Would this be enough?


Limp Gawd
Jan 22, 2011
So right now I have my i7 water cooled with an EK Supreme HF block, Magicool 3x120 radiator, Swiftech D5 pump all running though 1/2x3/4 tubing. It works great but I am thinking about water cooling my 580's.

I know that I would be fine with the D5 but I am having second thoughts of just adding to the loop. Not really sure if I need to stick another radiator in between the CPU and the GPU's. Just for clarification it would to be 2 580's.

Not looking to add a second loop as the price would exceed what i'm willing to spend. Right now the CPU is clocked at 4.2ghz and under load it hits around 70c with the Intel Burn Test. Never gets that high even in game but it's good to know that I can crank of it and it won't eat itself.

I have looked around though peoples build and just wanted to see what everyone else thought. Thanks y'all.

Water Cooling FTW!!!
I think you'd want to add a 240 rad if you can - those 580s put off some heat. I don't think you'd need another loop, you can do that single.
depending on the restriction of the blocks on the 580's you may need another pump, but so long as they aren't too restrictive you should be able to throw it all in one loop with a good 240 or quiet 320 (quiet like swiftech)
Bleh slipstream fans... great case fans, really bad radiator fans.

It's doable. You won't get great temps, since that isn't exactly a great radiator either, but the GPUs will be quieter and cooler.
Funny that you say these fans are "Bleh" looking around they offer some of the highest CFM with good dBA. I looked at the Gentle Typhoons, the Yate Loon's and these offer more CFM.

I would agree on the radiator though. I need to look into getting something better.
Manufacturer specs mean absolutely nothing, and they are liable to fudge their numbers.

Anyways, slipstreams have extremely bad static pressure. They're high flow optimized to use in an unrestricted scenario (like a case fan), not for use on a heatsink or radiator.

The Alphacool Nexxos UT60 and Black Ice SR-1 are best at the low RPM range.
What are some good fans to look at then. Since the Slipstreams have bad static pressure.

Thanks for the help.
I think it will work, will your water be warm? absolutely. Will the rig be quieter at full tilt and not burn up...I think so. Get some gentle typhoons in push pull in there
Well after looking around I dropped some cash on the Gentle Typhoon's. Picked them up off Amazon. I will get them installed on Wednesday and see how it does. If they suck i'll just say they were defective and send them back. Hoping for the best though, then again, the fans that I have now seem to be fine. We will see.
Nope, that is the other thing that I am looking at. Not really sure what to go with. I love the blocks that EVGA put on their cards, not sure how well they cool but I do like the look of them. I haven't been able to find the 580 blocks. Not sure if they are still selling them.
Thanks for the link. I have seen those before, just haven't heard enough good things. Need to do some more research. Looks like I have some work ahead of me, lol.

What I was thinking about doing is adding another 360 radiator in between the CPU and the GPU's so the water has a chance to cool down. Not sure how hard that would be but I have some extra tubing that I didn't use from the last build. Just need to lay it out and see what I can come up with.

For those of you that are wondering i'm working in a CaseLabs M10. Plenty of room but I will want to keep it clean.
Loop order doesn't really matter, especially if your flow rates are high enough.

Gentle Typhoons have significantly higher static pressure, and are pretty much the go to fans for most people who watercool without a budget.

For reference, I'm using my D5 with a Black Ice GTS 420 (GTS radiators are known to be really restrictive on the loop), GTX 360, XSPC Rasa, and a XSPC Razor 6990 block. It handles that just fine.
Loop order doesn't really matter, especially if your flow rates are high enough.

Loop flow will be improved with running short tubing runs, from highest flow block to less rated flowing blocks and by keeping bends to least degrees in radius.
Yea I'm not so much worried about the D5 no being able to handle pumping the water through, I just want to make sure that if I do this I get the results that I want.

As for the loop setup it would go


I think that if I don't add in that 2nd radiator I would get temps that I wouldn't be happy with. Sucks that the first gen i7's run hotter than the Sandy Bridge one's but that's what I have and I don't want to upgrade. Too much money invested already in this platform, lol.

Thanks for all the help everyone.

If y'all have anymore idea's I would love to hear them.

The fan's that I ordered will be here tomorrow. I'm really interested in seeing how they perform.
rats, I really wanted to see results with just 360mm of rad, I am thinking of doing the same thing but with 2x6950
I guess I could try it and see it it's ok. If not then I would have to add that second radiator.
Before I ran a Core i7 920 @ 4 ghz and a HD6990 overclocked to 6970 levels with a 3x140 radiator and 1500 RPM fans. Things got a little toasty, but not unsafe.
So it would be really hot with the 920 at 4.2ghz and 2 580's on a 3x120 radiator.
Most likely yes. My CPU maxed out at ~80 C when running the system at full tilt.
Before I ran a Core i7 920 @ 4 ghz and a HD6990 overclocked to 6970 levels with a 3x140 radiator and 1500 RPM fans. Things got a little toasty, but not unsafe.

Thanks Tsumi, that is what I thought, a lot of folks here get hung up on having their coolant near ambient, nice if you have the space for it, but not necessary
Thanks Tsumi, that is what I thought, a lot of folks here get hung up on having their coolant near ambient, nice if you have the space for it, but not necessary

Yep. The biggest benefit was my GPUs, which ran at ~55 C. That is significantly less than it would have been on air, and 3 1500 RPM fans are much less noisy than the 6990 blower. Also, my case is designed for negative air pressure, which greatly reduced my fans' performance. My temps dropped by ~5-10 C just by opening up the side panel.

Since then that has been remedied by sticking in a 3x120 radiator with 2150 RPM Gentle Typhoons in push/pull, pulling air into the case.
Thanks goes out to Tsumi for the help on the fans. These Gentle Typhoons are kick ass. Very quiet with great airflow. I can get the Slipstream fans to push more but they are damn near 3 times as loud. I can't do a push pull cause the top of my case isn't large enough, so I just did the push.

I might think about replacing all of my Slipstream's with the Gentle Typhoons.

Thanks again Tsumi, and all other in this thread that gave me some great advice.
You're very welcome. Welcome to the world of silence that Gentle Typhoons give you ;)