Portal 2 will be SteamPlay, hence PS3 get the PC version, but it won't work the...


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 16, 2006
...other way around.

So the reason why PS3 owners will get the PC version of the game is because it is "SteamPlay" and once they link their PSN account to their Steam account it will just be there, but it won't work the other way around. This is kind of ticking me off now, I didn't mind when they said it was just a freebie to encourage cross platform, but now they are redefining (not yet officially or announced) what SteamPlay is. Before it just meant any game with SteamPlay could be accessed on with MAC or PC platform if you bought it on either, now it includes the consoles, but you have to buy it for the console. Either come up with a new term or clearly define what Steamplay is and that it is not always free.

So the OP wants Valve to send a copy of the PS3 disc to everyone who buys it for the PC? Am I understanding this correctly?
Retail titles do not show up on the console online platforms (PSN and XBL) at launch. They usually take a few months before they are available to buy digitally on those stores. That's probably why Valve cannot offer gamers who buy the PC version automatic and free PS3 digital copies, but they can do it the other way around because they own Steam. Sony probably wouldn't be happy with the idea either... the console manufacturers do not have as much experience or foresight as Valve does when it comes to digital distribution. I think there is a possibility that once the game actually becomes available for purchase on PSN later this year or next year, people who have the game on their Steam account will be able to get it for free on PSN too, but who knows.

Also, this is a ridiculous thing to get 'ticked off' over.
I don't see what the big fuss is about. Without Steam available on Ps3, it makes sense.

How would a PC or Mac Portal 2 buyer play the Ps3 version without a physical BD-ROM copy?
Retail titles do not show up on the console online platforms (PSN and XBL) at launch. They usually take a few months before they are available to buy digitally on those stores. That's probably why Valve cannot offer gamers who buy the PC version automatic and free PS3 digital copies, but they can do it the other way around because they own Steam.
Makes sense to me. There's probably also the aspect of Sony's per-unit royalties that complicate matters.

We're going to see true cross-licensing across all platforms in the future, but it won't happen until the console manufacturers are willing to play ball. Valve can do whatever they want with Steam for Windows (and Mac) because there aren't any barriers there, but the consoles unfortunately aren't so unencumbered with restrictions.
I don't see what the big fuss is about. Without Steam available on Ps3, it makes sense.

How would a PC or Mac Portal 2 buyer play the Ps3 version without a physical BD-ROM copy?

Ah, but Steam is coming to the PS3 with Portal 2, that is how the SteamPlay or free PC/MAC copy works. You log in on the PS3, which adds it to your Steam Library on the PS3, which is now in your "SteamPlay" library where you can access the game and saves on all platforms (except xcock 369). As I said, the freebie part didn't tick me off, it was the SteamPlay part because it redefines SteamPlay as something that is not just being able to access your payed content on all platforms (mind your it was defined as Mac and PC) without additional fees like they defined it when the MAC version of Steam launched.

I want to buy the PS3 version, but I do not own a PS3 so I don't know how I would access it so I can play it on the PC and its $10 ($15 with 10% off) more on the PS3.

This explains the SteamPlay aspect a bit better:

Portal 2 info (Note PS3 version about accessing on PC/MAC because of SteamPlay):

What SteamPlay is (Note, MAC and PC only):
I smell a future console-sellout by Valve. Maybe then PC gamers might stop worshipping the ground it procrastinates on.
They could easily make Portal 2 available on the PSN too for digital download. Why couldn't they just give you the ability to download it off the PSN if you own it on PC?

Not that it really matters to me anyways. I have every console any my gaming rig. But I didn't plan on playing Portal (or any FPS type game) on PS3 anyways. I'll be happy with my PC only copy :).
Ah, but Steam is coming to the PS3 with Portal 2

No, you're confusing Steam (client), Steamworks, and SteamPlay and they are all completely different things.
The client itself (Steam) is not coming to the Ps3.
Steamworks integration is being put into Portal 2 on the Ps3. Via your link:
.....The Playstation 3 version of Portal 2 will come equipped with Steamworks which will "make it the best console version of the game."

You're not going to pull up a Steam client through the XMB, that's not gonna happen. There have been no plans for a Steam client on the Ps3 and there won't be because there won't be enough games to justify it, and Sony already has their own marketplace (the Playstation Store) which is an integral part of their system (the Ps3). It even says it will be handled through the PSN on the links you've given.

you can link your PSN account with your Steam account
Very simple here. You start Portal 2 on the Ps3, it uses your PSN username to get online. It will then (most likely) ask if you have a Steam account, you say yes, you enter the info for it, and then it dumps a Steam PC/Mac copy in your PC/Mac Steam account. There is no Steam for Ps3, you can't open the Steam client on the Ps3 and DL the whole game to your HD like you can on PC/Mac. I would also assume the game has a code on the back of the instruction booklet good for 1x use only, otherwise people could just rent the game on Ps3 (only paying for the rental fee from the video store) and essentially get the game for free on PC/Mac for the $8 rental cost.
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I don't see what the big fuss is about. Without Steam available on Ps3, it makes sense.

