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    Having major problems with HP dv5-1002nr

    update: After arguing with guys the dork at the geek squad counter for ten minutes, he finally acknowledged that the laptop wasn't performing as expected. So, they gave me a brand new one. This one works great. The difference is that the new one came as sent by HP. The original had been...
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    Having major problems with HP dv5-1002nr

    not a bad idea...
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    Having major problems with HP dv5-1002nr

    Last Saturday I bought this HP dv5-1002nr laptop at Bestbuy: I have been very frustrated with this laptop. It runs slower than the 4 year old Dell that I am replacing. I have installed...
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    I think there is a virus in my router or cable modem

    Well I'm pretty sure the primary and secondary DNS listed in my router are hijacked. I called comcast support ask what the correct DNS is for my county. She first told me that she couldn't support router issues, and that I needed to call the manufacture. Once I clarified that all I needed was...
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    I think there is a virus in my router or cable modem

    So I have had some ongoing worm on my personal laptop that tries to reroute IE or firefox to various crap websites if you incorrectly type in a web address. I did a TON of clean up with various spyware removal software, and I think I have killed 99% of the problem. Eventually I will backup all...
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    some sort of strange worm in firefox

    remind me how I get into safe mode again please?
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    some sort of strange worm in firefox

    So when I enter a website that isn't responding or doesn't exist, for example, instead of getting the default not-responding-page, my firefox gets redirected to some website search engine that is mostly softcore porn. NAV isn't having much luck, what else should I try? I've...
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    PSU keeps dying

    caps are leaking; problem found...
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    PSU keeps dying

    I thought it did. I replaced it as a troubleshooting step and my spare PSU started right up. Now it is not working either. So, I really don't want to go a new PSU and have another dead PSU. I'm running out of ideas...
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    PSU keeps dying

    I didn't consider a dead cmos battery. How would that affect my pc not getting power? (I'm asking cause I don't understand, not that I think you are incorrect) Smooth
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    PSU keeps dying

    any constructive help?
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    PSU keeps dying

    Last week my computer wouldn't fire up. I started trouble shooting and swapping psu from an old system worked. It started up fine and I was able to reconfigure the BIOS. I decided to refrag the HD and run disk cleanup, and then shut it off and went out of town for the weekend. Tonight I get...
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    Presario Notebook AMD Display Replacement

    bump for thread. Would it solve anything if you disconnected the broken LCD and reattached it? It partially works, would that give you an idea if the new LCD would work or not? Also let you do a dry run with an already broken LCD.
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    Damaged LCD on laptop, any possible way to fix?

    Compaq Presario 2100 I need a cheap fix to a cracked beyond use lcd screen. Is there anything you can do?
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    Doesn't Windows XP have a auto-detect a wireless network tool?

    It has been a long time since I messed with a laptop & a usb thumb drive wireless card. But I remember I had used this autoconfig tool through windows xp to autodetect my wireless network. However, now I am trying to help my sister a thousand miles away on her laptop and cannot remember how to...
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    What's the best financing software for you and your personal business?

    I'm actually in South Jersey also, is this thread along your lines of work?
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    What's the best financing software for you and your personal business?

    I just started my own company and I need to begin keeping track of my finances through the company. What is your preference? peach tree? Money?
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    Very simple Excel Visual Basic question

    nevermind, that question. I figured it out. But, does anyone know how to turn off the visual performance of the macro? I remember you could turn it off and the macro would run 100times faster.
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    Very simple Excel Visual Basic question

    okay, it has been almost 5 years since I was an excel VB wiz, so I have forget the most simplest of commands. What is the command for shifting your activecell a certain amount of rows & columns. I keep thinking it is something like activecell.offset(1,0) Thanks
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    I need a hard drive diagnostic tool, any free ones out there?

    I'm not sure what is going on with my RAID, but I had to do all sort of windows repairs (fixboot, checkdisk, and regular windows repair twice) to get windows loading. Now, it takes forever to boot up and I can not connect to windowsupdate page. Maybe I need a windows diagnostic tool...
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    is anyone else having trouble connecting to windowsupdate homepage?

