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    DDR PC3200 - Mixing Question, Please Help!

    I doubt it would be the chipset, since either of the 2 will work (i.e. 2 x 2-2-2-5 512MB sticks = 1GB dual channel or 2 x 2-3-3-6 1GB sticks = 2GB dual channel), would it?
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    DDR PC3200 - Mixing Question, Please Help!

    The MoBo I am using in that comp, is a generic intel board, which doesn't have any options about voltage or timings. Any other ideas? Thanks. SuperG
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    DDR PC3200 - Mixing Question, Please Help!

    Hi all, I am having trouble with one of my computers. I have an Intel P4 2.8 GHz Hyper Thread CPU. My mobo has 4 DDR PC3200 slots. Two channels, DIMM 1 & 3, and DIMM 2 & 4. I had 2 Corsair TwinX 2-2-2-5 512MB chips installed. So, DIMM 1 = Corsair 512MB and DIMM 3 = Corsair 512MB...
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    ABIT IS7 - Weird DDR Slot Failure Issue - Please HELP?

    Thanks for the reply. I don't think I can RMA anymore can I, since it has been 5 yrs? I agree that it has done well for the amount it has been used. It wasn't quite 24x7 for 5 yrs, but it was close. Also, what is a POST Test card? My biggest problem is trying to find a replacement board...
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    ABIT IS7 - Weird DDR Slot Failure Issue - Please HELP?

    Hi guys, I need some help. I have an IS7, which I have had for about 4-5 yrs now. Well, I have been having some very weird things going on with it these past few months. It seems like something is up with the DDR Slots. The board has 4 slots. All this time I had been using Slot 0 &...
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    Live Linux - Virus / Spyware Removal?

    Thanks for the replies. I agree with both posts, for someone like me who is relatively tech savvy, etc. However, I am the "computer guy" in my group of friends, and inevitably my friends will call me needing help with their computer because they got a virus / spyware and expect me to take care...
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    Live Linux - Virus / Spyware Removal?

    I am not sure if this exists or if it has been asked before, but I was wondering if there was a live Linux CD out there, which could boot up into Linux and then be able to scan a hard drive for Windows Virus / Spyware. Sometimes Viruses make a computer virtually unbootable into Windows, so it...
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    Computer Hangs after POST and Drive Detection - Please Help

    Anyone have any history of this? I still don't get it. Happy it is working now, but still confused.
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    Computer Hangs after POST and Drive Detection - Please Help

    Well, just thought I would give an update. I have no idea what the heck is happening, but I got my computer working again. Basically it was the DDR Slots. The IS7 has 4 DDR Slots. Previously, I had 1 GB total (2x512 of RAM). They were running Dual channel, with 1 512 stick in slot 0 and 1...
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    Computer Hangs after POST and Drive Detection - Please Help

    Already tried, no luck. SuperG
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    Computer Hangs after POST and Drive Detection - Please Help

    Thanks for the response. Never thought about the cable. However, have already tried the one drive at a time idea. See above, I tried systematically to try each drive by itself. I don't think it is a bad drive or even a bad cable, because as I have said, the computer doesn't seem to get to...
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    Computer Hangs after POST and Drive Detection - Please Help

    Hi all, I don't know what to do. My computer all of a sudden stopped working. Here is the background. I have a P4 2.8 GHz Hyper Thread CPU and an Abit IS7 Motherboard. I have 1 GB (2x512 Corsair TwinX). Then I have 2 PATA Hard Drives on IDE 1 and I have 2 PATA CD/DVD Drives on IDE 2...
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    FM Transmitter

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    FM Transmitter

    Thanks for the quick reply. I was actually hoping for one that would be like $15 or less. There was this company a while back called Newer Tech, which made one that had just the 1/8th inch plug and it was good quality and $15, but I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. I am trying to find...
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    FM Transmitter

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone here knows of a good quality cheap FM Transmitter, which has an 1/8th inch plug. I don't want any of the ones that are specific to like an ipod, etc., just one that can plug into anything with a headphone jack essentially (i.e. the 1/8th inch). Thanks in...
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    Buying Cheap Non-Branded Ink For Printers?

    Wow, those prices are pretty cheap. I think I might just go for those and give it a go. Checked out the site on and it looks to be pretty good. The private store is like 1/2 the price of the regular abacus store, weird. I hope you don't have to be some kind of special...
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    Testing Concurrent Connections?

    Hi all, I was wondering if there is any program out there, which will let me test how many open concurrent tcp or udp connections I can make. I am trying to test my routers' NAT table and also a problem I am having with Zone Alarm. Basically, I need someway to open an very high number of...
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    Buying Cheap Non-Branded Ink For Printers?

    Good point, but assuming I am not concerned with warranty issues for it, are there any other downsides to it? What I mean is, if the ink works just fine as the OEM ones, and they won't damage the printer or leave streaks on pages, etc., then I don't mind if the warranty doesn't cover it...
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    Buying Cheap Non-Branded Ink For Printers?

    Anyone bought these non-branded inks recently and have some experiences / opinions on it? SuperG
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    Buying Cheap Non-Branded Ink For Printers?

