How to get into BIOS???


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2003
I have a really old Dell here. It's a OptiPlex GXM 5133. I tried to install an OS on it and it doesnt read the CDROM on boot, I tried to install a flopopy based OS on it....Doesn't read hte floppy either. I tried like every possible key on the beyboard but cant get into BIOS. Anyone know what's up? PS. It was pulled from a company called Standerd Register. When the computer is booting, it has Windows 95 and the load screen has hte companies Logo, so I dont know if they had them built just for them so there is no access to BIOS or what, Thanks.
try kicking it.

at school all the computers are bios locked so kids cant mess with them. try using the jumper to reset bios, mebbe thatll work.
tried it.....well lol...not really. But I'm going to have to soon if I cant get it to work.
Someone already suggested Del key, I had already tried it though and it didn't work....Also do not know how to reset BIOS.
Well, I opened the case and found that the motherboard is also a Dell. I think it was manufattured in 1994 because there are a few intel chips that say 1994 on them, I still couldnt find hte model and I cant find a diagram online so I dont know where the thing is to reset BIOS.
goto the dell site, some of the oems have a "system floppy" to get into the bios.

Just out of cuiosity, why do you need to get into the BIOS of a dell?
Because it wont boot from CDROM and I can't install an OS, I don't think it will boot from floppy either because I tried to use Partition Magic.
A few years ago I couldn't figure out how to get into the BIOS of a machine from HP or Dell (can't remember which now).
I forced a keyboard error by holding as many keys down as possible during the post. It paused and displayed "Press F10 to enter setup."
F10 wasn't the actual way to get in to the BIOS though. (it couldn't be that easy of course.)
I was a bit pleased with myself since their tech support wanted to charge me $29.95 to give me the correct key combination.
press repeatedly at bios boot screen.

That should do it.
It should then prompt you to hit F2 to enter bios.

Or you can just do what i've had to do before i fgured that out.
pull one of the HD's and start the computer, it should bring up a bios error with F2 to enter bios prompt