installation problem with WinXP and HD in Raid IDE port


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2004
Here is my setup:

P4 2.6c
stock fan w/AS5
Asus P4P800 Dlx
1GB (2x512MB) Mushkin PC3500 BH-5
ATI 7200
120GB HD

I can't get WinXP to load on my hard drive. I have connected the drive to the Raid port because I have my CD burner and DVD-Rom in the two IDE ports. (trying to give all the ports their own bus) During the copying of the installation files, the blue screen on the WinXP CD, I push F6 to enter the correct Raid drivers. After selecting the WinXP files, I get to the last part of the blue screen where it says "Starting Windows XP". It hangs there for about 30 seconds before I get the blue screen of death. I have tried a billion combinations trying to figure out how to get this thing up into the next screen but am at a loss.

It could be a corrupt data transfer from my CD burner or to my HD but I've already changed cables a couple of times on each drive. In fact, I am typing on a successful installation of WinXP as I type. I don't understand why another hard drive on this computer is acting up worse than this installation did.
It's a generally accepted fact that you could experience issues using a RAID port in a non-RAID config. Put your two optical drives on the same channel (secondary) and put the HDD on it's own (primary). No, that will not affect burning performance in any way. That used to be a myth that only people with shitty CD-R drives believed it. They will work just fine on the same chain.
Not just to be disagreeable djnes, but WHO is it, that generally accepts this as fact? You are more likely to experience "issues" when more than one drive is connected, than with only one. Only because most people are inexperienced setting up an array. The more likely reason that one would experience problems, even if they're doing everything correctly, is that most IDE RAID controllers are flaky.

I do agree 100 percent with you about the optical drives. There will be no difference in performance with each on a separate channel.
Originally posted by Infidel
Not just to be disagreeable djnes, but WHO is it, that generally accepts this as fact?

It's in pretty much every motherboard manual, every motherboard maker's support forum, and straight from the mouth of people I know working for these companies. It's in no way based only on my own experiences.
Originally posted by Infidel
Not just to be disagreeable djnes, but WHO is it, that generally accepts this as fact? You are more likely to experience "issues" when more than one drive is connected, than with only one. Only because most people are inexperienced setting up an array. The more likely reason that one would experience problems, even if they're doing everything correctly, is that most IDE RAID controllers are flaky.

I do agree 100 percent with you about the optical drives. There will be no difference in performance with each on a separate channel.
...having beat my head agains the desk more than once trying to get a damn RAID controller to only run one drive, I'm betting that this is a configuration issue. djnes makes a good point; why are you using one port of the RAID controller when you don't have more than one HDrive....??

I completely agree with putting the HD's on one channel, and the opticals on a different one. My setup:

IDE0 - Master - WD 80 GB
IDE0 - Slave - WD 40 GB
IDE1 - Master - Toshiba DVD-ROM
IDE1 - Slave - LiteON CDRW flawlessly; no coasters ever with this system.

Good Luck - B.B.S.
I've never had a problem. In fact every manual and whitepaper I have read, states that it's fully backward compatible as a regular IDE controller. Especially if they're integrated.
I'm not just trying to contradict here. I have ongoing experience, making special images on RAID controllers (with 1 hdd) for network load on a regular basis.
I have to think that if there is a problem getting one drive to work, the same problem will exist when trying to set up an actual array.
While I agree that there is no reason not to use one channel for the opticals, and one for the hdd, I just didn't agree with the statement about one drive on an IDE RAID controller, no offense meant.
Originally posted by Infidel
While I agree that there is no reason not to use one channel for the opticals, and one for the hdd, I just didn't agree with the statement about one drive on an IDE RAID controller, no offense meant.
....I guess my point is that it's sometimes very problematic to get a RAID controller to play nice with one drive. It's not that it won't do's a configuration issue.

FWIW - YMMV - etc........B.B.S.
Just because it works for you in one particular config, doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. I've seen it numerous times, cause instability, and moving the drive to a regular channel fixed the problem. I had that problem speciically on an IT7-MAX2 using a WB 120 GB drive. It can cause problems...enough so that it's highly recommended against...that's all I'm saying. Your having stability issues, and that was my suggestion.
like I said, I meant no offense.

I also didn't mention how many configs I've made images on. You can be assured that it's more than one. You'll also have to excuse me for not just taking your word that "it's highly recommended against", and that "it's generally accepted as fact", when my experience tells me different.
press f6 during setup to install 3rd party raid drivers... put in the CD from the manufacturer with the raid drivers, should go smooth from then on. ive done that b4.