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  1. K

    pfSense 2.0 since release update and appreciation thread

    Bumping this thread. I installed Squid the other to cache some stuff, but I have a very small SSD in there. I'd like to get this offloaded to a network share with samba installed on pfsense. Anyone else try samba on pfsense?
  2. K

    Router considerations for LAN party 200+ people

    You can do this with pfsense?
  3. K

    Router considerations for LAN party 200+ people

    Moving their boxes is not advisable at all. Some of these machines are absolute beasts. However, What if I have two LAN interfaces with traffic rules. If someone needs to download or update we could manually set their IP settings. But at this point we're reserving a big chunk of bandwidth...
  4. K

    Router considerations for LAN party 200+ people

    We just had a 150Mb connection and it was barely usable. No matter how much you stress to update and install games before arrival there is always people who dont. VLANs I'm not so sure are possible. Game servers on a different subnets will never be viewable in the game's server browsers due...
  5. K

    Router considerations for LAN party 200+ people

    not w/ out spending an insane amount of money
  6. K

    Router considerations for LAN party 200+ people

    We're running pfsense. Trying to get some ideas on what would be an ideal speed and any sort of configuration options that I'd want. IN the past we've had issues with Punkbuster games and dual WANs. Sometimes PB traffic would go out one WAN and the game traffic would go out another causing...
  7. K

    [H]ard|Gaming BC2 Server info/discussion

    this server still always empty? shame....
  8. K

    BC2 Server Poll (gamemodes)

    Whats your soldier name?
  9. K

    BC2 Server Poll (gamemodes)

    You're not the only person to realize this.... ^ genius.... too bad hes banned.
  10. K

    BC2 Server Poll (gamemodes)

    hey that server was full tonite, good job! *nudge* *nudge*
  11. K

    BC2 Server Poll (gamemodes)

    Build it... and they will come! Truer words never spoken. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  12. K

    OpenVPN troubles

    thanks for the replies. the client logs say nothing about it actually disconnecting from the vpn. it just starts to time out. i dont yet know where in pfsense the server logs are located. the file manager package leaves alot to be desired. i dont believe the client config is set to...
  13. K

    Guy That Claims He Owns Half Of Facebook Submits More "Proof"

    I've read nothing on this subject but I did watch the movie. Dude got fucked royally in a raw deal in the movie, dont know how accurate it is though IRL.
  14. K

    OpenVPN troubles

    Just rolled out OpenVPN in two locations. All went well except for one client. They can connect fine. I start a ping -t to the LAN from the client pc and it pings for 60 seconds, and them times out for 60 seconds, and then pings for 60 seconds and so forth.... I have two other clients on...
  15. K

    FITES 200 - February 25th-27th 2011 Mechanicsburg PA

    Mr Deception I would imagine that the people on this forum who are trained and have many years of experience in these types of situations and environments would love for a chance to help you improve the quality of your network if you shared a few details about your infrastructure. I for one...
  16. K

    Recommend me a RAID card

    not one?
  17. K

    Recommend me a RAID card

    Right now I have an ASRock x58 motherboard handling onboard RAID5. Lately its been acting flakey. Twice now it has marked a drive as failed. Interestingly though when it marks the drive as failed it marks whole array as failed and inaccessible. I KNOW! Whats the point of RAID5 if I lose one...
  18. K

    Atom N230

    oh come on, this isnt [H] enough? It's not a 4ghz i7 but I still need this thing overclocked a little!
  19. K

    Best USB TV Tuner

    Thanks for the replies so far. An ethernet TV adapter?? I assume you mean the HDHomeRun? I assume if connected to a switch this device could also stream over wireless then? I see it uses WMC which is a plus. Any idea about local system resources? Would this device offload anything...
  20. K

    Atom N230

    Ton of forum posts all over the internet of people getting these things to, and above 2ghz. Nobody seems to want to explain anything though. How do they do it? I have an Acer Revo R1600 net-top I'd like to get some more juice out of.
  21. K

    Best USB TV Tuner

    USB is the only option. ota, no premium channels, windows 7, WMC, maybe but not a big deal. this help?? :D
  22. K

    Best USB TV Tuner

    Title pretty much sums it up. What do you have for me?
  23. K

    Accessing OWA from outside ASA

    I'm trying to access the OWA from outside. I've forwarded port 443 but tells me its closed. I can access the OWA fine internally via https://server/owa I have an ASA5505 firewall doing the port forwards. I moved the ASDM port to 4433 because I read the the ASDM running on...
  24. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    it works! Thanks for all your help!
  25. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    Thanks for the help thus far. My plane is boarding. Ill give this a try on Friday when I'm back.
  26. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    remotevpn, forgot to change it when I was entering your template. Got paste happy.
  27. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    No. I'm remoted in to one of our server while I'm sitting here waiting on my plane. Maybe I can figure it out before I board.
  28. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    When inputting your template there was one line: split-tunnel-network-list value remotevpn_splitTunnelAcl That threw an error. I don't remember exactly what it said but this must be the reason why remote clients cannot get internet., now that you mentioned split tunneling. I won't be in the...
  29. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    HUGE thanks to k1pp3r for the template thread. Its a life saver. VPN is up and working however when users connect to the VPN from the outside they cannot get internet on their machines. I connected to the vpn from outside and can also confirm this. Google searches don't turn up much except...
  30. K

    The Cisco Template thread

    this is an excellent idea.
  31. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    I've found that working with these devices are quite different than your normal switches and routers. The syntax in the commands seem quite cryptic to me. Do you have a site to recommend that I could read up on these in detail? My google searches dont turn up too much.
  32. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    Guess that comes with the experience. Thats pretty smart! One more question... Is it ok that my internal lan is on subnet, the vpn pool is on subnet and assuming everyones home computers are on subnet?
  33. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    THANKS! Where'd you find that? Or did you just type all that stuff out off the top of your head? ;)
  34. K

    Sony to Pull Out of Floppy Disc Market

    Last time I would have wanted to use a floppy was about two weeks ago. Needed to install the RAID drivers for this ancient Dell Server we are shipping to a customer. Would have worked nice if there was a floppy drive in it. There wasnt even a floppy channel on the motherboard. I was SOL.
  35. K

    Looking for help with Cisco ASA

    Thanks for your help, sorry it took so long to get back. But I entered the above command, and its showing in my access lists, but still no go. I made some other minor changes over the weekend. I don't think they affected anything. Here is my new running-config: : Saved : ASA Version 7.2(4)...
  36. K

    Give VMWARE exclusive access to a NIC

    Well I havent tried it yet, but I see no reason why it wouldnt. Thanks again.
  37. K

    Give VMWARE exclusive access to a NIC

    I am completely enlightened, when I read that post you can imagine me with my head tilted to the side, my mouth wide open, and a light bulb over my head! Thank you so very much.
  38. K

    Give VMWARE exclusive access to a NIC

    Thanks for the clarification! This whole time i assumed that that host nic had to have connectivity in order for the virtual nic to have it as well. I don't know why I thought it that way, guess thats just what made sense. So then its simple... just assign the HOST NIC a 169.254.x.x address...
  39. K

    Give VMWARE exclusive access to a NIC

    Yes looks like situation 2 then. If the NIC wasnt used in the host operating system, how would the Virtual NIC get connectivity?
  40. K

    Give VMWARE exclusive access to a NIC

    THANKS! for your interest in my problem here. I am using Workstation 7. However I don't know what you mean by a type 1 or 2 situation?