3930K @ 4GHz vs Dual Opt 4280s - PPD?

Sep 4, 2009
So which would be the better PPD rig? I'm trying to get some ideas for the next build.

I'd assume you could get that 3930K up to 4.5ghz. At that speed I'd take the 12 threads of the 3930K over the 16 cores of the dual 4280.
yea whit good cooling you can take a 3930k a lot higher then 4ghz. i ran my 3930k at 4.8 on water and could push 5ghz but my chip needs 1.475 to do that so i leave it at 4.8 at 1.39v
Can anyone confirm the actual PPD because that is what I'm looking to find. I know a 3930k can overclock quite well (I actually used to have one, but never folded on it), but I'm curious about the 3930k's PPD at or around 4GHz compared to a dual 4280 setup.
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well my 3930k brings in about 40k ppd at 4.8 but i use my pc a lot and game on it so my ppd is lower then if it just sat there. and i do not run bigadv just regular ones
Unfortunately "Bulldozer" is not that good for folding. For example, the 41xx series is faster than the 42xx as is the 61xx vs 62xx Opteron CPUs. I've seen overclocked 3930Ks hit anywhere from 40 to 50K PPD. For comparison, my 12 core Opty box (2.4Ghz Socket F CPU with 12 cores) gets 35K PPD. The 4100 series is nearly identical to Socket F performance. Just my 2 cents.
My 3930K brings in 106-116k PPD with BigAdv, but if you don't plan to overclock to at least 4.7Ghz then you won't have a safety margin for BA. I really suggest saving for another year and getting IvyBridge-E, I'm thinking 8 or 10 cores then.