Linux Server Blocked Ports


Jan 12, 2003
My linux server has just started blocking ports for no reason that I can tell.

Where can I find the iptables and other firewall blocked data? Is their any other reason that it wouldnt be working (Its not the program, they run fine on diffrent ports, and they start fine on the one port, but it cant be accessed by anyone).

Any help would be greatly appriciated.
iptables-save >> somefile

that will dump the current iptables configuration to a file.
Ok, I read the file and all it has reffering to port 110 and 25 is that they are allowed.

Now im pretty sure it is a port blocked issue, because when I change the xinetd to run the pop server on port 111 it works fine.

I dont know whats going on with the smtp server. I use postfix, and it is running, but noone can connect to it.

Anyone have any ideas of things for me to check? I am checking all this from behind the lan, so the firewall should allow everything.
That cant be it, because im accessing the server from my lan.

Its not the program, im certin of that.

It has to be something is either hogging the port, or is blocking the port.

Anyone have any ideas of stuff I should try to narrow down the problem? or fix it?

So far it has taken out port 25 and 110. Just the mail stuff. It might have disruped some DirectX ports aswell.