Search results

  1. J

    Dual Socket C32 Setup

    So, what is the general consensus on a dual C32 rig for SMP folding? Forget about bigadv (and the new ridiculous requirements), what if all is being done is SMP and the budget is $1,200-1,300? For $1,300, I can build this, ASUS KMCA-D8 Opteron 4820 (2) Cooler Master Hyper 212+ (2) GSkill...
  2. J

    3930K @ 4GHz vs Dual Opt 4280s - PPD?

    thanks for the info tuna. ;)
  3. J

    3930K @ 4GHz vs Dual Opt 4280s - PPD?

    Can anyone confirm the actual PPD because that is what I'm looking to find. I know a 3930k can overclock quite well (I actually used to have one, but never folded on it), but I'm curious about the 3930k's PPD at or around 4GHz compared to a dual 4280 setup.
  4. J

    3930K @ 4GHz vs Dual Opt 4280s - PPD?

    So which would be the better PPD rig? I'm trying to get some ideas for the next build. Thanks!
  5. J

    Dual C32 & Opt 4234 (6c) - Any good?

    Wow, thanks for clarifying. I can clearly see why that would upset a ton of dedicated folders (Especially folks with multiple dedicated rigs like yourself).
  6. J

    Dual C32 & Opt 4234 (6c) - Any good?

    Sheesh. That is a huge drop in PPD. What made them lower the point value for misc. types of processors/cores? (I'm not too familiar with how the points grade works)
  7. J

    Dual C32 & Opt 4234 (6c) - Any good?

    Thanks for the feedback and info fellas.
  8. J

    Mechanical Keyboard Guide

    Here's my Filco Majestouch-2 / 10 keyless. Got the custom keycap set from WASDkeyboards. Loving the heck out of the cherry mx browns.
  9. J

    Dual C32 & Opt 4234 (6c) - Any good?

    Really? Thuban based CPUs output a higher PPD despite the turbo boost of Bulldozer? Dang.
  10. J

    Dual C32 & Opt 4234 (6c) - Any good?

    Like the title says, will that combination with a gtx 580 get me a decent amount of PPD? I won't be folding 24/7 as I will be using the workstation for VMs and the occasional gaming. During the winter however, it will be folding a good 18+ hours a day.
  11. J

    AMD Bulldozer / FX-8150 Desktop Performance Review @ [H]ardOCP

    i5 2500k - $219 FX 8120 - $159 i7 2600k - $289 FX 8150 - $199 have only $200 to spend on a CPU. $200 gets you a 8120 and aftermarket heatsink, or a 8150. Another scenario..... you have $300 to spend on a CPU. Buy a FX 8150 and a NH-D14. In other words, if you have a tight...
  12. J

    On the market for DX 11.... GTX 570 or 6970?

    Here is an awesome review, answering that very question.
  13. J

    Best < $250 video card?

    6870, hands down. Power Color 6870, $199 after MIR. Why I suggest the 6870 over the 460 is simple. Runs cooler, uses less power, and the CrossFire scaling with the 6800 and 6900 series is fantastic. Get a 6870 now, get another...
  14. J

    On the market for DX 11.... GTX 570 or 6970?

    HD 6970 if you're gaming at 2560, GTX 570 if your gaming under 2560. Both are fantastic imo.
  15. J

    ASUS ENGTX580 Video Card Review @ [H]

    I've had nothing but smooth gameplay with my 6870's, including Bad Company 2 so if some of you readers are pondering whether to go with a 6870 CF setup or a 580, I honestly would encourage you to go with the 6870's. Scaling has improved greatly, ATI drivers although frequent, almost always...
  16. J

    Intel Core i5-750 Overclocking Preview @ [H]

    Is there a i5 750 overclocking thread that someone can link me to, or is this it?
  17. J

    The death of the Arena Shooter.

    I played pretty much every mainstream FPS and there is no doubt that the competitive spirit that the UT and Quake series had is slow diminishing. Quake Live is still actively played but the competition aspect of it is the only thing keeping it around. Dueling is much more popular now due to team...