Radeon HD 7970 Made Out Of LEGOs

What happens when you overclock it, do the LEGOs explode into pieces?

You never put legos in the oven as a kid?

Way back when, there was a time when our old fireplace cooking area (yes I grew up in the boonies) was covered in multicolored plastic, until dad scraped it off following my ass-whooping...
I think I need to RMA mine, when I turn on my PC all I get is big lego shaped blocks on the screen...
I wonder what their reaction would be if he tried to RMA it, claimed that it's bricked. lol I cant even imagine their faces.
At least this version will make for easy modifications. I can just slap on an extra GPU if I like.
When I installed this, everything what's on screen looks like LEGO. Every words, pictures and gifs look so LEGOsque.

I'm gonna RMA that.
When I put it in my system, the video card melted and my motherboard caught fire. I sent an RMA request to both Asus and Lego. Got Lego's response:

Lego's Response
2013-7-11 [05:32]
This type of damage is usually caused by the power supply supplying regular amounts of voltage, which caused the card to melt like this, this is not covered under warranty, its consider physical damage. Also Legos are a toy, so you shouldn't be hooking them up to a computer, you twit.
When I put it in my system, the video card melted and my motherboard caught fire. I sent an RMA request to both Asus and Lego. Got Lego's response:

Lego's Response
2013-7-11 [05:32]
This type of damage is usually caused by the power supply supplying regular amounts of voltage, which caused the card to melt like this, this is not covered under warranty, its consider physical damage. Also Legos are a toy, so you shouldn't be hooking them up to a computer, you twit.
