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    installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port

    Actually you would need put in a floppy with the drivers.
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    installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port

    like I said, I meant no offense. I also didn't mention how many configs I've made images on. You can be assured that it's more than one. You'll also have to excuse me for not just taking your word that "it's highly recommended against", and that "it's generally accepted as fact", when my...
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    installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port

    I've never had a problem. In fact every manual and whitepaper I have read, states that it's fully backward compatible as a regular IDE controller. Especially if they're integrated. I'm not just trying to contradict here. I have ongoing experience, making special images on RAID controllers...
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    installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port

    Not just to be disagreeable djnes, but WHO is it, that generally accepts this as fact? You are more likely to experience "issues" when more than one drive is connected, than with only one. Only because most people are inexperienced setting up an array. The more likely reason that one would...
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    installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port

    Did you go into the RAID BIOS and configure the HDD?
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    Flash Bios=no post beep

    Is it dead? Does it still POST without the beep?
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    Can't install nForce2 drivers....

    If you're getting the unified drivers from nvidia, you should extract them to a different folder and run setup.exe from within that folder. You may have luck that way. I've never had a problem and that's how I install them every time.
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    How to get into BIOS???

    Tried to delete a double post, it won't let me...
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    How to get into BIOS???

    A few years ago I couldn't figure out how to get into the BIOS of a machine from HP or Dell (can't remember which now). I forced a keyboard error by holding as many keys down as possible during the post. It paused and displayed "Press F10 to enter setup." F10 wasn't the actual way to get...
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    Missing Drivers for Notebook (help!)

    1814 is Ralink Technology Corporation's vendor ID. They make chipsets for WiFi. You should be able to find drivers with this information. If you still can't, I would do what olaf suggested and yank the card so you can search the FCC ID.
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    Rubber Gloves and PCBs

    I work for a tier 2 PC manufacturer where it seems that the ESD precautions can never be enough. Each person who walks on the manufacturing floor MUST wear an ESD heel strap, which touches the floor, which is painted using ESD paint. The pads which people stand on are also ESD safe and...
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    Rubber Gloves and PCBs

    Thanks for the great info Ice.
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    Rubber Gloves and PCBs

    ESD is definitely not a myth. However I think it's a bit overstated. The chances of actually killing something with a static electricity shock are slim. However slim, I've seen it happen more than a couple times. ESD control in a manufacturing facility, make sense, because the components...
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    Since those are engineering samples, the only way to find the true speed would be to look up the number printed on the CPUs, in the Intel Decoder Ring. Or obviously hope the board auto-detects the speed correctly.
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    Missing Drivers for Notebook (help!)

    There is WiFi drivers on the Mitac support site I gave you previously. The zip contains drivers for 2 different Mini PCI Wifi devices. Did you try both? Also if both of those do not work, look at the System Information in XP. There you will find a section called "Problem Devices" It will...
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    I switched to Intel...

    The only real problems we've had so far have been getting them to work on Intel brand boards. We would never be ready for the launch if we had to depend solely on Intel mainboards. At first all indication was that pretty much any 875/865 board would be a BIOS flash away from full support of...
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    I switched to Intel...

    I guess I have to throw my .02 in this also. Usually I pass threads like these by without a second look, but this one seems a bit more objective than most. I'm work for a 2nd tier PC manufacturer, and work daily with the newest and fastest CPUs, both AMD and Intel. I use and like both...
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    error boot

    I assume you mean "NTLDR" The error means that the PC is not finding the system files, and therefore can't boot. It could mean you accidentally left a 3.5" floppy in the disk drive and it's trying to boot to it. Or it could be trying to boot to a CD that's bootable but dirty or scratched...
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    Missing Drivers for Notebook (help!)

    That notebook is manufactured by Mitac. It's model 8375P. The Ethernet is a VIA 10/100 The WiFi driver may or may not be what Mitac has at their web site. As this notebook is provided with a Mini-PCI slot. So pretty much any Mini-PCI WiFi card could be in there. (Though, there aren't that...
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    I Don't know what else to do

    A paper clip will work for testing the power supply. (You probablby checked this already, but you never know) Make sure that the power button is connected to the correct pins on the mainboard.
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    I want to make my pen drive bootable, how ?

    Check the version of Win95 you have access to, it still may be possible. Check out: Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q253756
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    I want to make my pen drive bootable, how ?

    You can boot using a pen drive on some mainboards. The BIOS must support Legacy USB, and it must be enabled. I have had success on a few different mainboards. The easiest way to make the pen drive bootable, is to install the drivers for the Pen Drive to a Win98 system. After Win98 sees your...