Will Not Boot From HD!!!


Jul 2, 2003
my friends computer that i am supposed to be fixing keeps having trouble with it... i figured some of the other stuff out.. and now i am left with it not booting onto the HD.... it will check the boot record then say ok.. then do nothing

it is a ecs k7s5a with a 2200+
256mb ram
pci geforce 2mx

i could boot fine to my win XP cd to install the operating system. it ran fine.. but when it went to restart and boot from the harddrive it will go all the way up til it would start XP.

it says "checking master boot record .. ok"(or something like that), then just pauses and it still boots from the cd just fine.

so my question to you is... what is wrong with it????

and i also put in a HD with XP already on it. and it wouldn't boot from that either.
reset the bios, or change the settings for hd boot, or do a full format when you install windows
ya ok well i reformatted and reset the cmos, so now it booted from the HD.

we'll see how far i get after that.
it installed XP all the way and now it will get stuck on the progress bar...

i dunno what to do now..