Get Ready for More Dude Murdering in Painkiller: Redemption


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into Purgatory, JoWooD announces Painkiller: Redemption, the latest addition to the increasingly-large Painkiller family that finally sees the return of Heaven's original hitman.

Here's a bit of brutal honesty: every new addition to the Painkiller franchise has been substantially crappier than the one before it. The original 2004 shooter from Polish studio People Can Fly was brilliant, the Battle Out of Hell expansion was decent but comparatively flat, Overdose was just plain bad and the less said about Resurrection, the better.

But that's not going to keep beleaguered publisher JoWooD from trying to rediscover the magic yet again with Painkiller: Redemption, which will see Daniel Garner, the original Painkiller, team up with the half-angel, half-demon Belial from Overdose to bring an end to the wars between Heaven and Hell once and for all.

"The newest add-on brings the Painkiller franchise back to its roots. Breathtaking action, thousands of monsters and exotic weapons are a solid foundation for a Painkiller game!" said JoWooD's Reinhard Pollice. "With Painkiller: Redemption we deliver six new, thrilling levels for an unbeatable price!"

Sadly, he neglected to mention what that price will be, but did reveal that Redemption will offer seven to ten hours of gameplay with improved graphics, better AI, "detailed ambiance" and more than 6000 dudes to murder. Unlockable tarot cards will make a return, as will the ability to collect souls, turn into an invulnerable super-demon and kill everything you see simply by giving it the stink-eye.

It sounds like all the necessary Painkiller elements are in place but as history has shown, coming up with a really good, balls-out FPS is a lot harder than it looks. Will JoWooD finally be able to pull it off? Stay tuned!
Great news! I would be glad to see Painkiller return in the way Croteam brought back Serious Sam i.e the same game only with better graphics! But this is even better :)
I thought JoWood was basically done or at least in serious financial trouble?
they better redeem themselves with this game.
At the time of a Spellforce Steam sale, I checked out the forums - in one thread a guy totally scolded the company for Painkiller Resurrection, and a Jowood developer downright apologized to him for that game :D
After the original Painkiller was released, the whole project went downhill.

I bought painkiller black edition, and when Painkiller Overdose came out I downloaded the demo and thought it was pretty bad. After the reviews of Painkiller Resurrection came out, there was no way I was going to buy another painkiller game.

I'll keep an eye out for Painkiller: Redemption and give it a chance, but I'am going to buy it until after I see a bunch of reviews.
Damn, I was hoping for a brand new, full fledge game, but it's just an add on. :(

UPDATE: Thanks for staying tuned, because we just got the lowdown straight from JoWooD. Painkiller: Redemption is the debut project from a Polish team calling itself Eggtooth and does in fact use an improved version of the original Painkiller engine, with the same enemies and weapon models as the first game.

"Because it is an add-on, Painkiller: Redemption is not to be mistaken as a huge new game," said JoWooD's Clemens Schneidhofer. Nonetheless, he added, "It will be a solid game for Painkiller fans!"

As befits an expansion to a six-year-old game, it will also be fairly cheap, with a suggested price tag of $4.99. That's not bad for another ten hours of painkillin'. Painkiller: Redemption comes out on February 14th on all the digital distribution big boys, including Steam, GamersGate, Direct2Drive and Impulse.
they better redeem themselves with this game.
At the time of a Spellforce Steam sale, I checked out the forums - in one thread a guy totally scolded the company for Painkiller Resurrection, and a Jowood developer downright apologized to him for that game :D

But I expect they still kept his money. Words are not of much value after one has been royally ripped off by a bad game, which I am sure has happened to all of us at some point.

Jowood is the company who was behind that really bad Gothic3 rehash so I do not trust them.
PCF should get to making a Painkiller 2 instead of being Epic's mute bitch.
Except they can't, because they don't own the rights. However, there's always the possibility that JoWood will finally go under, and maybe they'll be able to buy them when that happens.
I read just yesterday that the developers of Painkiller are the people who made Bullet Time that was just released so this rehash of Painkiller by Jowood is not even done by the original developers.
eh, even PCF is not the PCF that made painkiller. For that look to necrovision. The original expansion (BooH) was a big drop in quality from the first PK. anyway I am hoping this group can do what made the first game great. The big problems with the latter two games were that they just were not balanced for gameplay and fun.
eh, even PCF is not the PCF that made painkiller. For that look to necrovision. The original expansion (BooH) was a big drop in quality from the first PK. anyway I am hoping this group can do what made the first game great. The big problems with the latter two games were that they just were not balanced for gameplay and fun.

I'm at the End of Necrovision right now and it does seem like a clear descendant of Painkiller. Necrovision is NOT a great game, but it's kept me going with a lot of innovation missing from most shooters today.

* Wackadoo original story
* multitude of weapons
* two handed fighting +kick button
* Enemies that are actually fun to fight and not a chore

I'm not saying these things are vacant from modern FPS's but they're starting to become rare.
Original was a nice surprise. Doom 3, HL2, UT2004 and Far Cry came out that same year. 2004 was a good year, stake gun ftw!
I'd love a good reason to pull out my old Painkiller DVD. Hope Redemption lives up to the standard of the original PK.