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  1. S

    Missing HDD on POST

    D'oh, Hadn't thought of that! I'll drop by his house in the next couple of days and see if that helps. Cheers for the help - my brain really does need jumpstarted after spending all day in office hell ;)
  2. S

    Missing HDD on POST

    Nope, Tried removing every component except the original C: and the graphics card. Still no change. I'm baffled!
  3. S

    Bunch of OLD CPUs...scrap gold?

    But if you want to post me a few sticks of ram / cpus they'd make very nice keyrings :) Actually you'd probably make more money if you made keyrings out of them and sold them on ebay.
  4. S

    Missing HDD on POST

    A neighbour brought round his system to me a few days ago with a very strange problem. He recently bought a 120GB SATA drive and a pci card to interface it with his existing mobo. He installed it and was unable to format it despite the fact that he could see it in device manager, with partition...
  5. S

    How high is your CPU Overclock???

    Bah, just missed getting into the 1GHz category by 17ishMHz :( Oh well musn't grumble, I still love my ickle 1700xp :D l l l V
  6. S

    Lian-Li stock fans suck.

    I'd mod the case and throw in a papst L120 to get some decent CFM with little noise worry. If noise isn't a big concern you could use some of the higher cfm models (I think they're called H120's and M120's respectively). I've never regretted installing 120mm case fans over 80mm, even though...
  7. S

    WC Pumps & EM Fields

    I thought it was probably me just being paranoid about losing my precious pr0n ;)
  8. S

    WC Pumps & EM Fields

    I'm just about to invest my filthy lucre in a watercooling setup for my pc. (This 92mm Tornado has just made my ears bleed for too long now!) One thing has me worried though, won't placing a great big electromagnet within 6 - 8'' of my HDD cause 1s and 0s to do things they really shouldn't...
  9. S

    99 Bottles of.....

    First thing I'd do is mod a nice 120mm blowhole into that case to keep the noise and temps down ;) Sounds like a pretty sweet rig you've got yourself there though mate.