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    Something VERY strange happened today

    jrweis - What? timta2 - Yes. Everything appears to be fine. Babel-17 - As far as I remember I disabled Windows Defender as much as possible because I use Kaspersky and Malwarebytes already. The only backup syncing I have is Crashplan.
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    Something VERY strange happened today

    About 3 days ago, I created a folder on my desktop, and saved a few pictures and a couple text files to it. Today, I was browsing the internet and noticed my desktop flash, as if I had just refreshed it. It took me awhile to notice the difference, but after a few seconds I noticed that my...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    That looks really cool. I would consider it if I hadn't already bought other stuff. Also, it looks like their standard $600 model only has 2 drive slots, and if you want more you have to get the $2,000 model. Do you use one of these yourself?
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    How to set up a backup system?

    How would you find out what it's rated for? When I purchased it I specifically told the dealer that I would be storing hard drives and electronics in it, and they said it would be fine. But like you said, that's just the manufacturer's claim, so it would be good if there's actually a way to...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    Just checked, and it does appear to be. There is a sticker inside the door that says UL, and then another that says Intertex Verified fire resistance 1200 F for 60 minutes.
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    How to set up a backup system?

    In a horrible twist of fate, I went down to the store to buy some backup drives to get started on this, and I when I got back I saw that one of my internal drives had just failed. If it had only lasted 1 day longer, everything would've been saved. It was a Seagate though so I guess I shouldn't...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    This really sounds like overkill for the type of data I'm backing up (family photos/videos, random apps, etc, nothing of life or death importance) and I already have my most important stuff being backed up daily to CrashPlan servers. I just want something simple to backup the rest of my stuff...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    Alright so here is what I've found, please tell me if this seems good for my goal: This enclosure: 2 of these drives: I'm...
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    Question about S6 Edge being placed upside down

    Thanks, didn't know about blocking mode. Sounds useful. I'm currently using an iPhone and am ready to switch back to Android, but I haven't used Android since the Galaxy S2 so I'm out of the loop.
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    Question about S6 Edge being placed upside down

    When I go to sleep at night, I like to turn my phone upside down so if the screen lights up it doesn't wake me up. I am thinking about getting an S6 Edge and am wondering if the part of the screen on the side will light up and be visible (for example if someone calls, or I get an email...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    No, it's all split up. So for example, C is the boot drive, D is family videos, E is business files, etc.
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    How to set up a backup system?

    Yeah most of it is static, I might change a few GB or less each day. So I could get the NAS and then plug it into my desktop to run the initial backup, and then after that just sync over the network? I don't really need any of the extra backups for keeping changes, just the latest copy would...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Due to this mediocre upload speed, I don't think backing up my entire machine online is really feasible. (I do backup my extremely important files online, but that's it at the moment) Do you think my best bet for backing up my less important files would...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    I currently use Crashplan online backups for about 100GB of my most important files (business stuff, a few family photos and docs, etc). But my upload speed is only 1.5mbps which was the fastest they offered in my area, so uploading 12TB would be a nightmare. This sounds like the simplest...
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    How to set up a backup system?

    Hi everyone, I currently have about 12TB of stuff on my PC spread across 5 HDD's and 1 SSD which is the boot drive. I would like to set up a backup system incase anything fails or someone breaks in and steals my tower, or there's a fire or a flood, etc. not that I expect it, just want to be on...
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    Remote Access on Windows 8

    Whoa, I didn't know it would be so complicated. :eek: This is for new laptops. I'm only planning to use it to transfer business files from their machines without requiring them to use a third party service like dropbox. And then on the off chance that one of the laptops is stolen, I can...
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    Remote Access on Windows 8

    Through the internet. They will be taking the laptops home with them.
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    Remote Access on Windows 8

    I'm ordering some new laptops for a couple of our employees and I would like to setup remote access on them, such that I can access them whenever I want from my own computer(s), and without the employees needing to approve access or anything like that. I've never dealt with something like this...
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    Windows folder freezes up when typing

    I do have the drives set to turn off after 2 hours. However I don't believe this is the cause of the issue, because if I access the drive now to ensure it's started up and ready to use, and then I perform the steps again, it will have exactly the same issue/freeze.
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    Windows folder freezes up when typing

