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  1. T

    Bulletstorm, anyone interested?

    Any game that uses "acts" or "levels" is years behind the rest of the gaming world. Games these days are supposed to create a seamless world, unlike games from the 1990s. I'am going to hold off on buying bulletstorm until the price drops a lot. Maybe by the end of 2011 steam will have it on...
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    The Boy Who Stole Half-Life 2

    I remember when this leak happened, and valve blamed the leak for the delay of half-life 2. Come to find out, it was delayed before the leak ever happened. After reading the entire article, my heart goes out to the kid. Like a lot of people, he did not understand the full scope of his actions.
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    Portal 2 will be SteamPlay, hence PS3 get the PC version, but it won't work the...

    What would be nice, if Valve is working on a way to tie Mac, PC, PS3 and Xbox all together. So that if your playing Portal multiplayer on PC, your also play with all of the other platforms. The gaming community is to splintered, with each platform having its own universe.
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    Bulletstorm limited edition

    Are you trying to register it through Steam, or through the game? If your trying to register bulletstorm limited edition through steam, I have not seen that version in the steam store, so it may not be recognized.
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    Get Ready for More Dude Murdering in Painkiller: Redemption

    After the original Painkiller was released, the whole project went downhill. I bought painkiller black edition, and when Painkiller Overdose came out I downloaded the demo and thought it was pretty bad. After the reviews of Painkiller Resurrection came out, there was no way I was going to...
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    Doom 3 mods

    If you download the original doom map port for Doom 3, and read through the txt files, it sounds more like the developers ran into a disagreement and the team split up. I dont know if thats true or not, but the txt files cast a shadow on the rest of the project.
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    treyarch dev says negative 'gamers' are ruining industry

    That statement is so true. Years ago I remember a review in pc gamer. They said the only good thing about the game was that the ESC key worked to get you out of the game. Everything else was terrible and the game crashed a lot. All games will have problems, but when their full of...
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    Upcoming PC Game Titles (Which one will you buy?)

    Duke nukem Brink Diablo III And those are the only ones I'am really watching
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    Steam Rakes in Nearly $1 Billion in 2010

    If you take games like half-life, counter-strike;source, and maybe even left 4 dead 1 & 2, I'am pretty sure Valve has made their money back from development cost - so everything they make now is just about pure profit. If you look at some of the other games that steam sales - like doom, quake...
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    treyarch dev says negative 'gamers' are ruining industry

    I think that a lot of gamers have a "go-with-the-flow" attitude. That most of them can not tell you exactly "what" makes a good game, or even even "why" they like the game. As an example, I really dont care for team fortress 2. But if I post that in a gaming forum, most people will start...