Search results

  1. O

    "For the [H]orde Boxen Giveaway!" Signup

    Just fired up the PS3, and about to add my laptop and desktop.
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    APC Smart-UPS 1000/1500 Replacement Batteries

    Thanks for all the recommendations guys! I'm curious as to what you mean by this? :confused:
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    So clean. :D
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    Mark Forums Read

    When I try to do a "Mark Forums Read", I get the following error. Any idea's? :confused:
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    Worms in my Network - Please Help

    1) No, using the same switch, router won't give you the same viruses. (Unless they are some new ones that infect the router firmware. Doubtful, but possible I suppose.) 2) Try running Combofix on all your computers.
  6. O

    FreeBSD: what SAS/SATA HBAs have you used?

    Areca ARC-1300 is a SAS Non-RAID HBA. Drivers work ok in windows, cause all kind of IO errors in linux when used with MD. FreeBSD has no support as of yet, areca still promising drivers. :(
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    FreeBSD: what SAS/SATA HBAs have you used?

    Still waiting, and probably will be for a while, for my areca 1300 to be supported in freebsd for some zfs goodness.
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    Seasonic M12II-620 PSU Drawing

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    Post up Your Color Combo MDPC-X Sleeving

    Red/Black/White, I love that combo. :cool:
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    Pic-log of adding a second rad to my Cosmos S

    Great job, did you see any reduction in your temps?