Guy That Claims He Owns Half Of Facebook Submits More "Proof"

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this guy's evidence is fake. Having said that, I will laugh my ass off if this guy gets a huge pay day out of this.

They discuss how Ceglia will fund the project. They discuss how Ceglia has funded the project (proof of payment). They discuss how Zuckerberg has met some upperclassmen--the Winklevosses, presumably--who are pursuing a similar project, and how Zuckerberg is "stalling" them. They discuss how Zuckerberg has failed to complete the "face book" project on time. They discuss the launch of the face book, which Ceglia agrees looks great.
DLA Piper is a huge lawfirm, one of the top in the world revenue wise, this should be an interesting case.
Zuckerberg, like Gates, Jobs and many others of the type, are the sniveling little thieves that everyone loves to hate.

Seriously, Zuckerberg is a major piece of SH!T, you can see it on his face and the face of his plastic girlfriend and shitty little excuse for a dog.

He stole the idea and was brilliant enough while doing it that he snuffed everyone else. Zuckerberg is a genius for sure - but so was Hitler(not comparing their actions for fucks sake - dont go there)
I think he just wants "go away" money. He sounds like a scammer.
I seriously doubt that lawfirm would have dared touch this at all if there wasn't something there they could stand on in a court of law and risk their reputation (not to mention considerable expense) in doing so.

"There's something happening here... what it is ain't exactly clear..." -- "For What It's Worth," Buffalo Springfield

For some reason those lyrics just come to mind. ;)
While I don't have an opinion one way or the other as to the validity of the guy's claims, I'd laugh for a long while if Zuck lost a fat wad of cash on this one.

Facebook and its ilk are disproportionately responsible for the internet turning more and more to **** over the last half decade so far as I'm concerned. I'm tired of horrible little "content platforms" locking things away on a particular website or application and making it darn near impossible to backup or actually own anything.

Plus Facebook is the lifeblood of Zynga, so there is that.
Yeah I don't give 2 rats asses about facebook either. But if Zuck took any money from this dude and they can prove it he's screwed. Curious... wouldn't there be a bank record or a cancelled check or something? I mean what did he do, stuff thousands of dollars into envelopes and mail them? Not likely.

It will probably break down to where facebook pays this guy a hundred million to STFU, they've paid everyone else off. Drop in the bank for Zuck.

DLA Piper is a huge firm, and one would think they would think twice about going after something huge like facebook unless the evidence looked pretty decent.
Stealing ideas is one thing... But to execute it successfully is a whole different ball game.
Zuckerberg, like Gates, Jobs and many others of the type, are the sniveling little thieves that everyone loves to hate.

Seriously, Zuckerberg is a major piece of SH!T, you can see it on his face and the face of his plastic girlfriend and shitty little excuse for a dog.

He stole the idea and was brilliant enough while doing it that he snuffed everyone else. Zuckerberg is a genius for sure - but so was Hitler(not comparing their actions for fucks sake - dont go there)
Tell us how you really feel.
whats silly is I feel like i saw this in a movie....wait a minute...
Zuckerberg, like Gates, Jobs and many others of the type, are the sniveling little thieves that everyone loves to hate.

Seriously, Zuckerberg is a major piece of SH!T, you can see it on his face and the face of his plastic girlfriend and shitty little excuse for a dog.

Don't hold back now, tell me how you really feel!

Also, I am the real Napster!
I've read nothing on this subject but I did watch the movie. Dude got fucked royally in a raw deal in the movie, dont know how accurate it is though IRL.
This is starting to sound legit.

I, for one, welcome our new Facebook Overlord.
Hmmm, if a convicted felon suddenly became one of the larger shareholders in Facebook, would I trust it with my information more or less than I do now? An interesting question...
If I owned Half of anything that large, I would only tell my family and close friends.
If I owned Half of anything that large, I would only tell my family and close friends.

If I owned anything that large, I'd tell my friends to fuck off, since I can now buy newer, better friends.
Zuckerberg, like Gates, Jobs and many others of the type, are the sniveling little thieves that everyone loves to hate.

Seriously, Zuckerberg is a major piece of SH!T, you can see it on his face and the face of his plastic girlfriend and shitty little excuse for a dog.

He stole the idea and was brilliant enough while doing it that he snuffed everyone else. Zuckerberg is a genius for sure - but so was Hitler(not comparing their actions for fucks sake - dont go there)

I remember reading those cell phone leaks or whatever and the article on how Zuckerberg stole Facebook.

It is kind of like how the IRS as a mafia owns you.
I seriously doubt that lawfirm would have dared touch this at all if there wasn't something there they could stand on in a court of law and risk their reputation (not to mention considerable expense) in doing so.

