Search results

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    Radeon HD 7970 Made Out Of LEGOs

    At least this version will make for easy modifications. I can just slap on an extra GPU if I like.
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    can gtx570 survive 100c loads?

    Generally all new generation CPUs and GPUs have safety measures built in to prevent damage to your GPU or CPU. If they get to a temperature that would cause damage they would either be scaled back, or the computer would throw some sort of error and shut down. You should be fine Doing some...
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    Good Heatsink air cooling

    I would also recommend a good thermal paste such as Arctic Silver or something. Cleaning of the original heat pad and using Arctic Silver dropped my CPU temps significantly.
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    video card question

    I would choose the Asus, just because they have a better rep then Gigabyte. All in all the only brands I really buy are OEM brands, and Asus.
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    Bad/Dishonest Seller

    Damn dude. People like this ruin the classifieds for honest people. I hope you are able to get all this sorted out. I've defiantly been in this situation before. Keep with the Paypal dispute. It sucks.
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    Washing machine interfering with my computer?

    I am skeptical that it's because of your washing machine or your power outlet. It's more likely that you are getting interference from you 3.5mm jack on your motherboard or your case. I know when I plug my headset into my case I get some interference. Either way I doubt it would have an...
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    Mice with force feedback?

    A quick Google search shows that such things do exist, but I feel like you would be limited by games that have support for such hardware...
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    Waiting on UPS

    The more I use UPS the more I grow to dislike them. I'm sure it depends on who runs your local UPS office and the drivers and what not, but I have had so many unprofessional experiences with UPS...
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    Lenovo X120e with 16GB RAM?

    It's pretty pointless though to be honest. Even if you do a bad job at managing your memory 8 should be more than plenty. Furthermore if you're not gaming on your laptop it probably won't ever get fully utilized, and even if you are, you probably still won't fully utilize all 8gb.
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    Would this be enough?

    Are you running push/pull fans?
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    How Many Screens Does One Man Need?

    At first I was under the impression that all the screens were attached to a single computer. Suddenly this article doesn't seem as cool anymore...
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    The GTX 480, is it still relevant for today?

    In terms of performance for price the GTX480s are probably the best. In terms of benchmarks it is still top 10 in benchmarks even though it is 2 generations old.