    Hi everyone, I have a few photo albums spread across 3 different internal HDD's, so I created a Library folder in Win 7 to include all of them. There are about 750 items total in it. It has worked fine up until a few days ago. When I want to locate a specific file, I usually will not use the...
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    How to remove bars at sides of thumbnails? (Windows 7)

    Sorry, just came back to this. The way to solve it is this: - Open regedit - Find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\video - Set the value to one of the following: 0 - no border 1 - drop-shadow 2 - photo-shadow (looks about the same as drop-shadow) 3 - video reel effect (the default...
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    How to remove bars at sides of thumbnails? (Windows 7)

    I've been going through my videos and assigning nice thumbnails to them, however Windows automatically adds these little bars on the left and right sides of the thumbnail. The only way I've found to remove the bars is to assign a thumbnail that's longer vertically than it is horizontally, but I...
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    Has the HTPC time passed

    I think right now it's relatively new for the general public, so they just take whatever is the most convenient (Netflix and iTunes) and accept it. However over time they will realize that there are better solutions to be had and will start to demand more. Personally I don't like Netflix because...
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    What is the best place to buy TV episodes digitally?

    If you want to send me the file I can try it with FormatFactory, I've used it to convert itunes DRM stuff before because the DRM protection doesn't work in my car for some reason
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    What is the best place to buy TV episodes digitally?

    Yeah the entire Amazon angle is starting to seem like more trouble than it's worth. Have you tried something like this: or could you use something like FormatFactory to just convert the file into a different format, thereby erasing the...
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    What is the best place to buy TV episodes digitally?

    Did you manage to get it working? There must be a way to strip the DRM protection from the file
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    What is the best place to buy TV episodes digitally?

    What a pain in the ass. They put all this effort into stopping illegal downloads and then they don't even offer a good legal method of obtaining the product. Zepher - did you only buy the SD versions? Deimos - it's not that I have any ethical qualms with torrenting, it's just hard to find...
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    What is the best place to buy TV episodes digitally?

    Hi everyone, forgive me if this is the wrong section but I wasn't sure where else to ask this question. I would like to download a few shows that I want to re-watch, and I would prefer to download them as it's easier to manage the files (as opposed to buying physical discs). I looked around...
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    Right click on Notepad in the taskbar

    Yeah only happening to Notepad, and as far as I know I don't have any programs like that.
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    Right click on Notepad in the taskbar

    I have Notepad pinned to my taskbar and when I used to right click on it it would show a list of the 10 or so recent txt files I had opened. It suddenly stopped doing that today, even though I didn't change any settings. I do still have "store and display recently opened items in the start menu...
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    Android Mail app - new emails won't download

    The default Mail app in Android.
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    Android Mail app - new emails won't download

    It was PayPal, not spam. It had some unusual characters in the subject (like # and *), and I did some research and it seems like a few people have had issues with emails containing special characters. I'm not sure why it has an issue with it because the phone keyboard does have those characters...
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    Android Mail app - new emails won't download

    I have my business email (@ my own server) set up in the Mail app and it's been working perfectly for months, but just yesterday it suddenly stopped downloading new emails. I redid all the incoming/outgoing settings and the app says "verifying account settings ..." and it was able to verify that...
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    Photoshop compression

    I'm using CS3. What I'm trying to do here is to save a batch of images to be used in an Android app, so to keep the app filesize low I want each image to be compressed as much as possible, but to retain as much of its quality as possible. When I compare Photoshop's 125kb file to Paint Shop's...
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    I like your setup a lot, details?
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    Photoshop help

    Here's the easy way - copy a portion of the original and paste it over the name, smudge the sides, use the text tool and pick a print font and type your name, pick a signature font and type your signature, use a medium gray for all the text instead of a solid black, merge the image, and do...
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    Photoshop compression

    Does anyone know how to make Photoshop compress images better without lowering the quality? I took a 32kb image, edited it a little in Photoshop and saved it as a JPG at the highest settings and it came out to 125kb. A trick I discovered awhile ago is if I then open the new image in Jasc Paint...
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    iPhone / Android games where you can buy stuff in the game

    Lol do people actually buy the $100 items? I was planning to charge $1 for all of them.
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    iPhone / Android games where you can buy stuff in the game

    I'm thinking about adding some unlockable upgrades into one of the games I'm developing, and trying to figure out how to do it (as in how to design the interface, not how to code it). If anyone has examples of some current games that use the in-app purchase system to let players buy upgrades...