OpenVPN troubles


Apr 20, 2010
Just rolled out OpenVPN in two locations. All went well except for one client. They can connect fine. I start a ping -t to the LAN from the client pc and it pings for 60 seconds, and them times out for 60 seconds, and then pings for 60 seconds and so forth....

I have two other clients on this pfsense and all is fine (kind of, the one client wont get DNS from the internal DNS server but thats a different issue).

pFsense 1.2.3 info:
supermicro 1u -
internet connection is verizon business 25/25

client in question:
xp AND windows 7
verizon fios residential 15/5

I believe the problem to lay within his internal network. All the variables (operating system, ISP) I've tested already with other clients and they work.

Any ideas??
Is the OpenVPN software maybe doing a 60 second timeout or something?
What do your logs say? Is it showing the tunnel dropping after 60 seconds?
thanks for the replies. the client logs say nothing about it actually disconnecting from the vpn. it just starts to time out. i dont yet know where in pfsense the server logs are located. the file manager package leaves alot to be desired.

i dont believe the client config is set to disconnect after 60 seconds. ill double check but everyone is using the same config except the lines that specify the cert and key.

hope this helps