Search results

  1. F

    Mapping Zombies

    Rest of the world is not concerned with a zombie invasion because they have real things to be concerned about. Like a US invasion...
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    FS: Intel Xeon E5520 2.26 Ghz 4 Real Cores, 4 Virtual Cores

    Hello, I'm looking to sell one of these excellent server processor which was pulled from a working mac pro. I had 2 of them on sell on ebay but one of the buyers pulled out and Im not looking to spend more money on ebay. So I'm only asking what the auction finished at which is 175€ (about $237)...
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    FS: Intel Xeon E5520 2.26 Ghz 4 Real Cores, 4 Virtual Cores

    I'm not very informed on architectures. All I can point you to is look up the model there. The chip was pulled from a working mac pro (never overclocked). One thing though. It does not come with the metal cover, normal retail chips do...
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    FS: Intel Xeon E5520 2.26 Ghz 4 Real Cores, 4 Virtual Cores

    Hello, I'm looking to sell one of these excellent server processor which was pulled from a working mac pro. I had 2 of them on sell on ebay but one of the buyers pulled out and Im not looking to spend more money on ebay. So I'm only asking what the auction finished at which is 175€ (about...
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    Comments From Xeon ES owners please

    Hi, the stepping is compatible my concern is if its reliable. I don't care if its not fast as the final version.
  6. F

    Comments From Xeon ES owners please

    Im about to purchase a set of ES chips for a Mac Pro and I'm a bit afraid. This are the same stepping as the final version. Can any with ES chips talk about their experience. -Thanks
  7. F

    Ikea desk gallery

    Did you ever find this? I need them for my monitors: -Cheers
  8. F

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    My little home studio before an upgrade: After:
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    F/S 20gig ipod

    emailed you
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    what's with this hard drive?

    My guess if that is a 75mhz computer that board is old as hell and it recognizes the drives but cant use them. P.S. THats some huge p0rn collection :D
  11. F

    Intel 850 vs NVIDIA nForce2 400 Ultra

    Well I have a current system (see sig) and I need a server (linux) so I’m going to build another system. I was wondering if anyone has had similar setups. Are the differences in speed that huge? I would like to know so I can chose the slower system as server and the other as my game/work rig...
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    FS 512x2 Corsair XMS 2700 C2 PT, Lian Li PC82 Aluminum Case, Enermax 330W PS, 9700PRO

    Consider the memory sold I just cant send payment till Tuesday :p
  13. F

    Intel 850 vs NVIDIA nForce2 400 Ultra

    Well I have a current system (see sig) and I need a server (linux) so I’m going to build another system. I was wondering if anyone has had similar setups. Are the differences in speed that huge? I would like to know so I can chose the slower system as server and the other as my game/work rig...
  14. F

    Which Athlon 64 Board?

    I dont buy PCs everyday, this is a purchase I will make because I'm gonna visit my family in Miami and I will not return to the states for another 3 years (University). So I'm going to check out the 939. Thanks for the info. Update: Just went to check out the 939 boards from Asus and Abit and...
  15. F

    Which Athlon 64 Board?

    Well I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and upgrade my system to an Athlon 64. What I've see so far is that there are some boards that support dual channel DDR and some that dont. I was thinking of getting the Abit KV8 PRO but in the description of the board (in their website) they dont specify...
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    FS: P4 CPU's, 512MB RDRAM & Intel D850EMV2 MOBO

    where is the 512MB RDRAM?
  17. F

    Rambus has left the building

    So I made the REALLY stupid move of buying rambus way back because it was the fastest memory on the market. Now I’m stuck with an Asus P4T533-C and 512mb Kingston 1066mhz. I can’t find another 512 (2x256) Kingoston no where. Not even in UK Ebay/Germany Ebay/US Ebay, nothing on or...
  18. F

    Avid buys M-Audio - and there was much sadness

    Well maybe M-Audio Products become the toys of the opensource community (I hope) because the drivers M-Audio releases suck....
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    can you send the pictures to fabriciom (at) telefonica (dot) net Thanks
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    You wouldnt happen to have pictures of the lapppy?
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    GeForce 6800 Ultra's for $625, yes, I have access to them ;)

    Thats the picture in my head right now... :D
  22. F

    WTB (2x256mb) Kingston RAMBUS 1066 mhz non-ecc

    Part Number KVR1066X16-8/256 Can anyone sell me a pair for 150€ shipped(USPS) to Madrid, Spain? Thanks, Fabricio Martinez [email protected]
  23. F

    FS: IBM x31 Laptop

    So tempting.... I whish I had the money…. Cute bears :D
  24. F

    Good PHP IDE

  25. F

    does you web support system send sms??

    Thats fine if your client uses sprint, but what about if you want to send to clients with different carriers...
  26. F

    does you web support system send sms??

    What does one need to implement sms?
  27. F

    HP/Compaq Recalls 900,000 Notebooks

    Hope you didnt buy any of these notebooks...,1759,1617601,00.asp
  28. F

    Looking to Learn a Programming Language

    I get a feeling you don’t know C or C++ too well (not offending you). Because C++ is harder than C as you have classes, templets, class inherences, etc. You still have the same access to low level functions as you would with C. Also know pascal is almost useless but you get and through...
  29. F

    Looking to Learn a Programming Language

    Start with pascal then move on to C. Thats how the teach programming in most high schools.
  30. F

    How can I make part of my site forbidden? (error 403)

    if your hosting company is running Apache look into .htaccess
  31. F

    C problem with fgets()

    char *fgets(char *line, int maxline, FILE *fp) fgets reads the next input line (including the newline) from file fp into the character array line; at most maxline-1 characters will be read. The resulting line is terminated with '\0'. Normally fgets returns line; on end of file or error it...
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    VSFTPD help

    /var/log/syslog /var/log/message
  33. F

    Longest you consecutively left on your computer?

    Accidents happen, check out this thread
  34. F

    Laptop VS Desktop

    Its clear to me that you want a laptop but you feel guilty on spending so much cash on it :D
  35. F

    Longest you consecutively left on your computer?

    I had an AMD XP 1200 and a 750mhz die on me for no reason. Xp was running Windows XP and the 750 was running linux. I'm guessing (hopping) quality has improved but I'm still not going back to AMD. I from Miami and currently studying in Spain (for a while) and this is not the US where you can...
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    Longest you consecutively left on your computer?

    Why would anyone want to turn off their systems? I mean dont you just love it when you get home and just sit and work/play. I have a laptop as main system and server and never turn them off. Also I only run Intel as I just to do this with amd and they would die.
  37. F

    WTB 256*2 Kingston RIMM 1066mhz

    If anyone is looking to get rid of their rimms and doesnt mind shipping overseas. The exact model I'm looking for is KVR1066X16-8/256. Thanks, Fabricio Martínez [email protected]
  38. F

    Decision on Soundcard

    If you dont mind buying used stuff from e-bay I would suggest and M-Audio Firewire 410. I have one and its sick: 24bit/192khz Playback, Recording plus 7.1 Sourund, SPDIF in/out, Midi in/out, 2 Pro Mics in/out.