WC Pumps & EM Fields


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I'm just about to invest my filthy lucre in a watercooling setup for my pc. (This 92mm Tornado has just made my ears bleed for too long now!) One thing has me worried though, won't placing a great big electromagnet within 6 - 8'' of my HDD cause 1s and 0s to do things they really shouldn't?

I've seen pics of other peoples setups with the HDD very close to the pump indeed, and those guys seem to be ok. Am I being paranoid or would a steel enclosure be a good idea for the pump. Incidentally the pump I'm likely to be using is the Hydor L30, although I'd imagine any pump would create a decent sized EM field.

Post your advice/horror stories here.

Cheers in advance for the help.
Beening running a Eheim 1250 close to my HDs for about 1 year w/o any problems. If I remember correctly, MaximumPC recently did a Fact vs Myth regarding EM and HDs. In short, they said it was myth.
I thought it was probably me just being paranoid about losing my precious pr0n ;)