Hot-Swapping Processors

Jun 24, 2001
I just thought I would share this amusing story with you:

I was at work today and a woman brings in a comp. saying that she gets not video signal on it. I take down her information and she leaves. Next, I take it over to the workbench and hook it up to some peripherals. Just like she says, no video, no beeps, just fans spinning.

I take out all the RAM and the thing still does not so much as beep, but as soon as I plug it in, without hitting the power button, the fans start spinning.

My boss comes over and pulls out the processor. I plug it back in and the same thing happens yet again. He grabs the processor again (a slot 1 P3) and puts it back into the slot while the computer is still plugged in.

Amazingly, I see the LEDS on the back of the case start flashing and the thing starts giving the beep code for no RAM. I unplug it and put the RAM back in. It's fixed!

It's not hard for me to believe that reseating the processor was the problem, but I can't believe that we didn't fry anything by inserting the processor into a live mobo.

I thought this was amusing, you may think it's too long, but that's my sharing for the day.:D
Originally posted by The Bryophyte
It's not hard for me to believe that reseating the processor was the problem, but I can't believe that we didn't fry anything by inserting the processor into a live mobo. either. Wow....:eek:

If he'd have laid waste to the CPU, how did you guys intend to replace it.....??

If he'd have laid waste to the CPU, how did you guys intend to replace it.....??

My boss is a packrat. I bet we have one lying around that works. Hell, we have about 15 copies of DOS versions on 5.25" and 3.5" floppies.
same thing happoned to my test rig... the cpu got pulled out of the socket just a litle bit( probably the whight of the hsf and the comp hit somthing or someone was fidlin' around inside of it) anywhay, i realizeda bout half the pins wernt in so i puled of the lever on the ziff, pushed the proc back in, locked it up, and it ran fine... did it all with the power one to... just to see if ited work(had the exact same symtomes two)
Originally posted by the_village_treky
same thing happoned to my test rig... the cpu got pulled out of the socket just a litle bit( probably the whight of the hsf and the comp hit somthing or someone was fidlin' around inside of it) anywhay, i realizeda bout half the pins wernt in so i puled of the lever on the ziff, pushed the proc back in, locked it up, and it ran fine... did it all with the power one to... just to see if ited work(had the exact same symtomes two)

that sounds more like what happened. it wasnt hot swapped because it wasnt plugged in all the way anyway, all he did was plug it in. but you are lucky nothing exploded.
Man that's a hard thing to imagine working. Wow. I just can't imagine that doing that with one of the SECC style processors that you didn't short the damn thing out. You know how much play they have in the slot.

That's a trick I'll have to remember next time I work on one of those old bastards that acts dead like that. :eek:
I never liked how loose the Slot1 processors were in the slots :(

My friend once hot swapped a video card, no problem at all. But I won't be trying it anytime soon....evar.