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  1. M

    Voodoo PC ARIA Media Center Evaluation @ [H] Consumer

    The LCD pannels native resolution is 1024x768. When I set them up I put it at that and 60hz. To my knowledge the touchscreen configuration would run on that screen when it is used as a desktop extention, and then you can use the extention while media center is running. I can check this out for...
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    Voodoo PC ARIA Media Center Evaluation @ [H] Consumer

    Not all of our systems need the paintjob. Look at a stock omen. It is true, you do pay for the case, but the case does have amazing airflow, and water cooling. Voodoo is somewhat of a status and lifestyle computer, but I shouldnt really talk about the price as thats not really my area, I...
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    Voodoo PC ARIA Media Center Evaluation @ [H] Consumer

    Man those things are a pain to build. Ninja cableing just doesn't come easily wen its all jam packed in that thing. Yah, we need to find a better TV-Tuner card. Any suggestions for me to bring to the higher-ups? Rock Solid, gotta love that.
  4. M

    Post your pre-built PC specs

    haha, whats your Invoice number. Maybe I built it.
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    Compileing PHP with GD Error

    Ive searched the net and have been unable to find an answer. I am hopeing someone here can help me. I am useing a somewhat modified version of Redhat 9 (ClarkConnect). It is semi-minimalistic, and designed for servers/routers. It comes with GD and PHP and Apache, but im compileing my own for...
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    Booting a G3 from a cd.

    Old World im pretty sure. I their their the first G3's.
  7. M

    Booting a G3 from a cd.

    Do you haveto burn mac ISO's a special way, or SHOULD a bootable mac ISO be bootable if you burn it normally?
  8. M

    Booting a G3 from a cd.

    Bump, Im really lost here. Any help would be appriciated.
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    Booting a G3 from a cd.

    That would explain a few things. Any idea how I can check to see if the disk is bootable? it has a boot folder on it, but I know how little that often means. Could I have burned the wrong image? Do I need to burn it a special way? I got the ones labled...
  10. M

    Booting a G3 from a cd.

    Ok, I recently came into the possesion of 5 G3 macs. I want to put yellowdog linux on some of them, but for some reason even after I select the CD drive as the startup disk it still boots from the HardDrive. I know it is not the CD because I have a MacOS 7.5 cd that came with my old mac, A...
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    Linux Server Blocked Ports

    Thats a good idea. Want to suggest a linux virus scanner?
  12. M

    Linux Server Blocked Ports

    That cant be it, because im accessing the server from my lan. Its not the program, im certin of that. It has to be something is either hogging the port, or is blocking the port. Anyone have any ideas of stuff I should try to narrow down the problem? or fix it? So far it has taken out...
  13. M

    Linux Server Blocked Ports

    Ok, I read the file and all it has reffering to port 110 and 25 is that they are allowed. Now im pretty sure it is a port blocked issue, because when I change the xinetd to run the pop server on port 111 it works fine. I dont know whats going on with the smtp server. I use postfix, and it...
  14. M

    Linux Server Blocked Ports

    Thanks. Anyone have any other ideas what could have caused it?
  15. M

    Linux Server Blocked Ports

    My linux server has just started blocking ports for no reason that I can tell. Where can I find the iptables and other firewall blocked data? Is their any other reason that it wouldnt be working (Its not the program, they run fine on diffrent ports, and they start fine on the one port, but...
  16. M

    Linux Space Disapearing

    Thanks. Ill be sure to do that as the hd space gets used up more.
  17. M

    Linux Space Disapearing

    Ok, trust me. I have looked. I have looked at every possible location. Their is no visible file that is takeing up this space. I have used du, and df. I have even shared it with samba and used windows to get the properties. I have 2 partitions. / and /www. so yes, /var, /etc, and all the...
  18. M

