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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    I simply can't afford anything greater in size.. there has to be a way for this to work
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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    I'm down to 79.1 gigs from the initial 125. Itunes, some drivers, and most programs are on my 500 HD. I let windows manage pagefile and lost some space :(
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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    I have 8gigs of ram, what should my min/max for pagefile be? I have it set at 700/700
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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    Hurin, explain the profile (docu, music, video, gui change... please and thank you
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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    Very good!!! Thanks a ton!
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    Win 7 64bit on 128SSD

    Hi all, I just installed Win 7 64 on my 128SD Drive (C). I have another drive (500gb) (D) that I will use for storage and other programs. How do I minimize the amount of space Win 7 will take up so that it does not fill up my 128 with useless files/updates. Are there any features that I can...
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    Need PC Build Advice for my Daughter

    thanks guys this helps a lot!!
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    Need PC Build Advice for my Daughter

    ok lets set budget (a finite number) aside... recommend me a good affordable build and we'll go from there. I'm willing to spend a little more
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    Need PC Build Advice for my Daughter

    I dont like preloaded/manufactured big brand PC's. I'd rather built her something decent that she can use for a few years that doesn't come with a ton of preloaded garbage. plus does dell make PINK PC's? I realize that this may sound silly, but she's my little girl and I'll do anything for her...
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    Need PC Build Advice for my Daughter

    Hello all. I am building a budget friendly PC for my daughter. She's in kindergarten and uses the PC for lots of online HW. At the moment she's using her brother's PC (2nd Grader), he also uses the PC for HW so there is a conflict of time/usage. 1) What will you be doing with this PC...
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    Installing new SSD. Question

    Thanks guys....
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    Installing new SSD. Question

    Hi all I currently have a 40gb SSD with Windows 7 Installed. I have a standard 500gb HD as my storage drive. I've recently purchased an SSD 128 gp. Can I install it as my main drive with out losing everything on my 500GB drive? I realize they are two independent drives. But if I install the new...
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    Help with main SSD Drive

    Turns out it was my wife's iPhone. I had plugged it in to charge on my PC and it somehow backed it up on my SSD. I deleted the dir according to WinDirStat and now a few of my programs wont run. quite a cluster fuck, but I'll sort it.
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    Help with main SSD Drive

    Thanks..i'm doing what you suggested. Drives been fine for over a year, this is strange.
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    Help with main SSD Drive

    Hello all I have an 40gb SSD Drive that I use for Windows 7 64 and I have a 500GB drive for storage. I've had Win 7 installed for over a year with about 20 gigs to spare, this morning i noticed that my 40gb SSD drive was at 2gb. I'm not sure what installed or have any idea how to find out. Can...
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    Need to build a machine for mom (she want's something to make movies with)

    Also what program would you all recommend for Video Editing. She's willing to consider something other than Adobe Premier
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    Need to build a machine for mom (she want's something to make movies with)

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc: Video Editting 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? $1000 - $1500 3) Where do you live? Miami, FL 4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, Case, 2 HD's one SSD for OS and a...
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    Need to build a machine for mom (she want's something to make movies with)

    I forgot to mention that she does have an HD video camera and she will be working on HD Videos. Price is not an issue, but we don't want to break the bank either.
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    Need to build a machine for mom (she want's something to make movies with)

    I need your wisdom. I'm going with the following: O/S: Win 74 64 Hard drives: 1. SSD as a primary O/S boot device 80gig plus (not sure what brand/type is best) 2. Storage device 500gb - 1TB whatever I can find for the best price. DVD-R/RW Processor: no...
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Yes to about 1.25gb
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    I'm sitting at 20.3 with Hibernation off, System Restore point off and older points deleted. The command for cleaning up Sp1 didn't work for Win7 is there another? anything else I can do?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Just installed Win7 64 with SP1 and all i've done so far is remove hibernation and im sitting at 23gigs of install. Not bad!!! :)
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Wow thanks man! Yeah I have 8gigs of Ram! I'll tinker with it. Should I just boot my machine now with the Win 7 DVD and what off my WD 500gb drive? Should I format it in Win 7 or leave it be?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Yeah I figured "What the hell" I'll be building a new machine in the future might as well get it now. And since it's less resource intensive I might as well give it a shot. I've got nothing to lose, well except the fact that my wife is going to give me hello for dropping 100 bucks on an O/S...
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Great, I'll give Win 7 a shot then. I plan on building a new machine in about a year. So as long as MS won't give me beef I'll purchase this now. Hopefully Win 7 will be nicer on my ssd.
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64 Correct me if I'm wrong but this will only work on one Motherboard right? I want to know if I can use it on a new machine if I decide not the use my current machine lets say a year from now. In other words I realize it only...
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    I'd really like to get this done right. Anyone have any suggestions?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    This is a clean install. My original harddrive died. Picked up an SSD as my O/S drive and a 500gb storage drive. It's a Vista 64 Disc that I bought in 2008. Don't think it has SP1 on it. It automatically starts to patch after Install. Should I redo the install? or is there anything else is I can do?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Bigdog I've run CCleaner and both service pack cleanup tools. My pagefile.sys is 419,430,400 under command prompt. I set it as suggested, minimum 400 max 1.25gig (1,250 mb) I think that might be my problem. Not sure why the pagefile sys is so large.
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Yeah the drivers for some of my hardware. It did not give me an option to not put it in my other drive. How can I go around that?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Ok, after it's all said and done I have about 9 gigs left on my 40gig SSD Drive. I did everything everyone suggested. Is there anything else I should consider. Also, Windows sees the drive as 37 gigs and not 40, is that something it does to allocate memory for some odd reason>
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    It's very clear I just forgot where to go to set it.
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Ok, so how do I set the folder find target' property
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Ok, I ran the cmd prompt and got it to work. now why is my setpoint file so big.
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Yes, the Hibernation file is still there. Also my Pagefile.sys says 400,XXX,XXX bytes despite the fact I set the minimum at 400mb and max at 1250mb Why didn't it work? Also how do I set the users folder to send stuff to my storage drive?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Removing hibernation didn't seem to do anything. Am I suppose to manually delete the folder after? If so where is it?
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    But how do I do this
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    How do I adjust the 'find target' property
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Ok, I turned off Hibernation but nothing happen ( i saw no freed up memory) I also turned down Page file setting and saw no difference. I did see a difference when i turned off system restore. I got 5gigs back.
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    40GB SSD Drive and Windows Vista 64

    Actually I'm going to hold off on that Windows 7 and turn off Hibernation to see if that helps. How do I do that on Vista 64