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  1. F

    Computer hibernates or sleeps after certain timeperiod

    Well, I don't have much experience with bittorrent, but there's not much doubt you're locking up. If it only happens when you use that client, it's safe to assume that's the root of your problem. Try removing it and run Memtest overnight to see if it's a memory or other hardware issue...
  2. F

    Computer hibernates or sleeps after certain timeperiod

    So you're saying it doesn't "wake up" at all? Doesn't sound like hibernation in that case, perhaps your computer is locking up for some reason?
  3. F

    Unknown icons

    Right click on the open desktop to bring up the "Display Properties" Click the fouth tab, "Effects," then click the fscked icon, and click "default icon" cheers
  4. F

    is socket 478 dead?

    Don't forget that the first P4's were not socket 478, they were socket 423. If memory serves, those were the ones getting whipped by the PIII's.
  5. F

    diff between CMOS and BIOS?

    Agreed. This should be stickied and put on the required reading list.
  6. F

    What do you think we will see first Aurora or Phantom?

    Nope, you're correct. Last I heard Infinium Labs HQ was in a strip mall in Florida. (really.)
  7. F

    does anyone make this?

    How about one of these? (A to A) or this if you need A to B Don't have one, but they seem kinda cool.
  8. F

    mod, put this thread where it belongs (no idea) setting default install folder...

    Full credit to TechTv for this one.,24330,3493032,00.html Change the default location for program installation Click the Start button. Click the Run command. Type "regedit" in the Open text box. Click OK. This launches...
  9. F

    Need Help!! System Problem

    Yep. Failure with Memtest86 = get new RAM. Buy some new RAM, and next time, remember to test your memory before you format your HD. :)
  10. F

    Need Help!! System Problem

    Could be your RAM. Test it with Memtest86
  11. F

    Power Supply Switch

    yeah, seriously. DON'T. Not worth it.
  12. F

    Network problem. Internal ips being blocked!!!

    Did you (or someone) recently enable DHCP? What is the current setup/configuration of your network?
  13. F

    What do you think of this?

    Sorry, my psychic powers are a little weak today (long story...) On what system would you like our opinions?
  14. F

    Newegg Trying to Rip me?

    OEM This confusing term has two meanings: 1) Originally, an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) was a company that supplied equipment to other companies to resell or incorporate into another product using the reseller's brand name. For example, a maker of refrigerators like Frigidaire...
  15. F

    Newly build computer won't turn on

    Well, before you drive yourself nuts, make TRIPLE sure the panel/switch connectors are on the correct pins. *edit.. make sure you don't have a bad switch while you're at it. (I'm guilty of this one after dozens of built machines.) Are you getting any beeps? Tried re-seating everything?
  16. F

    I.T. Management

    try the Belarc Advisor
  17. F

    Anybody Remember the Atari Magazine?

    I do remember. A quick google search found this. Enjoy.
  18. F

    Fried CPU?!?! PLZ HELP!

    Agreed. If it was an AMD CPU, I've fried them faster than I could pull the plug. Best advice was already given. Reseat the CPU, make sure the fan is on, and power it up. You'll know if you fried it or not.