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  1. A

    Hard Drive Corruption / Clearing

    i have 2 hard drives a 120mb WD 2mb cache and a 200gb WD 8m cache these are on one ide chain off of the ide controller that came with the 200gb drive the problem is ... the 120 was having trouble. so thats why i got the 200gb. (around a year or so ago) but i've never been able to get...
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    Would this be legal?

    What if you had it and it was STOLEN... then would using the "copy" be legal?
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    Hot-Swapping Processors

    your damn lucky. hahahaha
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    WD problems.

    noo i have a 40 gb with the operating system on it.... but both of these drives are being run off of the ide card that came with the 200gb... the 120 and 200 are just used for file storeage.
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    WD problems.

    yes i changed the jumpers crrecty, tried a different cable, tried different jumper settings, but still without the other drive the 200gb becomes "innaccessable" i really want to be able to either sell the 120 or get it waranteed or somethign so that i can use it... or get money for it...
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    WD problems.

    i have 2 WD drives, a 120 bb and a 200jb the 200 has been a great drive but the 120 gives me a lot of problems.. and for some reason when i take the 120 off of the same ide cable as the 200 it causes the 200 to have problems i want to send the 120 in to get warranteed but when i run the...
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    Will Not Boot From HD!!!

    it installed XP all the way and now it will get stuck on the progress bar... i dunno what to do now..
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    Will Not Boot From HD!!!

    ya ok well i reformatted and reset the cmos, so now it booted from the HD. we'll see how far i get after that.
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    Uhh, my computer sucks at teh bewt :/

    jumpers set correctly??? one time i had it set to slave and it was the only drive on the cable and it didn't see it at all.
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    I have to transport my computer to a Lan Party, how safe is this?

    should be fine i put a 40lb magnet of a sub onto my laptop without thinking and it was cool ... you need seriousl amounts o EM feilds (or really focused) to screw HD's
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    Will Not Boot From HD!!!

    my friends computer that i am supposed to be fixing keeps having trouble with it... i figured some of the other stuff out.. and now i am left with it not booting onto the HD.... it will check the boot record then say ok.. then do nothing it is a ecs k7s5a with a 2200+ 256mb ram pci geforce...
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    Corner Desk...

    i love the way you mounted the speakers.. i have the same system. and right now im in college dorms so i can't really do that .. but its a great idea.