How would a PC or Mac Portal 2 buyer play the Ps3 version without a physical BD-ROM copy?

It's also much more probable that most PS3 owners already own a computer, so that may turn new people on to steam but I bet a small percentage of pc gamers own a PS3. It just doesnt make sense and seems like a waste of resources especially if they had to provide a physical copy.
Plus if you really want both just buy the PS3 version and justify the extra $10 with the blu-ray disc, box and art.

That is another problem though, how to I activate the PS3 version to get the PC version. I am considering getting a PS3 for alot of the benefits it offers, but don't have the resources for it right now, maybe closer to Christmas, but I'm sure as hell not waiting till then to get Portal.
There is a good reason for this. Console developers have to pay royalties on their sales for the privilege to use the platform, it is not possible for developers like valve to release free games and updates on the platform because it cost them money, this is why the TF2 updates didn't come to the consoles because despite valve wanting to give away content for free they would still have to pay MS/Sony.
this is why the TF2 updates didn't come to the consoles because despite valve wanting to give away content for free they would still have to pay MS/Sony.


-MS can set prices on content on the Xbox Marketplace or they can tell companies to charge more if MS feels like they should (or wants them to). For instance - reportedly Bizarre Creations wanted Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved to be free but MS wouldn't let them release it free of charge. MS told them they had to set a price for it, so they charged 400pts because that was the cheapest price they could set it at.

Valve has said plenty of times now that they want to do TF2 updates on 360 and they wanted them to be free but MS won't let them. So Valve decided to do an update pack (or two) and rollup a bunch of characters at once for a low cost. As of yet of course this hasn't happened, I don't know if they gave up on the updates or if they just haven't released them yet.

-Sony doesn't set prices, they let the publishers do that. They don't meddle in like MS reportedly does. The reason the TF2 updates haven't come to the Ps3 is because Valve has basically distanced themselves from Orange Box Ps3 because the game is supposedly a horrible EA port that runs like crap and (at the time) Gabe hated the Ps3. Obviously either Sony did something to change his mind, or MS was too restrictive with Live and that pissed him off. 360 version of Portal 2 isn't getting any Steamworks integration at all.
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Yes MS meddle, I've no doubt.

But they still take a cut on whatever is sold on their platform and that means it costs developers purely to release free content (or content that is very cheap). In fact if the MS rules state that their cut is some percentage that is probably why they don't allow free releases, because they don't see anything for it.

The whole business model is disgusting if you ask me.
I smell a future console-sellout by Valve. Maybe then PC gamers might stop worshipping the ground it procrastinates on.

You bundle a Steam game with a PS3 game gives you a unique entry to that market. Much less so the other way around....
As I said, the freebie part didn't tick me off, it was the SteamPlay part because it redefines SteamPlay as something that is not just being able to access your payed content on all platforms (mind your it was defined as Mac and PC) without additional fees like they defined it when the MAC version of Steam launched.
So you're angry with Valve because SteamPlay now has more features then it used to? I don't get it. Why would you be pissed off that you get more things?
What would be nice, if Valve is working on a way to tie Mac, PC, PS3 and Xbox all together. So that if your playing Portal multiplayer on PC, your also play with all of the other platforms.

The gaming community is to splintered, with each platform having its own universe.
I want to buy the PS3 version, but I do not own a PS3 so I don't know how I would access it so I can play it on the PC and its $10 ($15 with 10% off) more on the PS3.

wait.... you are complaining about a game for a platform you DONT EVEN OWN...???

If you don't own a PS3 then what the fuck is the problem? Buy the PC version and be done with it.

You want Valve to do want you want so you can save money? I am totally lost at this.

They want to push cross platform, they know PC people are gonna buy, they want an incentive to get people on the console to buy.....it isn't that difficult.
What would be nice, if Valve is working on a way to tie Mac, PC, PS3 and Xbox all together. So that if your playing Portal multiplayer on PC, your also play with all of the other platforms.

The gaming community is to splintered, with each platform having its own universe.

Developers claim technical reasons why they do not do this, but everyone knows it's because the gross imbalance between the player skill on each platform.

Still valve could do it, they could re-release their software on the PS3 and 360 and call it "Steam Rolled" where console players go to get owned.
They could easily make Portal 2 available on the PSN too for digital download. Why couldn't they just give you the ability to download it off the PSN if you own it on PC?

