Computer hibernates or sleeps after certain timeperiod


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
Ok, in my power settings, everything is set to "never", you know, the always on settings. Hibernation is disabled. The problem is, is that sometimes if I leave my computer on overnight, it seems to have gone into some type of suspend or hibernation mode, but I disabled those fucking options. Not only that, I cannot get out of this mode. I push all buttons on the keyboard, move the mouse, push the power button, nothing, the video won't come back up. This happens for about half the time I leave the computer on overnight. Any suggestions?
So you're saying it doesn't "wake up" at all?

Doesn't sound like hibernation in that case, perhaps your computer is locking up for some reason?
Yeah, I can't bring it back up at all, and the video is completely off.

I was using the Azerus bit torrent client downloading something, but I have used this a lot and it seems pretty stable.
Well, I don't have much experience with bittorrent, but there's not much doubt you're locking up.

If it only happens when you use that client, it's safe to assume that's the root of your problem.

Try removing it and run Memtest overnight to see if it's a memory or other hardware issue. Lockups tend to be heat or memory related in my experience. OC'ing can be a cause as well.