    Hi all, I have a Canon Pixma ip4000 printer and it now needs ink. I was looking at prices for the ink for that printer and they are quite expensive. Then I decided to look online and found a site, and they had quite inexpensive ink cartridges for my printer, but were of course...
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    Any FREE service for port aliasing?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if there is any service out there that offers free port redirection to get around a blocked inbound port by the ISP. For example, if I wanted to run a webserver on port 8080 or something, is there a service, that when my is typed in, it is...
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    Is This A Good Deal On A Notebook ???

    That is an idea, but the problem is, I need the notebook for school, and I heard the meroms will not be released until late 2006, at whcih time I am also guessing they will be much more expensive for the first few months atleast. I am needing to spend about $1200, which includes everything plus...
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    Is This A Good Deal On A Notebook ???

    Hi all, I am getting ready to purchase a Notebook, and I wanted good specs and a 3 year warranty. I was hoping to get input to see if this is a good deal. THE INFO: Inspiron E1505 Intel® Core™ Duo Proc T2400 (1.83GHz/667MHz/2 X 1MB L2 Cache) Operating System (Office software not...
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    Apple Ipod 4GB Nano vs Creative Zen 8GB MicroPhoto

    Thanks everyone for their responses. I finally decided on the Nano, because, 1, I don't have that that many songs, and 4 GB should be enough. Also, the flash memory thing is a huge plus. Now, the next question is..., do I have to use iTunes to get songs onto my new Nano, or is their a third...
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    Apple Ipod 4GB Nano vs Creative Zen 8GB MicroPhoto

    That is one of the biggest reasons I am leaning towards the Nano, simply because of the flash memory, no moving parts, etc.
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    Apple Ipod 4GB Nano vs Creative Zen 8GB MicroPhoto

    Hi all, I have a 200 gift cert that I need to spend quick. I have been looking to get a portable MP3 player with atleast 3GB of space for music. I have narrowed it down to two, which both have their advantages and their disadvantages from what I have read. They both cost right around...
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    Wireless Connection Client Software?

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I am having some issues with the Windows zero config util. Also unfortunately, AFAIK Dlink (the wireless adapter I have), does NOT have their own utility. And thanks for the NetSetMan info, it won't help in my case, but it seems very useful in general...
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    Wireless Connection Client Software?

    Hi all, I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I was wondering, if my wireless device does not provide any software to connect to available wireless networks, do I have to use windows wireless utility? I was hoping to find a third party software that could do that. Does that exist? Any help...
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    Connection from CD/DVD-ROM to Sound Card?

    Thanks guys for all the replys. I am glad to see that I will not be needing it, because that clickling sound was getting really annoying. Thanks again. SuperG
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    Connection from CD/DVD-ROM to Sound Card?

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone could tell me exactly what the connection (using the 4 pin gray cord) from the back of my CD or DVD-ROM drive to my sound card actually does? Is it really very important? The reason I ask, is because, for some reason, whenever that cord is plugged into...
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    MIPS Help

    Hi all, I am having some trouble with MIPS programming. I am new to it, and it is proving a bit difficult for me. The program I must do sounds pretty easy. All I have to do is take two already sorted lists of ints and combine them into a new list in sorted order. If this were java or...
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    Internet Filter Software for Parents

    Hi all, My friends mom rescently asked me about what software was out there to block things out on the internet. She has two young kids, so she is a little concerned, and she does not really know what all is out there on the internet. I have never really been asked this question, so I...
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    IPod Shuffle Software???

    Hi all, I just got an ipod shuffle, and I have never used any of the apple products before. I was wondering what software I can use (other than itunes), to transfer my MP3s onto the suffle to play. I heard there are some alternatives out there... Thanks. SuperG
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    Upgrading From Win XP Home to Win XP Pro ???

    Hi all, I have a friend who has to upgrade his computer from xp home edition (pre installed), to xp pro, to be able to use the network at his office. I always have recomended a clean install, and that is what I have always done. However, he does not want to do that, and wants to take the...
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    Simple networking question (I hope)

    Do you not need this to be able to share your files over a lan? If this is not correct I appologize.
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    Wired Ethernet Transfer Slowdown - HELP!

    Actually, the problem turned out to be the switch (at least this time). For some reason, the switch had connected all computers at 10, not 10/100. Since my computer was going directly to the router, it was at 100, but the switch connects the other comps in the house, and they were apparently...
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    Simple networking question (I hope)

    First, make sure you have NWLink NetBIOS & IPX/SPX... installed. To do this, goto start - > settings - > network connections. Then right click on local area connection and hit properties. Under this connections uses the following, make sure you see the above listed there, and also file and...
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    Wired Ethernet Transfer Slowdown - HELP!

    No, pretty much nothing. I am not sure what is causing this. Any other ideas? Thanks SuperG
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    Wired Ethernet Transfer Slowdown - HELP!

    Hi all, I have a question. I was wondering why sometimes file transfers inside my internal network are much slower than usual. Here is my setup. All computers have a 10/100 NIC. I have one main router (4 ports 10/100). My computer is connected directly to that router. Then, from...