Missing HDD on POST


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
A neighbour brought round his system to me a few days ago with a very strange problem. He recently bought a 120GB SATA drive and a pci card to interface it with his existing mobo. He installed it and was unable to format it despite the fact that he could see it in device manager, with partition magic etc. After rebooting neither his existing C: (some old 30Gb number) nor his new D: were being detected when the system POSTed.
The only way to get the C: to be detected when the system POSTs is to pause it for about 5mins, have a cuppa and then unpause it. Buh? :confused: I'm absolutely stumped as to why this is happening as both drives function perfectly in my box. I've checked IRQ settings and there aren't any apparent conflicts. He took his machine back home and then yesterday the new D: begins working perfectly, without changing a thing (he says!) but the c: is still doing it's weird startup stuff.

Anyone got a clue as to what might be the cause of this? I was thinking mebbe mobo problems? The machine in question is an athlon1800 with 512Mb of generic 2700. I don't know the specs in anymore details as I didn't get the chance to spend that much time with it.
Nope, Tried removing every component except the original C: and the graphics card. Still no change. I'm baffled!
Take the bios back to factory defaults or reset cmos. if they work fine in your board, then its something on board thats stoping you.
D'oh, Hadn't thought of that!

I'll drop by his house in the next couple of days and see if that helps. Cheers for the help - my brain really does need jumpstarted after spending all day in office hell ;)