Not that it really matters to me anyways. I have every console any my gaming rig. But I didn't plan on playing Portal (or any FPS type game) on PS3 anyways. I'll be happy with my PC only copy :).

Because it costs Sony money to allow you to download it off of PSN since they have to pay hosting and bandwidth costs.

http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_capcom/go/thread/view/7371/26288281/SSFIV_New_alt_costumes_on_PS3_-_Invisible.?post_id=480277817 said:
Hey guys,

Took a while to track this one down for you while everyone was on holiday, but here's the gist of it:

The DLC for the newest costumes is additional data that must be put on your machines from the first-party networks (XBL and PSN). When you add new data to an existing product, there are significant costs to do so charged by the first parties. On XBL, those costs were covered by Microsoft. As a result, the data is distributed to everyone, so even if you have not bought the new costumes, you can still see them if you're fighting against someone that has because you still received the new data required to display them.

For Sony, those significant costs are not covered. As a result, you only get the new costume data when you actually buy the costumes. Those that don't buy the costumes can't see them, because the new costume data isn't present on your machine, and so you only see costumes you already have the data to represent.

The story is a bit more complicated because the costs of adding new data vary by region in some cases, and some additions are free, or free within a certain timeframe, etc., but the bottom line in this particular case is that Sony would charged Capcom significant fees for distributing the new costume data to users that hadn't actually bought the DLC. Microsoft covered those costs, so the costume data is visible to all there. I wish it were the same all around, but hope this info helps.



Valve; however, is smart. They realize that if you buy portal for ps3 and also get it for free on the PC that you might just start using steam. Once you start using steam you will probably buy lots of stuff through steam and they will make their money back.
So the OP wants Valve to send a copy of the PS3 disc to everyone who buys it for the PC? Am I understanding this correctly?

Sony could offer a digital download.. Like valve is with PC users. But chances of that happening.. are pretty much zero..
eh, I thought there were to be other online modes? anyway looks like not much is known about anything....
Since the PSN account will be linked to the Steam account, will that mean that the PS3 disk will have its own unique cd-key? So you cant lend it to a friend without them using your PSN or sell the game?
I smell a future console-sellout by Valve. Maybe then PC gamers might stop worshipping the ground it procrastinates on.

Oh god. :rolleyes:

wait.... you are complaining about a game for a platform you DONT EVEN OWN...???

If you don't own a PS3 then what the fuck is the problem? Buy the PC version and be done with it.

You want Valve to do want you want so you can save money? I am totally lost at this.

They want to push cross platform, they know PC people are gonna buy, they want an incentive to get people on the console to buy.....it isn't that difficult.

Finally, someone thinking in this thread. PC gamers (and I hate using that term because *I* am primarily a PC gamer) are so goddamn whiny around here.

-MS can set prices on content on the Xbox Marketplace or they can tell companies to charge more if MS feels like they should (or wants them to). For instance - reportedly Bizarre Creations wanted Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved to be free but MS wouldn't let them release it free of charge. MS told them they had to set a price for it, so they charged 400pts because that was the cheapest price they could set it at.

Valve has said plenty of times now that they want to do TF2 updates on 360 and they wanted them to be free but MS won't let them. So Valve decided to do an update pack (or two) and rollup a bunch of characters at once for a low cost. As of yet of course this hasn't happened, I don't know if they gave up on the updates or if they just haven't released them yet.

-Sony doesn't set prices, they let the publishers do that. They don't meddle in like MS reportedly does. The reason the TF2 updates haven't come to the Ps3 is because Valve has basically distanced themselves from Orange Box Ps3 because the game is supposedly a horrible EA port that runs like crap and (at the time) Gabe hated the Ps3. Obviously either Sony did something to change his mind, or MS was too restrictive with Live and that pissed him off. 360 version of Portal 2 isn't getting any Steamworks integration at all.

Exactly. This is why the PS3 has better and more interesting exclusive downloadable games than are available on the 360. They have a much more open policy when it comes to their online services, which is why you see Valve allowed to have Steamworks on the PS3. There is no way that Microsoft would allow for unlimited pushing out of content and patches from Steam without demanding that they certify every patch that goes through and charge for content.

The only free DLC you consistently see on the 360 is when the same content is free on the PS3. There's a reason for that. :)

Either way, I actually think it would be cool if Valve also offered an updated PS3 version of Team Fortress 2 that is tied into Steam. This way, console gamers would have a version of TF2 that is kept up to date with the PC/Mac version. A friend of mine loves TF2, but he only games on consoles so he misses out on the cool updates that we've been enjoying for a long time.