    IE times out when I try to open just that site.....
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    I need to do a windows repair and I have a RAID 0 setup. Am I going 2 lose all data?

    okay everyone, I did a fixboot and a checkdisk ( i think that is what they were called) in the recovery console. I didnt know what was next, so I will share. windows rebooted and I did the second half of the regular windows repair. Windows rebooted again, and I went to the login screen. my...
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    I need to do a windows repair and I have a RAID 0 setup. Am I going 2 lose all data?

    Ya that is where I am. I can not get all the way into windows, and need to repair. I guess I will try it out and see what happens :)
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    I need to do a windows repair and I have a RAID 0 setup. Am I going 2 lose all data?

    I am getting corrupted windows files error when I boot my machine. I've never done a windows repair with my RAID. Any tips?
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    Rebuilding old AMD slot cpu system, can't get cd-rom drive to open, any ideas?

    good thinking Batman, that worked. okay so when the ribbon is connected it won't open, but when it isn't connect the drive will open. I guess I replace the ribbons and see if that helps. Any other idea folks?
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    Rebuilding old AMD slot cpu system, can't get cd-rom drive to open, any ideas?

    pulled out my old AMD 800 and decided to pull some parts from some other ancient machines that I was given. I installed a fairly recent lite-on cdrw (when 24x was top of the line). Everything booted normal, but I received a low CMOS battery errory, no suprise. I went to open the cdrom to...
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    WIN 2K Server ID Move Between Domains

    Format both servers, create new domains, and get it correct the second try. no need to say thanks :p
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    swapped HSF, and now I am getting an alarm at boot

    All I did was swap out my HSF, which required taking apart my entire pc. Now, when I turn the machine on, I get 1 long beep followed by another long beep and then an alarming sound. All fans are running. Everything is hooked up like before. The machine is in my sig, and the Mobo reads C1...
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    Exchange 2000 - Can not stop outside queues from being creating

    **update** I'm going to manually filter out the funked domains that are building queus, but that is just fixing a side affect and not the problem.
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    Exchange 2000 - Can not stop outside queues from being creating

    When I go into the Exchange Server Manager and look in our SMTP/Default SMTP Virtual Server/Queus I see the 4 normal queus: **server name**, Presubmission Queue, Messages Awaiting Directory Lookup, & Message waiting to be routed. Then, there are all of these outside remote queues setup. I...
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    Exchange Server: Mailroot/Badmail

    Sandman: mind explaing what relaying mail is? And also how to disable it? I am learning all of this on a fix this problem now basis. Maybe you could PM it to me so people don't laugh at my ignorant questions. Smooth
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    Exchange Server: Mailroot/Badmail

    Thanks, I found something similar that essentially said if you do not manually delete the contents of the folder regularly, it will take up your disk space. Ours was almost a full gig of trash email. Took 2 hours to delete the contents. I checked the contents of the folder a few hours later...
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    Exchange Server: Mailroot/Badmail

    I'm trying to create some disk space on the server at work. One folderthat has caught my attention is a BadMail folder inside the Exchangerserver/MailRoot directory. When I open the folder it never shows the contents and the hourglass icon comes up forever. I gave it all night to open, and...
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    Need help with Windows 2k server & exchange server

    Hey guys, just to update what was wrong. We had one of our SCSI drives fail. Did a RAID rebuild last night and things are working fine. I have some more exchange questions, but I will start a new thread for those. I appreciate everyone's input.
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    Need help with Windows 2k server & exchange server

    We have a raid, otherwise I would have already done that. Okay, I still need some help on the original topics, but I have a new one now also. I was able to clear 500mbs by doing the windows disk cleanup wizard. I'm now up to 600mbs of free space on the C drive. However, the insane...
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    Need help with Windows 2k server & exchange server

    I checked, it is exchange server 2000. And there are about 30 folders in the winnt directory that look like $uninstallwinnt62536235
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    Need help with Windows 2k server & exchange server

    I'm very certain it is exchange 2000. I can go log on the server and check. Yes the pagefile is on the C: It will have to remain there, our server isn't very large and the partions used for work are almost full also. We do have a dump drive, but it isn't backed up, so I can't move it there...
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    Need help with Windows 2k server & exchange server

    I'm the youngest in a very small company, so I am gifted the task of server management, whenever the server is on the fritz. Here is the latest. The c drive is almost completely full, and I am trying to gain some space by getting everyone to archive their 6 month old emails to their...