

    WindowsXP 64 install freezing

    Trying to install XP64 but everytime it freezes when it gets to "Loading/Starting Windows". XPpro installs fine. Any idea why this happens?
  19. W

    Network Switch Advice

    No problem. I am considering getting the DLink DGS 1005D. It's 75 bucks canadian at this local store and it's in stock too. I recently purchased a new system with the DFI Lanparty NF4-Ultra-D board and I want to make use of the gigabit ports. It's only needed so I won't have to use my laptop as...
  20. W

    Network Switch Advice

    Ok but I need a gigabit switch and as I'm on a budget it can't be too expensive.
  21. W

    Network Switch Advice

    I'm planning on running cat5e cable in my house and I'm wondering if anyone has any recommedations for a switch. My current setup is a Dlink DI-714P+ router connected to the DSL/Digital Cable box and a desktop connected to the router. It's a wireless B router but I'm planning on buying another...
  22. W

    Spot the problem here.

    I don't think a wireless cable modem is such a great idea. Unless you wanted to give free broadband to your neighborhood.
  23. W

    Spot the problem here.

    I only see one cable coming out of it. Where's the network cable?
  24. W

    Logging into wireless problems

    I have a laptop with a D-Link DWL-G650. The college wifi LAN uses LEAP for authentication, and apparently my wifi card does not support leap. I know I could buy another card that does support leap, but right now that's out of the question. I know of some applications that allow the wifi card to...
  25. W

    Doom 3 shader mod for ++ performance

    I had a feeling that "cure" was too good to be true. Oh well. Besides just because the 6800 plays a little bit better than the X800 doesn't mean that it's the best thing since sliced bread. Well that was enough ranting. As long as the game works and plays smoothly then I'm happy.
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    Question about PCI USB cards

    Maybe I did get a bad card. I don't know, but the first thing I'll do is contact the store I got it from and see if I can get some help from them.
  27. W

    Question about PCI USB cards

    That doesn't seem happen with anything else.
  28. W

    Question about PCI USB cards

    I've tried putting it in a different slot. That just makes it freeze as soon as it finishes booting up. Also there are no yellow question marks, but there maybe something I never thought about. In the Device Manager in the section for USB controllers I get 8 listings for just one card.
  29. W

    Question about PCI USB cards

    I don't know if this is just me, but the usb card in my comp causes it to crash when something is in the 2nd and 4th ports on the card. Everything is fine with the 1st and 3rd ports. Also whenever I need to install XP I have to take out the card or the install will freeze. I have more than 2...