"There's something happening here... what it is ain't exactly clear..." -- "For What It's Worth," Buffalo Springfield

For some reason those lyrics just come to mind. ;)

You mean like the O.J case, guilty as hell, and if it wasn't for mishandled evidence, he would have been put away years ago, Lawyers will defend anything if they get paid.
I have ZERO doubt that the guy who has been convicted of fraud is not a liar.

I own 110% of Facebook. I have the emails to prove it.
You mean like the O.J case, guilty as hell, and if it wasn't for mishandled evidence, he would have been put away years ago, Lawyers will defend anything if they get paid.

Yeah, this came to mind when I saw that post.

Law firms will do anything if paid.
What is with these comments...I don't even...

Law firms will do anything if paid.

You obviously don't know how plaintiff's work is handled. Shut your mouth.

I have ZERO doubt that the guy who has been convicted of fraud is not a liar.

He took orders for some wood pellets and then had trouble getting them produced. Don't confuse being a bad businessman with being an intentional scammer.

I've read nothing on this subject but I did watch the movie. Dude got fucked royally in a raw deal in the movie, dont know how accurate it is though IRL.

This is not even the same guy from the movie.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this guy's evidence is fake.

Too bad you have no basis at all to say this. DLA Piper's billing rates probably range from $300ish an hour for useless first year associates to $1000+ an hour for the most elite partners. They would not spend time on a contingency case that takes time away from billing at those rates if the evidence was fabricated. The evidence would have been analyzed by their forensic team before they even agreed to take the case. Now, DLA Piper is not the most prestigious of law firms and its name is sort of a running joke among law students at top schools because they view it as a firm of absolute last resort during the recruiting process, but they still adhere to fairly high standards and aren't going to take a frivolous case that wastes potential billing time, makes them look stupid, and risks judicial sanctions. A finding that the evidence was all fabricated is about the last possible way that this case will probably end up. Instead, the case is going to turn on a few legal doctrines that Zuckerburg can use as defenses, and whether the entity Ceglia has partial ownership of is actually Facebook or not.
You mean like the O.J case, guilty as hell, and if it wasn't for mishandled evidence, he would have been put away years ago, Lawyers will defend anything if they get paid.

Yes, no matter how guilty Zuckerberg is, he can afford lawyers to defend himself.

Ceglia on the other hand probably can't afford the most expensive law firm in the country. So they are doing it because they think they have a winning case witch will earn them a huge share from a victory or settlement.
I have a feeling this law firm has a deal with this person - "If we win, we get x percent. If we lose, you pay nothing."
He took orders for some wood pellets and then had trouble getting them produced. Don't confuse being a bad businessman with being an intentional scammer.

You're making a lot of assumptions yourself. Where is the proof that he ever intended on delivering on these promises? You don't take orders for something you don't have and don't know if you can even get.
You're making a lot of assumptions yourself. Where is the proof that he ever intended on delivering on these promises? You don't take orders for something you don't have and don't know if you can even get.

If that were true, Microsoft would not be where it is today - or even exist, potentially - because of the deal they (meaning Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Steve Ballmer) made with IBM to license "their MS-DOS operating system" which didn't even exist at that point. They had nothing at the negotiating table, absolutely nothing: no code, no codebase, nothing they could have presented to IBM at that time during those negotiations.

IBM signed off on licensing - not purchasing - Microsoft MS-DOS for it's new desktop personal computers they were going to be introducing the following year.

But Gates, Allen, and Ballmer had zippo, zilch, nothing, nada, between null and void, etc, to supply IBM with at the time the deal was struck.

They had to send Allen off to see Gary Kildall - the true inventor of the first meaningful and useful personal computer operating system, CP/M - and buy that code off him (an offshoot of CP/M that Kildall had rather plainly called DOS) for $50,000 which became MS-DOS and what IBM finally got.

It's probably the single largest bluff in history. People watch poker tournaments and think bluffs for a few hundred grand, or even a few million in chips, mean something. That bluff by Gates/Allen/Ballmer against IBM at that negotiating table has probably pulled in a trillion bucks for Microsoft since that day long ago.

And no, this isn't all from a movie called "Pirates of Silicon Valley" as some might suspect - the movie is based on this actual event, just as described. The movie takes some dramatic license to make it more interesting, but the basic facts still remain: Microsoft sold IBM nothing but a bill of goods, basically, and didn't produce an actual product for quite some time - a product they didn't have, hadn't created, and - based on what they used to create MS-DOS when it was finally ready - wasn't even theirs.

What a play that was... :D