    Linux Space Disapearing

    The mount is Mount Drive / /dev/ida/c0d0p3 It is a webserver, that has Apache, ProFTPD, Postfix, and routing stuff on it. No other users really use it. I have shell access very restricted. Could it still be that open file? And if it is how would I find what...
  19. M

    Linux Space Disapearing

    My Linux server seems to run out of space on the root partition. It is not due to log files, or any other file I can find. I cant find any file that can account for this loss of spcace. But a re-start cleans it right up (Went from 89% full, to 49%). A diffrence of probubly 1.2gb. (Root drive is...
  20. M

    Loss of space in linux

    I run a linux server that seems to be steadaly loseing alot of space on the / drive. I know some is due to logs, but not as much as is being lost. I would like to just see what directories have alot of space used in them, like you can do by looking at a folders properties in windows, but...
  21. M

    Running Apache as Root

    Ok, I am trying to make a Control Pannel for my free webhosting thing that I run. I want it to be able to add users, and modify files, and all kinds of things like that. The way I am thinking of doing this is to use PHP Exec. (Any other ides are welcome) What I want to know is what kind of...
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    Makeing a Linux Router

    Yah, I feel kinda cheep for useing it, but I wanted to stop the constent windows crashing, and get to linux stability asap, and wory about learning mail and routing later. So far its working quite nicely... except postfix is an open relay, and thats not good. So I gota fix that.
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    Secureing Postfix

    damn. I dont have the original source, it came pre-installed with the distrobution.
  24. M

    Secureing Postfix

    I have postfix SMTP server on my server currently, and I just relised that it is open. Any idea how to add AUTH or POP Before SMTP onto Postfix without haveing to re-install Postfix? I found one that involved compileing Postfix with its support, but is their anything built into postfix, or an...
  25. M

    Multi-FTP Servers

    I run a webhost, and I just moved my server to linux, but I dont want to transfer 250+ users to linux, so I am still useing my Windows FTP, but I want linux FTP also so I can be more secure for users that want to be secure.
  26. M

    Multi-FTP Servers

    I am running 2 ftp servers on 2 diffrent boxes. One is on port 21, the other is on port 121. I have the data port 20 forwarded to the box that runs the port on 21, but their is an issue with the one on 121. You cant list directorys on the 121 server. I think that this is due to the FTP Data...
  27. M

    Makeing a Linux Router

    Thanks alot. Im looking at clarkconnect right now and installing it on a test box, but I will definetly look at that tool.
  28. M

    Makeing a Linux Router

    Im useing mine as a webserver as well. Eventually I want to run web, ftp, mail, dns, and all that kind of stuff off it. I also want to have a gui for it, and be able to run other random programs off it. Dont want just a router.
  29. M

    Makeing a Linux Router

    I dont want a distro that is JUST for routing. I want to make sure that I can use it as a normal linux distro if I want to. Can these do that?
  30. M

    Makeing a Linux Router

    Anyone point me to some good guides, or tools to help me configure a debian or slackware distribution to act as a router? I have googled a few, but my current slackware install dosnt seem to like ipchains, and ive just generally had issues with some of the guides ive tried. If someone...
  31. M

    PHP Mail

    any ideas anyone?
  32. M

    PHP Mail

    I know its not a php problem, but the solution would be to edit the php.ini would it not? And due to my EXTREME newness to Linux Mailservers (Someone I know just asked me to setup this server for him out of the blue, and I decided why not), I am useing eXtremail. ( I send...
  33. M

    PHP Mail

    ok, heres my problem. I have a mail server installed, but it cant send mail from the command line. Its a smtp server. How can I get php to send mail through it, or some other program while keeping the other SMTP server up? Dose this make scence? Can anyone help me?
  34. M

    Linux SMTP Server

    Im setting up a Web Hosting server for someone, and I got everything except the SMTP server. I need something that can support virtual domains. I have a working pop server, but I cant seem to figure out howto configure Sendmail or Postfix properly to get it to do what I want. If anyone has...